
Crime and Criminal Justice

Outputs related to Crime and Criminal Justice

Showing 69 Outputs

Policy Document

Graham H, Armstrong S, McNeill F, Schinkel M, Jardine C, Weaver B & Morrison K (2024) Written evidence submission on early release of prisoners and the prison population for the Scottish Parliament Criminal Justice Committee - November (2024). Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research (SCCJR). Edinburgh. https://www.parliament.scot/chamber-and-committees/committees/current-and-previous-committees/session-6-criminal-justice-committee/meetings/2024/criminal-justice-committee-13-november-2024

Book Chapter

Weaver B, Graham H & Maruna S (2023) Turning Over a New Leaf: Desistance Research for a New Generation. In: Liebling A, Maruna S & McAra L (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Criminology. 7th edition ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 144-163. https://global.oup.com/ukhe/product/the-oxford-handbook-of-criminology-9780198860914?q=social%20research%20methods&cc=gb&lang=en&subjectcode1=4943102%7CLAW00000&view=Grid


Graham H (2023) Technology, Ethics, and Rehabilitation. International Conference on Electronic Monitoring: Technology, Ethics and Guarantee of Rights, Brasilia, Brazil., 21.06.2023-23.06.2023. https://www.cnj.jus.br/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/conf-em-programme-english.pdf

Book Chapter

Morrison K & Graham H (2022) Scotland. In: Dünkel F, Harrendorf S & Vanzylsmit D (eds.) The Impact of COVID-19 on Prison Conditions and Penal Policy. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Impact-of-Covid-19-on-Prison-Conditions-and-Penal-Policy/Dunkel-Harrendorf-Vanzylsmit/p/book/9780367769727

Book Chapter

Graham H (2020) Changing Scottish justice will take courage and cooperation. In: Hassan G & Barrow S (eds.) Scotland After The Virus. Edinburgh: Luath Press, pp. 188-194. https://www.luath.co.uk/product/scotland-after-the-virus


Crockett Thomas P (2020) Crime as an assemblage. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Criminology, 12 (2), pp. 68-79.

Book Chapter

McIvor G, Graham H & McNeill F (2019) Prisoner Resettlement in Scotland. In: Pruin I, Dünkel F, Storgaard A & Weber J (eds.) Prisoner Resettlement in Europe. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 278-295. https://www.routledge.com/Prisoner-Resettlement-in-Europe/Pruin-Dunkel-Storgaard-Weber/p/book/9781138721234

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Beyens K, Graham H, Carr N, Robinson G, Svensson K, Morgenstern C & Vanhouche A (2019) Doing Time: A Roundtable on Temporal Issues in Punishment. European Society of Criminology (ESC) conference, University of Ghent, Belgium., 21.09.2019-21.09.2019.

Book Chapter

Graham H & McNeill F (2019) Diversifying desistance research. In: Ugwudike P, Graham H, McNeill F, Raynor P, Taxman FS & Trotter C (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 104-115. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Rehabilitative-Work-in-Criminal-Justice-1st/Ugwudike-Graham-McNeill-Raynor-Taxman-Trotter/p/book/9781138103320

Edited Book

Ugwudike P, Graham H, McNeill F, Raynor P, Taxman FS & Trotter C (eds.) (2019) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Rehabilitative-Work-in-Criminal-Justice/Ugwudike-Graham-McNeill-Raynor-Taxman-Trotter/p/book/9781138103320

Book Chapter

Morris J & Graham H (2019) Using technology and digitally enabled approaches to support desistance. In: Ugwudike P, Graham H, McNeill F, Raynor P, Taxman F & Trotter C (eds.) The Routledge Companion to Rehabilitative Work in Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 179-192. https://www.routledge.com/The-Routledge-Companion-to-Rehabilitative-Work-in-Criminal-Justice/Ugwudike-Graham-McNeill-Raynor-Taxman-Trotter/p/book/9781138103320

Book Chapter

McNeill F & Graham H (2018) Resettlement, Reintegration and Desistance in Europe. In: Dünkel F, Pruin I, Storgaard A & Weber J (eds.) Prisoner Resettlement in Europe. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 365-382. https://www.routledge.com/Prisoner-Resettlement-in-Europe/Pruin-Dunkel-Storgaard-Weber/p/book/9781138721234

Presentation / Talk

Murray L, Graham H, Eunson J, McIvor G & Malloch M (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem-Solving Approach. Problem Solving Approaches, Edinburgh, 05.09.2018-05.09.2018.

