
Research Report

Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : Use of 'Improvement Methodology'



Hennessy A & Connelly G (2014) Improving Educational Outcomes for Children Looked after at Home : Use of 'Improvement Methodology'. CELCIS. Research Briefing, RB:2014:09:02. https://www.celcis.org/knowledge-bank/search-bank/improving-educational-outcomes-looked-after-children-use-improvement-methodology/: CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.

CELCIS has been working with a number of local authorities throughout Scotland using 'Improvement Methodology' to improve educational outcomes for looked after children. Improvement Methodology works on the principle of applying and studying small changes which can be tweaked until improvements can be measured. A 'test of change' is carried out by implementing Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) cycles. Here we introduce the use of the methodology in this context, and share the experiences of City of Edinburgh Council, which was the first local authority to take part in this work.

looked after children; education outcomes; improvement methodologies; Plan Do Study Act (PDSA); Social pathology; Social and public welfare; Social Sciences;

Title of seriesResearch Briefing
Number in seriesRB:2014:09:02
Publication date01/09/2014
Place of publicationhttps://www.celcis.org/knowledge-bank/search-bank/improving-educational-outcomes-looked-after-children-use-improvement-methodology/

People (1)

Dr Alison Hennessy

Dr Alison Hennessy

Lecturer, Education

Files (1)