

Sports Nutrition

Outputs (2)


Mackay J, Bowles E, Macgregor LJ, Prokopidis K, Campbell C, Barber E, Galloway SDR & Witard OC (2023) Fish oil supplementation fails to modulate indices of muscle damage and muscle repair during acute recovery from eccentric exercise in trained young males. European Journal of Sport Science, pp. 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2023.2199282

Projects (2)

Impact of coffeeberry ingestion on cognitive function and skill performance following exercise-induced fatigue
PI: Professor Stuart Galloway
Funded by: PepsiCo Inc

ISAK Certification Course Jan 2020 at UoS
PI: Dr Nidia Rodriguez-Sanchez
Funded by: Delegates - Short Courses