
Book Chapter

How local cortical processors that maximize coherent variation could lay foundations for representation proper



Phillips W, Kay JW & Smyth DM (1995) How local cortical processors that maximize coherent variation could lay foundations for representation proper. In: Smith L & Hancock P (eds.) Neural Computation and Psychology: Proceedings of the 3rd Neural Computation and Psychology Workshop (NCPW3), Stirling, Scotland, 31 August – 2 September 1994. Workshops in Computing. London: Springer, pp. 117-133. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-1-4471-3579-1_10

This paper discusses computational capabilities that might be common to local processors in many different cortical regions. It examines the possibility that cortical processors may perform a kind of statistical latent structure analysis that discovers predictive relationships between large and diverse data sets. Information theory is used to show that this goal is formally coherent, and its computational feasibility is investigated by simulating multi-stream networks built from local processors with properties that this goal requires. The hypotheses developed emphasize cooperative population codes and the contextual guidance of learning and processing. Neurobiological and neuropsychological evidence for contextual guidance and cooperative population codes is outlined. The possible relevance of these ideas to the concept of representation proper is discussed.

Title of seriesWorkshops in Computing
Publication date31/12/1995
Publisher URL
Place of publicationLondon
ISSN of series1431-1682

People (1)

Professor Bill Phillips

Professor Bill Phillips

Emeritus Professor, Psychology