

Britain and the American Revolution

Outputs (10)

Website Content

Nicolson C (2024) Stiff in Opinions, Always in the Wrong: Essay on “A Letter to G.G.”. The Pamphlet Debate on the American Question in Great Britain, 1764-1776 [Web Page] 28.10.2024. https://www.libertyfund.org/pamphlet/stiff-in-opinions-always-in-the-wrong-essay-on-a-letter-to-g-g/?#stiff-in-opinions-always-in-the-wrong-essay-on-a-letter-to-g-g


Nicolson C, Dudley Edwards O, Macpherson J & Nicolson K (2018) A Case of Identity: John Adams and Massachusettensis. New England Quarterly, 91 (4), pp. 651-682. https://doi.org/10.1162/tneq_a_00707

Edited Book

Nicolson C (ed.) (2017) The Papers of Francis Bernard, Governor of Colonial Massachusetts, 1760-69. Vol. 1: 1759-1763 [Bernard Papers Volume 1, Digital Edition], Digital Edition ed. Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 73. Boston: The Colonial Society of Massachusetts; distributed by the Univ. of Virginia Press. https://www.colonialsociety.org/node/2068

Book Chapter

Macleod E (2015) British Radical Attitudes Towards the United States of America in the 1790s: the case of William Winterbotham. In: Pentland G & Davis M (eds.) Liberty, Property and Popular Politics: England and Scotland, 1688-1815. Essays in Honour of H.T. Dickinson. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 149-162. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-liberty-property-and-popular-politics-13437.html

Edited Book

Nicolson C (ed.) (2015) The Papers of Francis Bernard, Governor of Colonial Massachusetts, 1760-69, Vol. 4: 1768 [Bernard Papers Volume 4, Digital Edition], Digital Edition (open access) ed. Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 86. Boston, MA, USA: The Colonial Society of Massachusetts. https://www.colonialsociety.org/node/2810