
Research Report

An Assessment of the Operation of the Named Person Role and its Interaction with other Forms of Patient Representation



Dawson A, Ferguson I, Mackay K & Maxwell M (2009) An Assessment of the Operation of the Named Person Role and its Interaction with other Forms of Patient Representation. Scottish Government - Health & Social Care - Health & Social Care Integration. Edinburgh: Scottish Government. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2009/03/09103446/0

Assessment; interaction; other; patient; representation; Role

Publication date31/03/2009
PublisherScottish Government
Publisher URL
Place of publicationEdinburgh
ISBN978 0755974276

People (3)

Dr Alison Dawson

Dr Alison Dawson

Senior Research Fellow, Faculty of Social Sciences

Dr Kathryn Mackay

Dr Kathryn Mackay

Lecturer, Social Work

Professor Margaret Maxwell

Professor Margaret Maxwell

Professor, NMAHP