
Research Report

Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children



Hennessy A (2016) Improving Transitions to Secondary School for Looked After Children. CELCIS. https://www.celcis.org/files/7314/6367/6206/Imp_transitions_to_secondary_school_FINAL.pdf: CELCIS: Centre for Excellence for Looked After Children in Scotland.

CELCIS carried out work in North Lanarkshire with a secondary school and one of its feeder primaries. This work was designed to enhance the transition experiences of looked after children within the learning community, and formed part of an action research project which used ‘Improvement Methodology’ and ‘tests of change’ to achieve its aims. Changes were implemented, studied and adapted until improvements were measured. Bespoke enhanced transition visits for the children and presence of secondary school staff at relevant meetings led to an increase in the children’s readiness for secondary school.

Publication date01/03/2016
Related URLs
Place of publicationhttps://www.celcis.org/files/7314/6367/6206/Imp_transitions_to_secondary_school_FINAL.pdf

People (1)

Dr Alison Hennessy

Dr Alison Hennessy

Lecturer, Education