
Research Report

Information technology and job-seeking in rural areas



McQuaid R, Lindsay C & Greig M (2003) Information technology and job-seeking in rural areas. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Findings. http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/information-technology-and-job-seeking-rural-areas

Policy-makers are increasingly turning to information and communications technologies (ICT) to provide public services. This approach is particularly relevant in rural areas, which often lack services ‘on the ground'. Researchers from the Employment Research Institute at Napier University, Edinburgh, have examined the potential benefits and barriers associated with using ICT to deliver job search services for unemployed people in remote rural communities and areas located near the periphery of major cities.

The full report, 'Wired for Work? ICT and job seeking in rural areas', is available at: Output Type: Summary

Title of seriesFindings
Publication date30/09/2003
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation