
Conference Paper (published)

Formally-Based Testing of Radiotherapy Accelerators



Turner KJ (2001) Formally-Based Testing of Radiotherapy Accelerators. In: Procter RN & Rouncefield M (eds.) Dependability in Healthcare Informatics: Proceedings of the First Dependability IRC Workshop, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, March 22-23, 2001. The First Dependability IRC (Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration) Workshop, Edinburgh, Scotland, 22.03.2001-23.03.2001. Manchester: Lancaster University, pp. 97-99. http://dirc.cs.ncl.ac.uk/publications/proceedings/index.php

The paper presents the aims and research plan of the CONFORMED project (Conformance Of Radiological/Medical Devices). This three-year project will develop tools and techniques for modelling and testing radiotherapy equipment. Formal specifications in LOTOS (Language Of Temporal Ordering Specification) will be used to model accelerators formally and to derive tests rigorously based on these specifications.

Publication date31/03/2001
PublisherLancaster University
Publisher URL
Place of publicationManchester
ConferenceThe First Dependability IRC (Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration) Workshop
Conference locationEdinburgh, Scotland

People (1)

Professor KEN Turner

Professor KEN Turner

Emeritus Professor, Computing Science

Files (1)