Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2020) Series Editor's Preface. In: Economic Sanctions in EU Private International Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 25. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Book Chapter
Interaction of the Brussels IIa and Maintenance Regulations with (Possible) Litigation in Non-EU States: Including Brexit Implications
Beaumont P (2020) Interaction of the Brussels IIa and Maintenance Regulations with (Possible) Litigation in Non-EU States: Including Brexit Implications. In: Viarengo I & Villata FC (eds.) Planning the Future of Cross Border Families: A Path Through Coordination. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 29. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 331-344.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2019) Series Editor's Preface. In: Jurisdiction and Cross-Border Collective Redress. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 23. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Book Chapter
When Should EU Private International Law Require that Foreign Law be Applied?
Beaumont P (2019) When Should EU Private International Law Require that Foreign Law be Applied?. In: Rühl G, Kieninger E & von Hein J (eds.) How European is European Private International Law?. First ed. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 177-184.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2017) Series Editor's Preface. In: The Nature and Enforcement of Choice of Court Agreements. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 19. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Book Chapter
Series Editor's Preface
Beaumont P (2017) Series Editor's Preface. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yüksel B (eds.) Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Effective Remedies in Cross-border Civil and Commercial Law Disputes: A Case for an Institutional Reform at EU Level
Beaumont P & Danov M (2017) Effective Remedies in Cross-border Civil and Commercial Law Disputes: A Case for an Institutional Reform at EU Level. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yüksel B (eds.) Cross Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart, pp. 603-622.
Book Chapter
Cross-border Civil and Commercial Disputes Before the Court of Justice of the European Union
Beaumont P & Yuksel B (2017) Cross-border Civil and Commercial Disputes Before the Court of Justice of the European Union. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (eds.) Cross Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 499-584.
Book Chapter
Great Britain
Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (2017) Great Britain. In: Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (eds.) Cross Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 79-124.
Book Chapter
Introduction: Research Aims and Methodology
Beaumont P & Danov M (2017) Introduction: Research Aims and Methodology. In: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. 1st ed. Studies in Private International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-15.
Edited Book
Cross-Border Litigation in Europe
Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yuksel B (eds.) (2017) Cross-Border Litigation in Europe, First ed. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 20. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P, Danov M, Trimmings K & Yüksel B (2017) Conclusion. In: Cross-Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart, pp. 819-832.
Private international law concerning children in the UK after Brexit: comparing Hague Treaty law with EU Regulations
Beaumont P (2017) Private international law concerning children in the UK after Brexit: comparing Hague Treaty law with EU Regulations. Child and Family Law Quarterly, 29 (3), pp. 213-232.
Book Chapter
Court of Justice of the European Union's Case Law on Family Law Matters Under Brussels IIa and Maintenance
Beaumont P & Trimmings K (2017) Court of Justice of the European Union's Case Law on Family Law Matters Under Brussels IIa and Maintenance. In: Cross Border Litigation in Europe. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 20. Oxford: Hart, pp. 711-739.
Conflicts of EU courts on child abduction: the reality of Article 11(6)-(8) Brussels IIa proceedings across the EU
Beaumont P, Walker L & Holliday J (2016) Conflicts of EU courts on child abduction: the reality of Article 11(6)-(8) Brussels IIa proceedings across the EU. Journal of Private International Law, 12 (2), pp. 211-260.
Book Chapter
Empirical Study on the Early Operation of the EU Maintenance Regulation
Beaumont P & Walker L (2016) Empirical Study on the Early Operation of the EU Maintenance Regulation. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, 15. Oxford: Hart, pp. 337-383.
Parental responsibility and international child abduction in the proposed recast of Brussels IIa Regulation and the effect of Brexit on future child abduction proceedings
Beaumont P, Walker L & Holliday J (2016) Parental responsibility and international child abduction in the proposed recast of Brussels IIa Regulation and the effect of Brexit on future child abduction proceedings. International Family Law, 2016, pp. 307-318.
Book Chapter
A Critical Analysis of the Judicial Activism of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Opinion 1/13
Beaumont P (2016) A Critical Analysis of the Judicial Activism of the Court of Justice of the European Union in Opinion 1/13. In: Franzina P (ed.) The External Dimension of EU Private International Law After Opinion 1/13. Cambridge: Intersentia, pp. 41-62.
Respecting Reverse Subsidiarity as an excellent strategy for the European Union at The Hague Conference on Private International Law – reflections in the context of the Judgments Project?
Beaumont P (2016) Respecting Reverse Subsidiarity as an excellent strategy for the European Union at The Hague Conference on Private International Law – reflections in the context of the Judgments Project?. Europejski Przegl?d S?dowy, 2016 (10), pp. 13-17.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2015) Series Editors' Preface. In: Maintenance and Child Support in Private International Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 17. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Recent developments on the meaning of “habitual residence” in alleged child abduction cases
Beaumont P & Holliday J (2015) Recent developments on the meaning of “habitual residence” in alleged child abduction cases. In: Zupan M (ed.) Private International Law in the Jurisprudence of European Courts - Family at Focus. First ed. Osijek, Croatia: Pravos, pp. 39-58.
