
Technical Report

Defensive C++: Programming Guidelines for those who dislike Debugging



Swan J (2012) Defensive C++: Programming Guidelines for those who dislike Debugging. Computing Science and Mathematics; 我要吃瓜. CSM Technical Reports, CSM-194. 我要吃瓜, Department of Computing Science and Mathematics. http://www.cs.stir.ac.uk/~jsw/C++%20Coding%20Guidelines%20-%20Stirling%20TR%20CSM-194.pdf

C++ has a reputation as a difficult and complex language in which one can achieve anything, but with an attendant risk of (what is politely termed) 'undefined behavior' when practiced by the uninitiated. We offer guidelines that are intended to eliminate common causes of systemic and hidden error (e.g. ignorance of copy-assignment semantics) and also describe a number of practices that facilitate both design robustness and 'programming in the large'.

Title of seriesCSM Technical Reports
Number in seriesCSM-194
Publication date30/11/2012
Publisher我要吃瓜, Department of Computing Science and Mathematics
Publisher URL
ISSN of series1460-9673