
Research Report

Review of the Glasgow and Fife Drug Courts



McIvor G (2009) Review of the Glasgow and Fife Drug Courts. Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/299438/0093354.pdf

First paragraph: Pilot Drug Courts were introduced in October 2001 in Glasgow and in August 2002 in Fife. Following broadly positive evaluations of the pilot schemes in 2006 Scottish Ministers agreed to continue funding the Drug Courts for a further 3 years until Spring 2009. The purpose of this review is to assess the impact and effectiveness of the two Drug Courts, including cost effectiveness, in light of the impact of the summary justice reforms. This will inform future policy and funding regarding Drug Courts.

Publication date30/11/2009
PublisherScottish Government
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Gillian McIvor

Professor Gillian McIvor

Emeritus Professor, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Files (1)