'Child Abduction: Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights'
Beaumont P, Trimmings K, Walker L & Holliday J (2015) 'Child Abduction: Recent Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights'. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 64 (1), pp. 39-63.
Not heard and not returned: the reality of Article 11(8) proceedings
Beaumont P, Walker L & Holliday J (2015) Not heard and not returned: the reality of Article 11(8) proceedings. International Family Law, (2), pp. 124-133.
The EU Civil Justice Framework and Private Law ‘Integration through (Private International) Law
Beaumont P & Danov M (2015) The EU Civil Justice Framework and Private Law ‘Integration through (Private International) Law. Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 22 (5), pp. 706-731.
Edited Book
Turkish and EU Private International Law - A Comparison
Yuksel B & Beaumont P (eds.) (2014) Turkish and EU Private International Law - A Comparison, First ed. Istanbul: on iki levha yayincilika AS.
Book Chapter
Editors' Preface
Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (2014) Editors' Preface. In: Beaumont P, Hess B, Walker L & Spancken S (eds.) The Recovery of Maintenance in the EU and Worldwide. First ed. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 15. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. xi-xii.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2013) Series Editors' Preface. In: Child Abduction within the European Union. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 11. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Book Chapter
Choice of Forum Clauses and the Brussels I Regulation: the Impact of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements
Beaumont P (2013) Choice of Forum Clauses and the Brussels I Regulation: the Impact of the 2005 Hague Convention on Choice of Court Agreements. In: Tomljenovi? V & Kunda I (eds.) The Brussels I Regulation: Challenges for the Croatian Judiciary. First ed. Rijeka, pp. 113-134.
Book Chapter
Abolition of Exequatur under the Brussels I Regulation as it Affects EU Competition Law
Beaumont P (2013) Abolition of Exequatur under the Brussels I Regulation as it Affects EU Competition Law. In: Cross-Border EU Competition Law Actions. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 371-383.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2012) Series Editors' Preface. In: The Governing Law of Companies in EU Law. Studies in Private International Law, Volume 9. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. vii-viii.
Zmena rovnovahy dosiahnutej Dohovorom o unosoch: protikladne pristupy Europskeho sudu pre ludske prava a Europskeho suneho dvora
Walker L & Beaumont P (2012) Zmena rovnovahy dosiahnutej Dohovorom o unosoch: protikladne pristupy Europskeho sudu pre ludske prava a Europskeho suneho dvora. Hatapka M (Translator) Justiicna Revue, 8-9, pp. 937-951.
Book Chapter
The European Court of Justice Prioritises the Abolition of Exequatur over Fundamental Rights in Zarraga
Beaumont P (2012) The European Court of Justice Prioritises the Abolition of Exequatur over Fundamental Rights in Zarraga. In: Frutos Miranda J, Blázquez Navarro I, Díez-Hochleitner J & Martínez Capdevila C (eds.) Recent Trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice of the European Union (2008-2011). First ed. Madrid: La Ley, pp. 621-634.
Book Chapter
Series Editors' Preface
Beaumont P & Harris J (2011) Series Editors' Preface. In: Cases and Materials on EU Private International Law. Studies in Private International Law. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-vi.
Shifting the Balance Achieved by the Abduction Convention: The Contrasting Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice
Walker L & Beaumont P (2011) Shifting the Balance Achieved by the Abduction Convention: The Contrasting Approaches of the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. Journal of Private International Law, 7 (2), pp. 231-249.
Can Exequatur be Abolished in Brussels I Whilst Retaining a Public Policy Defence?
Beaumont P & Johnston E (2010) Can Exequatur be Abolished in Brussels I Whilst Retaining a Public Policy Defence?. Journal of Private International Law, 6 (2), pp. 249-280.
Abolition of the Exequatur in Brussels I: Is a Public Policy Defence Necessary for the Protection of Human Rights?
Beaumont P & Johnston E (2010) Abolition of the Exequatur in Brussels I: Is a Public Policy Defence Necessary for the Protection of Human Rights?. IPRax, 2010 (2), pp. 105-110.
Book Chapter
The Art. 8 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in relation to Delays in Enforcing the Return of a Child
Beaumont P (2009) The Art. 8 Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights on the Hague Convention on International Child Abduction in relation to Delays in Enforcing the Return of a Child. In: New Instruments of Private International Law. First ed. Milan: Giuffre Editore, pp. 75-94.
Classification of Delictual Damages - Harding v Wealands and the Rome II Regulation
Beaumont P & Tang Z (2008) Classification of Delictual Damages - Harding v Wealands and the Rome II Regulation. Edinburgh Law Review, 12 (1), pp. 131-137.
Book Chapter
Private International Law of the European Union: Competence Questions Arising From the Proposed Rome II Regulation on Choice of Law in Non-Contractual Obligations
Beaumont P (2005) Private International Law of the European Union: Competence Questions Arising From the Proposed Rome II Regulation on Choice of Law in Non-Contractual Obligations. In: Brand R (ed.) Private Law, Private International Law, & Judicial Cooperation in the EU-US Relationship. First ed. CILE Studies, Volume 2. Pittsburgh: Thomson West, pp. 15-26.
