
Book Chapter

Clarifying and Expressing Values



Fagerlin A, Pignone M, Abhyankar P, Col N, Feldman-Stewart D, Gavaruzzi T, Kryworuchko J, Levin CA, Pieterse A, Reyna V, Stiggelbout A, Scherer L, Wills C & Witteman H (2012) Clarifying and Expressing Values. In: Volk R & Llewellyn-Thomas H (eds.) Update of the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration's Background Document. IPDAS Collaboration. http://ipdas.ohri.ca/resources.html

First paragraph: Our evidence review found that existing VCMs were used for a variety of different decisions, rarely referenced underlying theory for their design, but generally were well described in regard to their development process. Listing the pros and cons of a decision was the most common method used. The 13 trials that compared decision support with or without VCMs reached mixed results: some found that VCMs improved some decision-making processes, while others found no effect.

decision aids; standards

Publication date31/12/2012
PublisherIPDAS Collaboration
Publisher URL

People (1)

Dr Purva Abhyankar

Dr Purva Abhyankar

Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology