


Outputs (11)


Lee E, de Lannoy L, Li L, de Barros MIA, Bentsen P, Brussoni M, Fiskum TA, Guerrero M, Hall?s BO, Ho S, Jordan C, Leather M, Mannion G, Moore SA, Sandseter EBH, Spencer NLI, Waite S, Wang P & Tremblay MS (2022) Play, Learn, and Teach Outdoors-Network (PLaTO-Net): terminology, taxonomy, and ontology. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 19 (1), Art. No.: 66. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12966-022-01294-0

Book Chapter

Stevenson RB, Mannion G & Evans N (2018) Childhoodnature Pedagogies and Place: An Overview and Analysis. In: Cutter-Mackenzie-Knowles A, Malone K & Barratt Hacking E (eds.) Research Handbook on Childhoodnature; Springer International Handbooks of Education. Springer International Handbooks of Education book series (SIHE). Cham, Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-51949-4_76-1

Book Chapter

Mannion G & Lynch J (2016) The primacy of place in education in outdoor settings. In: Humberstone B, Prince H & Henderson K (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 85-94. https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138782884

Projects (3)

Participation in Decision Making in Educational Settings: beyond learner voice and pupil councils
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: Delegates - Conferences

Teaching, Learning and Play in the Outdoors: a national survey of provisions in schools and pre-schools
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: NatureScot (Formerly Scottish Natural Heritage)

Making Sense of Place: supporting schools to develop geocache trails for place-responsive science education
PI: Professor Gregory Mannion
Funded by: The Primary Science Teaching Trust