
Research Report

Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : The Perspectives of Designated Managers for Looked after Children



Hennessy A, Connelly G & Welch V (2014) Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : The Perspectives of Designated Managers for Looked after Children. CELCIS. Resarch Briefing, RB:2014:09:01. https://www.celcis.org/knowledge-bank/search-bank/improving-educational-outcomes-children-looked-after-home/: CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland. strathprints.strath.ac.uk.

The educational attainment of looked after children in Scotland remains low compared with children who are not looked after, especially for children who are looked after at home. This briefing describes an action research programme led by CELCIS, exploring how the barriers to looked after children’s learning can be overcome. Designated Managers for looked after children (DMs), pastoral staff and education officers in four local authorities were asked to describe the learning journey of the looked after children within their schools. Staff from early-years’ centres, primary schools and secondary schools were consulted. The consultation was intended to inform current work by CELCIS using improvement methodology to test practice aimed at achieving positive educational outcomes for looked after children.

looked after children; designated managers; education; educational outcomes; Child Health; Child health services; Social Sciences;

Title of seriesResarch Briefing
Number in seriesRB:2014:09:01
Publication date30/09/2014
Publisher URLstrathprints.strath.ac.uk
Place of publicationhttps://www.celcis.org/knowledge-bank/search-bank/improving-educational-outcomes-children-looked-after-home/

People (1)

Dr Alison Hennessy

Dr Alison Hennessy

Lecturer, Education

Files (1)