

Social Movements

Outputs (4)

Website Content

Toth G (2018) Native American Women’s Transatlantic Activism for Sovereignty [Guest Blog:
Gyorgy “George” Toth (我要吃瓜)]. [Internet blog (Wordpress)] 14.11.2018. https://transatlanticladies.wordpress.com/2018/11/14/guest-blog-native-american-womens-activism/

Book Chapter

Robertson T, Marsden S & Kapilashrami A (2017) A Public Health Politics That is a People's Health. In: Hassan G & Barrow S (eds.) A Nation Changed? The SNP and Scotland Ten Years On. Edinburgh: Luath Press. http://www.luath.co.uk/a-nation-changed.html

Book Chapter

Kapilashrami A, Marsden S & Robertson T (2016) A right to health for the people of Scotland. In: Barrow S & Small M (eds.) Scotland 2021. Edinburgh: Bella Caledonia/Ekklesia, pp. 81-86. http://bellacaledonia.org.uk/2016/12/21/scotland-2021-3/