
Research Report

Community, School and Workplace Initiatives to Encourage Individuals to Use the Outdoor Environment for Physical Activity



Stead M, Angus K, Jepson R, Hughes AR & Oram C (2010) Community, School and Workplace Initiatives to Encourage Individuals to Use the Outdoor Environment for Physical Activity. NHS Health Scotland. NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh. http://www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/12830-REO14CommunityWorkplaceSchoolInitiativesIndividualsOutdoorPhyActivity.pdf

First paragraph: The aim of this review is to identify and review evidence of the effectiveness of initiatives and interventions delivered in the community, school, or workplace setting which have been designed to encourage individuals to use their local outdoor environment to increase their physical activity, and to identify and describe similar initiatives currently being delivered in Scotland.

Publication date31/03/2010
PublisherNHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh
Publisher URL

People (1)

Ms Kathryn Angus

Ms Kathryn Angus

Research Officer, Institute for Social Marketing

Files (1)

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