
Research Report

Drug Treatment and Testing Orders: Evaluation of the Scottish Pilots - Research Findings



Eley Morris S, Gallop K, McIvor G, Morgan K & Yates R (2002) Drug Treatment and Testing Orders: Evaluation of the Scottish Pilots - Research Findings. Scottish Executive. Crime and Criminal Justice Research Findings, 62. Scottish Executive Social Research. http://www.culturalcommission.co.uk/Resource/Doc/46997/0029706.pdf

First paragraph: Drug Treatment and Testing Orders (DTTOs) - aimed at providing courts with a further community-based option to deal more effectively with some serious drug misusers who commit crimes to fund their habit - were introduced in the UK through provisions in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. Under the relevant legislation courts can require offenders to undergo treatment for their drug misuse, subject to their consenting to such an order being made.

Title of seriesCrime and Criminal Justice Research Findings
Number in series62
Publication date31/12/2002
PublisherScottish Executive Social Research
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Gillian McIvor

Professor Gillian McIvor

Emeritus Professor, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology