
Book Chapter

Lifelong Learning: a Posthuman Condition?



Edwards R (2012) Lifelong Learning: a Posthuman Condition?. In: Aspin D, Chapman J, Evans K & Bagnall R (eds.) Second International Handbook of Lifelong Learning: Part 1. Springer International Handbooks of Education, 26. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer, pp. 151-162. http://www.springer.com/new+%26+forthcoming+titles+(default)/book/978-94-007-2359-7

First paragraph: This chapter is a thing, a gathering around a matter of concern. There is a gathering in the writing of the text, its editing and publication and its reading. It is therefore a gathering across space and time, a thing which changes, translates and betrays (Latour 1996 ) in the process of its gathering, of thinging . A strange beginning for a chapter on lifelong learning perhaps... One that may not encourage gathering - you may skip to the next chapter. However, I hope by the end of this experiment that the concerning matter has become a gathering, a thing to be referenced perhaps.

Title of seriesSpringer International Handbooks of Education
Number in series26
Publication date31/12/2012
Publisher URL
Place of publicationDordrecht, The Netherlands

People (1)

Professor Richard Edwards

Professor Richard Edwards

Emeritus Professor, Education