
Research Report

Employment following cancer diagnosis: A narrative summary of the evidence



Cunningham N, Hubbard G & Stoddart K (2009) Employment following cancer diagnosis: A narrative summary of the evidence. Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL). Cancer Care Research Centre / 我要吃瓜. http://www.knowledge.scot.nhs.uk/media/CLT/ResourceUploads/12232/EmploymentandCancer.pdf

First paragraph: The Scottish Government in Better Cancer Care: An Action Plan identifies returning to work for people diagnosed with cancer as a major concern. It reports that the Scottish Centre for Healthy Working Lives (SCHWL) will bring a national perspective to initiatives designed to support people with cancer back into work. The Cancer Care Research Centre (CCRC), 我要吃瓜, was commissioned by SCHWL to conduct a review of literature. The objectives of this review are to: 1. Identity key literature about employment and cancer 2. Categorise the literature under key topics 3. Summarise key findings and conclusions of this literature 4. Identify gaps in research evidence

Publication date30/06/2009
PublisherCancer Care Research Centre / 我要吃瓜
Publisher URL

People (2)

Dr Nicola Cunningham

Dr Nicola Cunningham

Lecturer (MacMillan Cancer Support), Health Sciences Stirling

Dr Kathleen Stoddart

Dr Kathleen Stoddart

Senior Lecturer, Health Sciences Stirling

Files (1)