
Research Report

The Papar Project: Introduction to the Hebrides



Crawford BE & Simpson I (2008) The Papar Project: Introduction to the Hebrides. Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland. http://www.paparproject.org.uk/hebrides_introduction.pdf

First paragraph: The papar names in the Western Isles are restricted to the north Hebrides. The reasons for this distinction between north and south Hebrides have already been speculated on above (3.2. Situation in the Hebrides; also in Crawford, 2005, 94). Is it a reflection of the different toponymic (place-name) pattern in the two areas? Or has it something to do with the pre-Norse political /ecclesiastical situation? Maybe the absence of papar places in the south Hebrides is a reflection of the nature of Scandinavian presence there which was different from Viking activity in the north Hebrides. It certainly does not reflect an absence of Christian monastic communities! The reasons are not obvious and the following discussion is a preliminary exploration of different aspects associated with the location of the papar places.

Publication date31/03/2008
PublisherRoyal Commission on the Ancient and Historic Monuments of Scotland
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ian Simpson

Professor Ian Simpson

Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences