
Policy Document

Brexit and the Environment: Challenges Lying Ahead



Savaresi A (2018) Brexit and the Environment: Challenges Lying Ahead. Scottish Centre on European Relations. Edinburgh. https://www.scer.scot/wp-content/uploads/SCER-Brexit-Roundup-Apr-2018.pdf

First paragraph: Brexit’s implications for environmental law-making and enforcement in the UK are symptomatic of the challenges associated with breaking away from the EU. As I have already argued elsewhere, while nobody suggests that after Brexit the UK will turn into a lawless land, the loss of the EU’s comparatively stable regulatory, enforcement and governance frameworks requires that these be somehow replaced, within a relatively short time frame. The same applies to EU funding and cooperation programmes that, for good or ill, presently provide the lifeblood of several UK conservation and research initiatives.

Publication date23/04/2018
Publisher URL
Place of publicationEdinburgh

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