Book Chapter
Video and observation data as a method to document practice and performances of gender in the dementia care-based hair salon: practices and processes
Campbell S & Ward R (2018) Video and observation data as a method to document practice and performances of gender in the dementia care-based hair salon: practices and processes. In: Keady J, Hyden L, Johnson A & Swarbrick C (eds.) Social research methods in dementia studies: inclusion and innovation. Routledge Advances in Research Methods. London: Routledge, pp. 96-117.
Translating rights: The Peruvian Languages Act in Quechua and Aymara
de Pedro Ricoy R, Howard R & Ciudad LA (2018) Translating rights: The Peruvian Languages Act in Quechua and Aymara. Amerindia, 40 (1), pp. 219-245.
Conference Paper (published)
Mutual Information Iterated Local Search: A Wrapper-Filter Hybrid for Feature Selection in Brain Computer Interfaces
Adair J, Brownlee A & Ochoa G (2018) Mutual Information Iterated Local Search: A Wrapper-Filter Hybrid for Feature Selection in Brain Computer Interfaces. In: Applications of Evolutionary Computation. EvoApplications 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10784. EvoStar 2018, Parma, Italy, 04.04.2018-06.04.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 63-77.;
Activismo, derechos lingüísticos e ideologías: La traducción e interpretación en lenguas originarias en el Perú
de Pedro Ricoy R, Ciudad LA & Howard R (2018) Activismo, derechos lingüísticos e ideologías: La traducción e interpretación en lenguas originarias en el Perú [Activism, Language Rights and Ideologies : Translation and interpreting in the indigenous languages of Peru]. INDIANA, 35 (1), pp. 139-163.
The professional learning of further education lecturers: Effects of initial lecturer education programmes on continuing professional learning in Scotland and Wales
Husband G (2018) The professional learning of further education lecturers: Effects of initial lecturer education programmes on continuing professional learning in Scotland and Wales. Research in Post Compulsory Education, 23 (2), pp. 159-180.
Partisanship, priming and participation in public-good schemes
Briguglio M, Delaney L & Wood AM (2018) Partisanship, priming and participation in public-good schemes. European Journal of Political Economy, 55, pp. 136-150.
Conference Paper (published)
Evolving training sets for improved transfer learning in brain computer interfaces
Adair J, Brownlee A, Daolio F & Ochoa G (2018) Evolving training sets for improved transfer learning in brain computer interfaces. In: Nicosia G, Pardalos P, Giuffrida G & Umeton R (eds.) Machine Learning, Optimization, and Big Data. MOD 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10710. MOD 2017 - The Third International Conference on Machine Learning, Optimization and Big Data, Volterra, Italy, 14.09.2017-17.09.2017. Cham, Switzerland: Springer, pp. 186-197.;
3D heritage visualisation and the negotiation of authenticity: the ACCORD project
Jones S, Jeffrey S, Maxwell M, Hale A & Jones C (2018) 3D heritage visualisation and the negotiation of authenticity: the ACCORD project. International Journal of Heritage Studies, 24 (4), pp. 333-353.
Consensus Statement of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia Related to Post-Diagnostic Support
Watchman K, Dodd K, Janicki M, Coppus A, Gaertner C, Fortea J, Santos F, Keller S & Strydom A (2018) Consensus Statement of the International Summit on Intellectual Disability and Dementia Related to Post-Diagnostic Support. Aging and Mental Health, 22 (11), pp. 1406-1415.
Book Chapter
The implications of pornification: Pornography, the mainstream and false equivalences
Boyle K (2018) The implications of pornification: Pornography, the mainstream and false equivalences. In: Lombard N (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Gender and Violence. London: Routledge, pp. 85-96.
Modeling bivariate change in individual differences: Prospective associations between personality and life satisfaction
Hounkpatin HO, Boyce CJ, Dunn G & Wood AM (2018) Modeling bivariate change in individual differences: Prospective associations between personality and life satisfaction. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 115 (6), pp. 12-29.
Race, Ethnicity and Gang Violence: Exploring Multicultural Tensions in Contemporary Danish Cinema
Moffat K (2018) Race, Ethnicity and Gang Violence: Exploring Multicultural Tensions in Contemporary Danish Cinema. Scandinavian Canadian Studies, 25, pp. 136-153.
