

Aquaculture: Development

Outputs (6)

Technical Report

Clarke R & Bostock J (2017) Regional Review on Status and Trends in Aquaculture Development in Europe - 2015. Food & Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Circular, 1135/1. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations. http://www.fao.org/documents/card/en/c/a4026be7-9d25-49d5-ad1f-5291d64ca152/

Research Report

Roberts CA, Newton R, Bostock J, Prescott S, Honey DJ, Telfer T, Walmsley SF, Little DC & Hull SC (2015) A Risk Benefit Analysis of Mariculture as a means to Reduce the Impacts of Terrestrial Production of Food and Energy. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum; World Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) SARF Project Reports, SARF106. Scottish Aquaculture Research Forum. http://www.sarf.org.uk/cms-assets/documents/232492-618987.sarf106.pdf

Technical Report

Scott D, Meyer T, Bostock J, Spiteri A, Zarb M, Deidun A, Corner R & Balzan C (2012) An aquaculture strategy for Malta [Preparatory study and recommendations prepared for the Ministry of Resource and Rural Affairs, Government of Malta]. Government of Malta, Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs. Government of Malta. https://eufunds.gov.mt/en/EU%20Funds%20Programmes/Agricultural%20Fisheries%20Fund/Documents/DRAFT_AQUACULTURE_STRATEGY_FOR_MALTA_MARCH_2012[1].pdf

Projects (1)

Zambia - Curriculum Upgrade at Vocational Training Institutes
Funded by: WorldFish Center