A new way of classifying developmental prosopagnosia: Balanced Integration Score
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Beyond "Witnessing": Children’s Experiences of Coercive Control in Domestic Violence and Abuse
Callaghan J, Alexander J, Sixsmith J & Fellin LC (2018) Beyond "Witnessing": Children’s Experiences of Coercive Control in Domestic Violence and Abuse. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 33 (10), pp. 1551-1581.
The Management of Disclosure in Children's Accounts of Domestic Violence: Practices of Telling and Not Telling
Callaghan JEM, Fellin LC, Mavrou S, Alexander J & Sixsmith J (2017) The Management of Disclosure in Children's Accounts of Domestic Violence: Practices of Telling and Not Telling. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 26 (12), pp. 3370-3387.
Changing the game or dropping the ball?: sport as a human capability development for at risk youth in Barbados and St. Lucia
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Children and domestic violence: Emotional competencies in embodied and relational contexts
Callaghan JEM, Fellin LC, Alexander JH, Mavrou S & Papathanassiou M (2017) Children and domestic violence: Emotional competencies in embodied and relational contexts. Psychology of Violence, 7 (3), pp. 333-342.