Conditional Volatility Nexus between Stock Markets and Macroeconomic Variables: Empirical Evidence of G-7 Countries
Abbas G, McMillan D & Wang S (2018) Conditional Volatility Nexus between Stock Markets and Macroeconomic Variables: Empirical Evidence of G-7 Countries. Journal of Economic Studies, 45 (1), pp. 77-99.
How older people as pedestrians perceive the outdoor environment - methodological issues derived from studies in two European countries
Wennberg H, Phillips J & Stahl A (2018) How older people as pedestrians perceive the outdoor environment - methodological issues derived from studies in two European countries. Ageing and Society, 38 (12), pp. 2435-2467.
Lottery judgments: A philosophical and experimental study
Ebert PA, Smith M & Durbach I (2018) Lottery judgments: A philosophical and experimental study. Philosophical Psychology, 31 (1), pp. 110-138.
Mandated disclosures under IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and IAS 38 Intangible Assets: Value relevance and impact on analysts' forecasts
André P, Dionysiou D & Tsalavoutas I (2018) Mandated disclosures under IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and IAS 38 Intangible Assets: Value relevance and impact on analysts' forecasts. Applied Economics, 50 (7), pp. 707-725.
Developing critical being in an undergraduate science course
Wilson A & Howitt S (2018) Developing critical being in an undergraduate science course. Studies in Higher Education, 43 (7), pp. 1160-1171.
Book Chapter
Matrimonium quid proprie sit: John Wyclif on Marriage, Consent and Consummation
Penn S (2018) Matrimonium quid proprie sit: John Wyclif on Marriage, Consent and Consummation. In: Blazek P (ed.) Sacramentum Magnum. Die Ehe in der mittelalterlichen Theologie. Le Marriage dans la théologie médiévale. Marriage in medieval theology. Archa verbi. Subsidia, 15. Munster: Aschendorff Verlag, pp. 399-411.
Response of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPPT) in the Wujiang catchment (China) to the construction of cascade hydropower stations
Sun J, Hunter PD, Cao Y, Doeser A & Li W (2018) Response of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPPT) in the Wujiang catchment (China) to the construction of cascade hydropower stations. Inland Waters, 8 (2), pp. 239-253.
Provisioning the slave trade: The supply of corn on the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast
Law R (2018) Provisioning the slave trade: The supply of corn on the Seventeenth-Century Gold Coast. African Economic History, 46 (1), pp. 1-35.
Book Chapter
Inside the Elephant's Graveyard: Revising Geoffrey Bullough's Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare
Drakakis J (2018) Inside the Elephant's Graveyard: Revising Geoffrey Bullough's Narrative and Dramatic Sources of Shakespeare. In: Halsey K & Vine A (eds.) Shakespeare and Authority: Citations, Conceptions and Constructions. London: Palgrave, pp. 55-78.
Electronic Swallowing Intervention Package to Support Swallowing Function in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: Development and Feasibility Study
Cowie J, Boa S, King E, Wells M & Cairns D (2018) Electronic Swallowing Intervention Package to Support Swallowing Function in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: Development and Feasibility Study. JMIR Formative Research, 2 (2), Art. No.: e15.
Adding omega-3 fatty acids to a protein-based supplement during pre-season training results in reduced muscle soreness and the better maintenance of explosive power in professional Rugby Union players
Black KE, Witard OC, Baker D, Healey P, Lewis V, Tavares F, Christensen S, Pease T & Smith B (2018) Adding omega-3 fatty acids to a protein-based supplement during pre-season training results in reduced muscle soreness and the better maintenance of explosive power in professional Rugby Union players. European Journal of Sport Science, 18 (10), pp. 1357-1367.
Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI data using iCOR algorithm: validation for coastal and inland waters
De Keukelaere L, Sterckx S, Adriaensen S, Knaeps E, Reusen I, Giardino C, Bresciani M, Hunter P, Neil C, Van der Zande D & Vaiciute D (2018) Atmospheric correction of Landsat-8/OLI and Sentinel-2/MSI data using iCOR algorithm: validation for coastal and inland waters. European Journal of Remote Sensing, 51 (1), pp. 525-542.
Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in the Scottish Curriculum
Shapira M & Priestley M (2018) Narrowing the Curriculum? Contemporary trends in provision and attainment in the Scottish Curriculum. Scottish Educational Review, 50 (1), pp. 75-107.
Book Chapter
Resettlement, Reintegration and Desistance in Europe
McNeill F & Graham H (2018) Resettlement, Reintegration and Desistance in Europe. In: Dünkel F, Pruin I, Storgaard A & Weber J (eds.) Prisoner Resettlement in Europe. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 365-382.
Data journalism sustainability: An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting
Stalph F & Borges Rey E (2018) Data journalism sustainability: An outlook on the future of data-driven reporting. Digital Journalism, 6 (8), pp. 1078-1089.
Conference Paper (published)
Analyzing the Evolution of Vocabulary Terms and Their Impact on the LOD Cloud
Abdel-Qader M, Scherp A & Vagliano I (2018) Analyzing the Evolution of Vocabulary Terms and Their Impact on the LOD Cloud. In: Gangemi A, Navigli R, Vidal M, Hitzler P, Troncy R, Hollink L, Tordai A & Alam M (eds.) The Semantic Web. ESWC 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10843. European Semantic Web Conference, Crete, Greece, 03.06.2018-07.06.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-16.
Conference Paper (published)
A Case Study of Closed-Domain Response Suggestion with Limited Training Data
Galke L, Gerstenkorn G & Scherp A (2018) A Case Study of Closed-Domain Response Suggestion with Limited Training Data. In: Elloumi M, Granitzer M, Hameurlain A, Seifert C, Stein B, Tjoa A & Wagner R (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications. DEXA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 903. DEXA 2018: International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 03.09.2018-06.09.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 218-229.
Conference Paper (published)
What to Read Next? Challenges and Preliminary Results in Selecting Representative Documents
Beck T, B?schen F & Scherp A (2018) What to Read Next? Challenges and Preliminary Results in Selecting Representative Documents. In: Elloumi M, Granitzer M, Hameurlain A, Seifert C, Stein B, Tjoa A & Wagner R (eds.) Database and Expert Systems Applications. DEXA 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 903. 29th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, DEXA 2018, Regensburg, Germany, 03.09.2018-06.09.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 230-242.
Edited Book
New Perspectives on Prison Masculinities
Maycock MW & Hunt K (eds.) (2018) New Perspectives on Prison Masculinities. Palgrave Studies in Prisons and Penology. London: Palgrave Macmillan.;
Book Chapter
Local Rights Claims in International Negotiations: Transnational Human Rights Networks at the Climate Conferences
Schapper A (2018) Local Rights Claims in International Negotiations: Transnational Human Rights Networks at the Climate Conferences. In: Duyck S, Jodoin S & Johl A (eds.) Routledge Handbook on Human Rights and Climate Governance. London: Routledge, pp. 43-57.
Eliciting student teacher's views on educational research to support practice in the modern diverse classroom: a workshop approach
McCartney E, Marwick H, Hendry G & Ferguson EC (2018) Eliciting student teacher's views on educational research to support practice in the modern diverse classroom: a workshop approach. Higher Education Pedagogies, 3 (1), pp. 342-372.
Jurisdictional conflicts and individual liberty – the encroaching burden of technicality in Nigeria
Okoli PN & Umeche CI (2018) Jurisdictional conflicts and individual liberty – the encroaching burden of technicality in Nigeria. The International Journal of Human Rights, 22 (4), pp. 473-487.
There Is No Such Thing as an International Elite Under-9 Soccer Player
Kirkland A & O'Sullivan M (2018) There Is No Such Thing as an International Elite Under-9 Soccer Player. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine, 17 (4), pp. 680-685.
A multicriteria resource allocation model for the redesign of services following birth
Bowers J, Cheyne H, Mould G, Miller M, Page M, Harris F & Bick D (2018) A multicriteria resource allocation model for the redesign of services following birth. BMC Health Services Research, 18 (1), Art. No.: 656.
