
Research Report

The Relative Effectiveness of Risk Assessment Instruments



McIvor G, Moodie K, Perrott S & Spencer F (2001) The Relative Effectiveness of Risk Assessment Instruments. Social Work Research Findings, 40. Scottish Executive Central Research Unit. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2001/05/9200/File-1

Risk assessment is now recognised as a key element of criminal justice social work practice in Scotland and various tools are currently available to assist social workers in their assessments of offender risk. This study was commissioned to compare the predictive ability of two risk assessment tools - the Level of Service Inventory Revised (LSI-R) and the Offender Group Reconviction Scale (OGRS) - in the Scottish context.

Title of seriesSocial Work Research Findings
Number in series40
Publication date31/05/2001
PublisherScottish Executive Central Research Unit
Publisher URL
ISBN9 780755 900855

People (1)

Professor Gillian McIvor

Professor Gillian McIvor

Emeritus Professor, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology