
Research Report

Employment Inequalities in an Economic Downturn (Research Summary)



McQuaid R, Hollywood E & Canduela J (2010) Employment Inequalities in an Economic Downturn (Research Summary). Equality Commission Northern Ireland. Employment Research Institute. http://www.equalityni.org/archive/pdf/EconDownturnSummaryReport.pdf

The main aim of the research was to update understanding on the effects of the economic downturn on the employment status and prospects of relevant groups across the relevant equality grounds (age, gender, disability, BME and migrant workers, dependents, community background, sexual orientation and marital status) in Northern Ireland (NI). The research methods used included an examination of the key literature relating to the employment impacts of the economic downturn in NI and the rest of the UK; an analysis of labour market statistics across relevant equality grounds for both the over 16 population and the working age population (for clarity and consistency the over 16 population is referred to in this summary); and interviews with key stakeholder organisations in Northern Ireland.

Publication date30/09/2010
PublisherEmployment Research Institute
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation

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