Book Chapter
An Introduction: Political Representation
Damen M, Haemers J & Mann AJ (2018) An Introduction: Political Representation. In: Damen M, Haemers J & Mann A (eds.) Political Representation: Communities, Ideas and Institutions in Europe ( c. 1200-c. 1690). Later Mediaeval Europe, 15. Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers, pp. 1-16.
Towards workload-aware cloud resource provisioning using a multi-controller fuzzy switching approach
Ullah A, Li J & Hussain A (2018) Towards workload-aware cloud resource provisioning using a multi-controller fuzzy switching approach. International Journal of High Performance Computing and Networking, 12 (1), pp. 13-25.
Conference Paper (published)
Norse castles in Scotland: Context and landscape
Wyeth W (2018) Norse castles in Scotland: Context and landscape. In: Ch?teau Gaillard 28 : l’environnement du ch?teau. Ch?teau Gaillard. Etudes de castellologie médiévale, CHATEAU 28. The XXVIIIth Ch?teau Gaillard conference, Roscommon, Ireland, 08.2016-08.2016. Caen, France: Presses universitaires de Caen, pp. 311-318.
Creating personas for political and social consciousness in HCI design
Wilson A, De Paoli S, Forbes P & Sachy M (2018) Creating personas for political and social consciousness in HCI design. Persona Studies, 4 (2), pp. 25-46.
Conference Paper (published)
Perturbation strength and the global structure of qap fitness landscapes
Ochoa G & Herrmann S (2018) Perturbation strength and the global structure of qap fitness landscapes. In: Fonseca C, Lourenco N, Machado P, Paquete L, Auger A & Whitley D (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV. PPSN 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11102. PPSN 2018: International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Coimbra, Portugal, 08.09.2018-12.09.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag, pp. 245-256.
Conference Paper (published)
Sampling local optima networks of large combinatorial search spaces: The qap case
Verel S, Daolio F, Ochoa G & Tomassini M (2018) Sampling local optima networks of large combinatorial search spaces: The qap case. In: Fonseca C, Lourenco N, Machado P, Paquete L, Auger A & Whitley D (eds.) Parallel Problem Solving from Nature – PPSN XV. PPSN 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11102. PPSN 2018: International Conference on Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, Coimbra, Portugal, 08.09.2018-12.09.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag, pp. 257-268.
Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species
Hacket-Pain AJ, Ascoli D, Vacchiano G, Biondi F, Cavin L, Conedera M, Drobyshev I, Li?án ID, Friend AD, Grabner M, Hartl C, Kreyling J, Lebourgeois F, Levani? T & Menzel A (2018) Climatically controlled reproduction drives interannual growth variability in a temperate tree species. Ecology Letters, 21 (12), pp. 1833-1844.
Biomimetic oyster shell–replicated topography alters the behaviour of human skeletal stem cells
Waddell SJ, de Andrés MC, Tsimbouri PM, Alakpa EV, Cusack M, Dalby MJ & Oreffo ROC (2018) Biomimetic oyster shell–replicated topography alters the behaviour of human skeletal stem cells. Journal of Tissue Engineering, 9.
Music, emotion and remembrance: unveiling memorials to the fallen of the First World War in Scotland
Smyth J (2018) Music, emotion and remembrance: unveiling memorials to the fallen of the First World War in Scotland. Social History, 43 (4), pp. 435-454.
Conference Paper (published)
Comparison of the currents in the Dirichlet and Neumann shortwave diffraction problems of a plane wave from smooth prolate bodies of revolution
Kirpichnikova A & Kirpichnikova N (2018) Comparison of the currents in the Dirichlet and Neumann shortwave diffraction problems of a plane wave from smooth prolate bodies of revolution. In: Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2018. Days on Diffraction 2018, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 04.06.2018-08.06.2018. St Petersburg: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, pp. 161-167.
Clinical decision support systems: A visual survey
Farooq K, Khan BS, Niazi MA, Leslie SJ & Hussain A (2018) Clinical decision support systems: A visual survey. Informatica (Slovenia), 42 (4), pp. 485-505.
Book Chapter
Museum Nature
Alberti SJMM (2018) Museum Nature. In: Curry H, Jardine N, Secord J & Spary E (eds.) Worlds of Natural History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (CUP), pp. 348-362.
