
Research Report

A Profile of the Long-term Unemployed in Five Areas of Edinburgh

Alternative title Changing perceptions: an analysis of long-term unemployment in five areas of Edinburgh



Hollywood E, Lindsay C, McQuaid R & Winterton J (2000) A Profile of the Long-term Unemployed in Five Areas of Edinburgh [Changing perceptions: an analysis of long-term unemployment in five areas of Edinburgh]. City of Edinburgh Council. Employment Research Institute.

This report presents the findings of interviews carried out with long-term unemployed individuals (i.e. those unemployed for one year or more) residing in five areas of Edinburgh (North Edinburgh, South Edinburgh, Leith, Wester Hailes, and Craigmillar - each of these areas being affected by particularly high rates of long-term unemployment). 115 people were interviewed of which 81 (70 per cent) were males and 34 (30 per cent) females. A total of 91 respondents (approximately 79 per cent) were registered as unemployed and claiming Job Seeker's Allowance, and 24 (21 per cent) were not. Of the registered unemployed in our sample, 83 per cent were male. This compares with claimant count statistics that indicate that 88 per cent of the registered long-term unemployed in the targeted localities are male. Of our unregistered unemployed respondents, 58 per cent were male and 42 per cent were female. The average age amongst both men and women interviewed for the study was approximately 39 years. The average age of the registered, claimant unemployed was 40.1 years, whilst for unregistered job seekers it was 34.9 years.

Publication date31/08/2000
PublisherEmployment Research Institute

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation

Files (1)