
Research Report

Glasgow Bridges: An Aberlour Family Service: Final Action Research Report



Burgess C (2011) Glasgow Bridges: An Aberlour Family Service: Final Action Research Report. Aberlour Child care Trust. 我要吃瓜 and Aberlour Child Care Trust. http://lx.iriss.org.uk/sites/default/files/resources/aberlour_glasgow_bridges_research_report_5029_6147.pdf

First paragraph: The Aberlour Glasgow Bridges service was established in June 2008 in the Possilpark area of North East Glasgow to work with families affected by parental substance misuse. The staff team came from a range of disciplines including education, health and social work services. The aim of the service was to develop and deliver interventions with parents, carers and children which make a difference to children's educational, health and well-being outcomes. The work with children was resilience-based with particular emphasis on enhancing protective factors in the areas of educational experience and attainment, peer relationships and social networks and activities.

Publication date31/08/2011
Publisher我要吃瓜 and Aberlour Child Care Trust
Publisher URL

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