Perceptions of the existence and causes of structural violence in Ogoni communities, Nigeria
Okeke-Ogbuafor N, Gray TS & Stead SM (2018) Perceptions of the existence and causes of structural violence in Ogoni communities, Nigeria. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 36 (2), pp. 229-244.
The forgotten pirates: Iraqi and Iranian pirates in the Arabian gulf who have never been reported to the international maritime bureau
Alqattan MEA, Gray T & Stead SM (2018) The forgotten pirates: Iraqi and Iranian pirates in the Arabian gulf who have never been reported to the international maritime bureau. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 41 (5), pp. 408-417.
The impact of social network on the innovative behavior of IT professionals: what is the role of sharing mistakes?
Khorakian A & Jahangir M (2018) The impact of social network on the innovative behavior of IT professionals: what is the role of sharing mistakes?. E and M Ekonomie a Management, 21 (3), pp. 188-204.
The information content of the stock and bond return correlation
McMillan DG (2018) The information content of the stock and bond return correlation. Quantitative Finance and Economics, 2 (3), pp. 757-775.
Reflexión infrapolítica y democracia: una introducción
Mu?oz G & Baker P (2018) Reflexión infrapolítica y democracia: una introducción. Pensamiento al Margen, Especial, Art. No.: 1.
Update on the status of leptospirosis in New Zealand
El-Tras WF, Bruce M, Holt HR, Eltholth MM & Merien F (2018) Update on the status of leptospirosis in New Zealand. Acta Tropica, 188, pp. 161-167.
Is the Climate Change Act 2008 a Constitutional Statute?
Muinzer TL (2018) Is the Climate Change Act 2008 a Constitutional Statute?. European Public Law, 24 (4), pp. 733-754.
Consultancy Report
The Fair Funding Review – Some Comments
King DN (2018) The Fair Funding Review – Some Comments. Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government. London.
The Role of Reactive Iron in the Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in Estuarine Sediments
Zhao B, Yao P, Bianchi TS, Shields MR, Cui X, Zhang X, Huang X, Schroeder C, Zhao J & Yu Z (2018) The Role of Reactive Iron in the Preservation of Terrestrial Organic Carbon in Estuarine Sediments. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 123 (12), pp. 3556-3569.
Book Chapter
The Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) reproductive physiology, broodstock management and spawning behaviour
Davie A, Grant B, Clark W & Migaud H (2018) The Ballan wrasse (Labrus bergylta) reproductive physiology, broodstock management and spawning behaviour. In: Treasurer J (ed.) Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications. Sheffield: 5m Books, pp. 34-45.
Book Chapter
Cleanerfish species nutrition and feed practices
Kousoulaki K, Migaud H & Davie A (2018) Cleanerfish species nutrition and feed practices. In: Treasurer J (ed.) Cleaner Fish Biology and Aquaculture Applications. Sheffield: 5m Books.
Can professional football clubs deliver a weight management programme for women: a feasibility study
Bunn C, Donnachie C, Wyke S, Hunt K, Brennan G, Lennox JC, MacLean A & Gray CM (2018) Can professional football clubs deliver a weight management programme for women: a feasibility study. BMC Public Health, 18, Art. No.: 1330.
Through the glass ceiling: is mentoring the way forward?
Lantz-Deaton C, Tabassum N & McIntosh B (2018) Through the glass ceiling: is mentoring the way forward?. International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management, 18 (3-4), pp. 167-197.
Using evidence to influence policy: Oxfam's experience
Mayne R, Green D, Guijt I, Walsh M, English R & Cairney P (2018) Using evidence to influence policy: Oxfam's experience. Palgrave Communications, 4 (1), Art. No.: 122.
Measurement of open innovation in the marine biotechnology sector in Oman
Al-Belushi KIA, Stead SM, Gray T & Burgess JG (2018) Measurement of open innovation in the marine biotechnology sector in Oman. Marine Policy, 98, pp. 164-173.
Community based aquaculture in the western Indian Ocean: Challenges and opportunities for developing sustainable coastal livelihoods
Ateweberhan M, Hudson J, Rougier A, Jiddawi NS, Msuya FE, Stead SM & Harris A (2018) Community based aquaculture in the western Indian Ocean: Challenges and opportunities for developing sustainable coastal livelihoods. Ecology and Society, 23 (4), Art. No.: 17.
