
Research Report

Prestongrange and Morison’s Haven: Potential for Community History Projects

Alternative title Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project: Desk-based Assessment



Cressey M & Oram R (2005) Prestongrange and Morison’s Haven: Potential for Community History Projects [Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project: Desk-based Assessment]. Anderson S (Editor) East Lothian Council; CFA Archaeology Ltd. Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project, 937. CFA Archaeology LTD. http://www.prestongrange.org/pcap/media/documents/Year1DSR.pdf

This report describes the results of historical research and archaeological desk-based assessment undertaken in June 2004 by CFA Archaeology Ltd and Dr Richard Oram as part of the Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project (PCAP). This research represents the first stage of a larger data structure report that will be produced in 2005 following the completion of all work on the PCAP.

Title of seriesPrestongrange Community Archaeology Project
Number in series937
Publication date31/01/2005
PublisherCFA Archaeology LTD
Publisher URL

People (1)

Professor Richard Oram

Professor Richard Oram

Professor, History