
Research Report

Financial Capability - Evidence Review



McQuaid R & Egdell V (2010) Financial Capability - Evidence Review. Scottish Government. Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/304557/0102282.pdf

This report provides a brief overview of current evidence on financial capability as it relates to disadvantage in Scotland. It was commissioned by the Scottish Government and carried out by the Employment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University in order to provide an evidence platform for stakeholders, with an interest in financial inclusion, to develop a more strategic approach in their support for financial capability. Current high levels of individual indebtedness, an increasingly complex and rapidly changing financial landscape, an increased focus on individual responsibility and the effects of the current financial crisis, indicate there is a growing need for improved financial capability. However, as demonstrated by Scottish Household Survey (SHS) data, large parts of the population such as many young or unemployed people lack full financial capability. This report does not consider the availability and regulation of financial services as these are generally reserved matters and not directly the responsibility of the Scottish Government.

Report of the Scottish Government Social Inclusion Division

Publication date30/04/2010
PublisherEmployment Research Institute, Edinburgh Napier University
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Professor Ronald McQuaid

Emeritus Professor, Management, Work and Organisation

Files (1)