
Research Report

Review of Physical Activity Strategy: National Level Strand Executive Summary



Harris FM, Jepson R, Robertson R & Kielmann T (2008) Review of Physical Activity Strategy: National Level Strand Executive Summary. NHS Health Scotland. NHS Health Scotland. http://www.healthscotland.com/uploads/documents/9154-PH%20EXSummary%20National.pdf

It is now five years since Scotland's first national strategy for physical activityLet's Make Scotland More Active was launched in 2003 (Scottish Executive,2003). The strategy makes recommendations to support implementation of thestrategy including actions at a national and local level and across keygroups/organisations/settings.A review of the progress made in implementing Let's make Scotland More Activesince 2003 is now being undertaken. This piece of research was commissionedas part of this review to look at the influence of the policy at a national level.

2008/09; activities; Implementation; LEVEL; Physical Activity; policies; Policy; RECOMMENDATIONS; Research; review; Scotland; scottish; Strategies; STRATEGY; support

Publication date31/10/2008
PublisherNHS Health Scotland
Publisher URL