
Research Report

Reconviction Following Drug treatment and Testing Orders



McIvor G (2004) Reconviction Following Drug treatment and Testing Orders. Scottish Executive. Scottish Executive. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/Doc/26350/0029550.pdf

Drug Treatment and Testing Orders were introduced in the UK through provisions in the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. They aim to provide courts with a community-based option to deal more effectively with drug users who commit crimes to fund their habits. Offenders who consent to an order being made are required by the court to undergo treatment for their drug misuse. DTTOs, which can be imposed alongside a probation order or as a 'stand-alone' option, differed from existing provisions in a number of important respects: - the role of the supervising officer (probation officer or social worker) is limited - mandatory drug testing is an integral part of the order - the courts have the power to review orders on a regular (but not more than monthly) basis.

Publication date31/12/2004
PublisherScottish Executive
Publisher URL
ISBN0 7559 3821 6

People (1)

Professor Gillian McIvor

Professor Gillian McIvor

Emeritus Professor, Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

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