Conference Paper (published)
Lesson Study Matters in Ireland
McSweeney K & Gardner J (2018) Lesson Study Matters in Ireland. In: Dislere V (ed.) Rural Environment, Education, Personality (REEP): Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, volume 11. Rural Environment Education Personality (REEP) Proceedings, 11. Rural Environment. Education. Personality (REEP 2018), Jelgava, Latvia, 11.05.2018-12.05.2018. Jelgava, Latvia: Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies, pp. 304-313.
Physical Activity Intervention for Loneliness (PAIL) in community-dwelling older adults: protocol for a feasibility study
Shvedko AV, Thompson JL, Greig CA & Whittaker AC (2018) Physical Activity Intervention for Loneliness (PAIL) in community-dwelling older adults: protocol for a feasibility study. Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 4 (1), Art. No.: 187.
Effects on Cardiovascular Risk Scores and Vascular Age After Aerobic Exercise and Nutritional Intervention in Sedentary and Overweight/Obese Adults with Primary Hypertension: The EXERDIET-HTA Randomized Trial Study
Gorostegi-Anduaga I, Maldonado-Martín S, MartinezAguirre-Betolaza A, Corres P, Romaratezabala E, Whittaker AC, Francisco-Terreros S & Pérez-Asenjo J (2018) Effects on Cardiovascular Risk Scores and Vascular Age After Aerobic Exercise and Nutritional Intervention in Sedentary and Overweight/Obese Adults with Primary Hypertension: The EXERDIET-HTA Randomized Trial Study. High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention, 25 (4), pp. 361-368.
Assessment of the cerebral pressure-flow relationship using psychological stress to manipulate blood pressure
Brindle RC, Ginty AT, Whittaker AC, Carroll D & Lucas SJE (2018) Assessment of the cerebral pressure-flow relationship using psychological stress to manipulate blood pressure. Psychophysiology, 55 (12), Art. No.: e13265.
The utility of saliva for the assessment of anti-pneumococcal antibodies: investigation of saliva as a marker of antibody status in serum
Heaney JLJ, Phillips AC, Carroll D & Drayson MT (2018) The utility of saliva for the assessment of anti-pneumococcal antibodies: investigation of saliva as a marker of antibody status in serum. Biomarkers, 23 (2), pp. 115-122.
Policy Document
Specialist palliative care in nursing homes: Integrating care to improve quality of life and reduce costs
Forbat L, Liu W, Lam L, Johnson N, Chapman M & Koerner J (2018) Specialist palliative care in nursing homes: Integrating care to improve quality of life and reduce costs. 我要吃瓜. Stirling. /research/public-policy-hub/policy-briefings/
Book Chapter
Sedentary Behaviour and the Social and Physical Environment
Gorely T & Ryde G (2018) Sedentary Behaviour and the Social and Physical Environment. In: Leitzmann M, Jochem C & Schmid D (eds.) Sedentary Behaviour Epidemiology. Springer Series on Epidemiology and Public Health. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 545-564.
Book Chapter
Second language learning through repeated engagement in a poster presentation task
Kobayashi E & Kobayashi M (2018) Second language learning through repeated engagement in a poster presentation task. In: Bygate M (ed.) Learning Language through Task Repetition. Task-Based Language Teaching. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing, p. 223–254.
Research Report
Overcoming the perceived low status of Early Learning and Care sector and increasing its attractiveness to the low-qualified people
Webb A & McQuaid R (2018) Overcoming the perceived low status of Early Learning and Care sector and increasing its attractiveness to the low-qualified people. Replay-VET ERASMUS+. Briefing Paper (How-to-guide). Frankfurt, Germany.
Research Report
Developing a strategic action plan for skills among low qualified people in the Early Learning and Childcare sector
McQuaid R & Webb A (2018) Developing a strategic action plan for skills among low qualified people in the Early Learning and Childcare sector. Replay-VET ERASMUS+. Briefing paper (How-to-guide). Frankfurt, Germany.