Sentencia de 1 de marzo de 2005, asunto C-281/02 Owusu c N.B. Jackson
Beaumont P (2005) Sentencia de 1 de marzo de 2005, asunto C-281/02 Owusu c N.B. Jackson. Revista Juridica de Catalunya, 104, pp. 274-283.
Book Chapter
The Brussels Convention Becomes a Regulation: Implications for Legal Basis, External Competence, and Contract Jurisdiction
Beaumont P (2002) The Brussels Convention Becomes a Regulation: Implications for Legal Basis, External Competence, and Contract Jurisdiction. In: Fawcett J (ed.) Reform and Development of Private International Law - Festschrift for Sir Peter North. First ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press (OUP), pp. 9-30.
Book Chapter
Human Rights: Some Recent Developments and their Impact on Convergence and Divergence of Law in Europe
Beaumont P (2002) Human Rights: Some Recent Developments and their Impact on Convergence and Divergence of Law in Europe. In: Covergence & Divergence in European Public Law. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 151-175.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P, Lyons C & Walker N (2002) Preface. In: Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law. First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. v-ix.
Edited Book
Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law
(2002) Convergence and Divergence in European Public Law, 1st ed. Oxford: Hart.
Book Chapter
Interplay of Private International Law and European Community Law
Beaumont P (2000) Interplay of Private International Law and European Community Law. In: Kilpatrick C, Novitz T & Skidmore P (eds.) The Future of Remedies in Europe. First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 167-190.
Book Chapter
Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) Introduction. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. Oxford: Hart Publishing, pp. 1-3.
Edited Book
Legal Framework of the Single European Currency
(1999) Legal Framework of the Single European Currency, First ed. Oxford: Hart Publishing.
Book Chapter
The Euro and European Legal Order
Beaumont P & Walker N (1999) The Euro and European Legal Order. In: Legal Framework of the Single European Currency. 1st ed. Oxford: Hart, pp. 169-194.
Authored Book
EU Law: The Essential Guide to the Legal Workings of the European Union
Beaumont P & Weatherill S (1999) EU Law: The Essential Guide to the Legal Workings of the European Union. 3rd ed. London: Penguin books.
II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Beaumont P (1999) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 48 (1), pp. 223-229.
The European Community Cannot Accede to the European Convention on Human Rights
Beaumont P (1997) The European Community Cannot Accede to the European Convention on Human Rights. Edinburgh Law Review, 1 (2), pp. 235-249.
II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Beaumont P (1997) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 46 (1), pp. 205-212.
Book Chapter
Great Britain
Beaumont P (1995) Great Britain. In: Fawcett J (ed.) Declining Jurisdiction in Private International Law. First ed. Oxford: Clarendon Press, pp. 207-233.
Authored Book
Anton & Beaumont's Civil Jurisdiction in Scotland: Brussels and Lugano Conventions
Beaumont P (1995) Anton & Beaumont's Civil Jurisdiction in Scotland: Brussels and Lugano Conventions. Anton A (Other) Second ed. Edinburgh: W. Green.
II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Beaumont P (1995) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 44 (1), pp. 218-221.
Book Chapter
Rules for Declining to Exercise Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters: Forum non conveniens, lis pendens
Beaumont P (1994) Rules for Declining to Exercise Jurisdiction in Civil and Commercial Matters: Forum non conveniens, lis pendens. In: Banakas E, Gardner JP, Carey Miller D & Bridge JW (eds.) United Kingdom Law in the mid-1990's: Part 2. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 15. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 549-575.
Authored Book
The European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 with the Treaty of Rome (as amended) Text and Commentary
Beaumont P & Moir G (1994) The European Communities (Amendment) Act 1993 with the Treaty of Rome (as amended) Text and Commentary. First ed. London: Sweet & Maxwell.
Book Chapter
Jurisdiction under the Brussels Convention in Contract, Tort, Delict and Quasi-Delict
Beaumont P (1993) Jurisdiction under the Brussels Convention in Contract, Tort, Delict and Quasi-Delict. In: Carey Miller D & Beaumont P (eds.) The Option of Litigating in Europe. First ed. United Kingdom Comparative law Series, Volume 14. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law, pp. 13-29.
Edited Book
The Option of Litigating in Europe
Carey Miller D & Beaumont P (eds.) (1993) The Option of Litigating in Europe, First ed. United Kingdom Comparative Law Series, Volume 14. London: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law.
II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Beaumont P (1992) II. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 41 (1), pp. 206-211.
Authored Book
Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 (c.12), Current Law Statutes Annotations
Beaumont P (1991) Civil Jurisdiction and Judgments Act 1991 (c.12), Current Law Statutes Annotations. First ed. London: Sweet and Maxwell.
III. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters
Beaumont P (1990) III. European Court of Justice and Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 39 (3), pp. 700-704.