
Research Report

Social Well-Being, Cohesion and Human Health



McQuaid R & Bergmann A (2009) Social Well-Being, Cohesion and Human Health. European Commission. Employment Research Institute. http://www.elup.org/e-lup/pdf/NEW/Ch%2012_Exp_Social.pdf

The Lisbon Strategy (2000) put forward the concept of sustainable development for the European Community with the ambition that the Community and its constituent Member States could move to a system that maximized the gains of economic development without suffering all of the short and long term costs to society or the environment that had occurred in the past. Three pillars were identified as the means by which sustainable development can be attained and supported into the future.

Publication date30/03/2009
PublisherEmployment Research Institute
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation

Files (1)