
Edited Book

Addictive Behaviour: Molecules to Mankind



Bonner A & Waterhouse J (eds.) (1996) Addictive Behaviour: Molecules to Mankind. New York and Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=256898

In this health-conscious age there is increasing concern about tobacco smoking and inappropriate consumption levels of alcohol. Alcoholism poses an important occupational health problem which can affect an individual's personal welfare and limit his or her efficiency at work. There is concern about the increasing availability of drugs in society, the link between drug-taking and the spread of HIV in society, and the ways in which substance misuse generates more violence within society. Both excessive alcohol consumption and drug-taking may dispose an individual to antisocial actions and lead to criminal activities. By examining the underlying biological and psychological nature of these behaviours the book is intended to inform its readers of current advances in a number of relevant disciplines and to demonstrate some of the problems in collecting and interpreting information from particular groups.

EditorProfessor Adrian Bonner
Publication date31/12/1996
PublisherPalgrave Macmillan
Publisher URL
Place of publicationNew York and Basingstoke

People (1)

Professor Adrian Bonner

Professor Adrian Bonner

Honorary Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences