
Research Report

Consumer Skills for All: A report by the General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland



Gardner J, Leitch R & Mitchell S (2001) Consumer Skills for All: A report by the General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. General Consumer Council for Northern Ireland. http://gtcni.openrepository.com/gtcni/bitstream/2428/8312/1/GCCNI%20consumer%20skills%20for%20all%202001.pdf

This study was designed to advise the Council in its development, targeting and implementation of a programme to improve consumer skills throughout the Northern Ireland community. In order to do this as authoritatively as possible, the strategy adopted included identifying and interviewing key people, surveying specific groups of teachers and canvassing widely for inputs from professional, voluntary, government agency, local council and local community groups.

Publication date31/12/2001
Publisher URL
ISBN1 871095 34 4

People (1)

Professor John Gardner

Professor John Gardner

Professor, Education

Files (1)