
Book Chapter

Happy Birthday! Publishers' Anniversaries, Celebration, Commemoration, and Commodification



Squires C (2013) Happy Birthday! Publishers' Anniversaries, Celebration, Commemoration, and Commodification. In: Wootten W, Donaldson & G (eds.) Reading Penguin: A Critical Anthology. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 171-188. http://www.c-s-p.org/Flyers/Reading-Penguin--A-Critical-Anthology1-4438-4616-3.htm

First paragraph: Why might a publishing company be interested in its past? The answer to such a question might seem obvious to a book collector or a book historian, but to a commercial business, operating in the present and planning publishing programmes for the next few years, the answer is not so evident. "Our job", said Simon Winder, Publishing Director at Penguin Press at the "75 years of Penguin Books" conference at the University of Bristol, "is to be optimistic about the future". Thus, the initial question about why a publishing company might be interested in its past leads to another: for a commercial business, what is the value of their history?

Penguin Books; publishing; marketing books

Publication date31/05/2013
PublisherCambridge Scholars Publishing
Publisher URL
Place of publicationNewcastle upon Tyne

People (1)

Professor Claire Squires

Professor Claire Squires

Professor in Publishing Studies, English Studies