Wind and trophic status explain within and among-lake variability of algal biomass: Variability of phytoplankton biomass
Rusak JA, Tanentzap AJ, Klug JL, Rose KC, Hendricks SP, Jennings E, Laas A, Pierson D, Ryder E, Smyth RL, White DS, Winslow LA, Adrian R, Arvola L & Jones ID (2018) Wind and trophic status explain within and among-lake variability of algal biomass: Variability of phytoplankton biomass. Limnology and Oceanography Letters, 3 (6), pp. 409-418.
A qualitative investigation of the role of sport coaches in designing and delivering a complex community sport intervention for increasing physical activity and improving health
Mansfield L, Kay T, Anokye N & Fox-Rushby J (2018) A qualitative investigation of the role of sport coaches in designing and delivering a complex community sport intervention for increasing physical activity and improving health. BMC Public Health, 18, Art. No.: 1196.
Remembering Algeria: melancholy, depression and the colonizing of the pied-noirs
Barclay F (2018) Remembering Algeria: melancholy, depression and the colonizing of the pied-noirs. Settler Colonial Studies, 8 (2), pp. 244-261.
From Small Streams to Pipe Dreams – The Hydro-Engineering of the Cyprus Conflict
Hoffmann C (2018) From Small Streams to Pipe Dreams – The Hydro-Engineering of the Cyprus Conflict. Mediterranean Politics, 23 (2), pp. 265-285.
Introduction: Settler colonialism and French Algeria
Barclay F, Chopin CA & Evans M (2018) Introduction: Settler colonialism and French Algeria. Settler Colonial Studies, 8 (2), pp. 115-130.
Book Chapter
Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill House (1749): Architectural Gothic
Lindfield P (2018) Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill House (1749): Architectural Gothic. In: Bacon S (ed.) The Gothic: A Reader. Oxford: Peter Lang, pp. 153-160.
Website Content
Gorilla gorilla (amended version of 2016 assessment)
Maisels F, Strindberg S, Breuer T, Greer D, Jeffery KJ & Stokes E (2018) Gorilla gorilla (amended version of 2016 assessment). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species [IUCN website] 2018.
Book Chapter
A "Quaint Corner" of the Reading Nation: Romantic readerships in rural Perthshire, 1780-1830
Halsey K (2018) A "Quaint Corner" of the Reading Nation: Romantic readerships in rural Perthshire, 1780-1830. In: Roberts K & Towsey M (eds.) Before the Public Library: Reading, Community and Identity in the Atlantic World, 1650-1850. Library of the Written Word, 61. Leiden: Brill, pp. 218-235.
Women, men and news: It's life, Jim, but not as we know it
Ross K, Boyle K, Carter C & Ging D (2018) Women, men and news: It's life, Jim, but not as we know it. Journalism Studies, 19 (6), pp. 824-845.
A decision support tool for supporting individuals living with long-term conditions make informed choices: LTC-Choices tool for continuous healthcare
Cowie J & Burstein F (2018) A decision support tool for supporting individuals living with long-term conditions make informed choices: LTC-Choices tool for continuous healthcare. Journal of Decision Systems, 27 (Supplement 1), pp. 123-131.
Conference Paper (published)
Investigating Benchmark Correlations when Comparing Algorithms with Parameter Tuning
Christie LA, Brownlee A & Woodward JR (2018) Investigating Benchmark Correlations when Comparing Algorithms with Parameter Tuning. In: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018, 15.07.2018-19.07.2018. New York: ACM, pp. 209-210.
Conference Paper (published)
Relating Training Instances to Automatic Design of Algorithms for Bin Packing via Features
Brownlee A, Woodward JR & Veerapen N (2018) Relating Training Instances to Automatic Design of Algorithms for Bin Packing via Features. In: Proceedings of GECCO 2018. Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference 2018, 15.07.2018-19.07.2018. New York: ACM, pp. 135-136.
The chemical composition of two seaweed flies (Coelopa frigida and Coelopa pilipes) reared in the laboratory
Biancarosa I, Liland N, Day N, Belghit I, Amlund H, Lock E & Gilburn A (2018) The chemical composition of two seaweed flies (Coelopa frigida and Coelopa pilipes) reared in the laboratory. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 4 (2), pp. 135-142.
The Intertwinement of Propositional and Doxastic Justification
Melis G (2018) The Intertwinement of Propositional and Doxastic Justification. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 96 (2), pp. 367-379.
Making the transition from practitioner to supervisor: reflections on the contribution made by a post-qualifying supervisory course
Patterson F & Whincup H (2018) Making the transition from practitioner to supervisor: reflections on the contribution made by a post-qualifying supervisory course. European Journal of Social Work, 21 (3), pp. 415-427.
Authored Book
Effective Family Support: Responding to What Parents Tell Us
Burgess C, McDonald R & Sweeten S (2018) Effective Family Support: Responding to What Parents Tell Us. Protecting Children and Young People. Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press.
Existing and emerging smoking cessation options for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders
Caponnetto P, DiPiazza J, Signorelli M, Maglia M & Polosa R (2018) Existing and emerging smoking cessation options for people with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 37 (3-4), pp. 279-290.
Book Chapter
New Governance Challenges in the Era of ‘Smart’ Mobility
Docherty I (2018) New Governance Challenges in the Era of ‘Smart’ Mobility. In: Marsden G & Reardon L (eds.) Governance of the Smart Mobility Transition. Emerald Insights. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 19-32.
The role of virtual reality intervention on young adult smokers' motivation to quit smoking: a feasibility and pilot study
Caponnetto P, Maglia M, Lombardo D, Demma S & Polosa R (2018) The role of virtual reality intervention on young adult smokers' motivation to quit smoking: a feasibility and pilot study. Journal of Addictive Diseases, 37 (3-4), pp. 217-226.
Translating Contemporary French Poetry
Wagstaff E & Parish N (2018) Translating Contemporary French Poetry. Irish Journal of French Studies, 18 (1), pp. 163-194.
Book Chapter
Neglected Families: Developing family-supportive policies for ‘natural’ and (hu)man-made disasters
Dominelli L (2018) Neglected Families: Developing family-supportive policies for ‘natural’ and (hu)man-made disasters. In: Eydal GB & Rostgaard T (eds.) Handbook of Family Policy. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 363-375.;
Book Chapter
Green Social Work and the Uptake by the Nepal School of Social Work: Building Resilience in Disaster-Stricken Communities
Dominelli L (2018) Green Social Work and the Uptake by the Nepal School of Social Work: Building Resilience in Disaster-Stricken Communities. In: Bracken L, Ruszczyk HA & Robinson T (eds.) Evolving Narratives of Hazard and Risk: The Gorkha Earthquake, Nepal, 2015. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 141-158.
Galleria mellonella as an infection model for the multi-host pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae reflects hypervirulence of strains associated with human invasive disease
Six A, Krajangwong S, Crumlish M, Zadoks RN & Walker D (2018) Galleria mellonella as an infection model for the multi-host pathogen Streptococcus agalactiae reflects hypervirulence of strains associated with human invasive disease. Virulence, 10 (1), pp. 600-609.
Chronological age, biological age, and individual variation in the stress response in the European starling: a follow-up study
Gott A, Andrews C, Nettle D, Larriva Hormigos M, Spencer K & Bateson M (2018) Chronological age, biological age, and individual variation in the stress response in the European starling: a follow-up study. PeerJ, 6, Art. No.: e5842.
Conference Paper (published)
Mobile-Based Painting Photo Retrieval Using Combined Features
Companioni-Brito C, Mariano-Calibjo Z, Elawady M & Yildirim S (2018) Mobile-Based Painting Photo Retrieval Using Combined Features. In: Karray F, ter Haar Romeny B & Campilho A (eds.) Image Analysis and Recognition. ICIAR 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10882. ICIAR 2018: International Conference Image Analysis and Recognition, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 27.06.2018-29.06.2018. Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 278-284.
Conference Paper (published)
Stress Response Index for Adverse Childhood Experience Based on Fusion of Biomarkers
Aimie-Salleh N, Malarvili M & Whitttaker AC (2018) Stress Response Index for Adverse Childhood Experience Based on Fusion of Biomarkers. In: Proceedings of 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES). 2018 IEEE-EMBS Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences (IECBES), Sarawak, Malaysia, 03.12.2018-06.12.2018. Piscataway, NJ, USA: IEEE, pp. 140-145.