Policy Document

Eunson J, Murray L, Malloch M, McIvor G & Graham H (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach - Summary Briefing. Scottish Government. Crime and Justice Research Findings, 69/2018. Edinburgh. https://www.gov.scot/Resource/0054/00540027.pdf

Research Report

Eunson J, Murray L, Graham H, Malloch M & McIvor G (2018) Review of the Aberdeen Problem Solving Approach. Scottish Government. Social Research series. Edinburgh. https://www.gov.scot/Resource/0054/00540003.pdf


Graham H (2018) Pyrrhic Liturgy (Poem). Crime, Media, Culture, 14 (2), pp. 343-344. https://doi.org/10.1177/1741659017751224


Graham H (2018) Confederation of European Probation (CEP) European Electronic Monitoring Conference. Confederation of European Probation (CEP) European Electronic Monitoring Conference 2018, Zagreb, Croatia, 16.04.2018 Journal of Offender Monitoring, 31 (1), pp. 17-19. https://www.civicresearchinstitute.com/online/article_abstract.php?pid=13&aid=9043&iid=1385

Presentation / Talk

Graham H (2018) How does parole support reintegration in Tasmania?. 14th Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20.06.2018-22.06.2018. http://rpc.conferenceworks.com.au/presentations/does-parole-undermine-reintegration-in-tasmania/


Graham H (2018) Technology, Digital Justice and Reintegration. Reintegration Puzzle Conference, Hobart, Australia, 20.06.2018-22.06.2018. http://rpc.conferenceworks.com.au/presentations/digital-justice/

Research Report

Graham H & McIvor G (2017) Electronic Monitoring in the Criminal Justice System. Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services. Insights, 40. IRISS. https://www.iriss.org.uk/resources/insights/electronic-monitoring-criminal-justice-system

Book Chapter

Hucklesby A, Beyens K, Boone M, Dunkel F & Graham H (2017) Abschlie?ender Vergleich des EU-Projekts. In: Dünkel F, Thiele C & Treig J (eds.) Elektronische ?berwachung von Straff?lligen im europ?ischen Vergleich – Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. Schriften zum Strafvollzug, Jugendstrafrecht und zur Kriminologie, 63. M?nchengladbach, Germany: Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH, pp. 247-274. https://www.amazon.de/Elektronische-?berwachung-Straff?lligen-europ?ischen-Vergleich/dp/3942865785/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502373312&sr=8-1&keywords=9783942865784

Book Chapter

McIvor G & Graham H (2017) Schottland. In: Dünkel F, Thiele C & Treig J (eds.) Elektronische ?berwachung von Straff?lligen im europ?ischen Vergleich – Bestandsaufnahme und Perspektiven. Schriften zum Strafvollzug, Jugendstrafrecht und zur Kriminologie, 63. M?nchengladbach, Germany: Forum Verlag Godesberg GmbH, pp. 223-246. https://www.amazon.de/Elektronische-?berwachung-Straff?lligen-europ?ischen-Vergleich/dp/3942865785/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502373312&sr=8-1&keywords=9783942865784

Book Chapter

Cavanagh B, Hamilton-Smith N & Mackenzie S (2016) Organised crime in Scotland and the Criminal Justice Response. In: Croall H, Mooney G & Munro M (eds.) Crime, Justice and Society in Scotland. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 115-130. https://www.routledge.com/Crime-Justice-and-Society-in-Scotland/Croall-Mooney-Munro/p/book/9780415750301

Book Chapter

Graham H & White R (2016) The Ethics of Innovation in Criminal Justice. In: Jacobs J & Jackson J (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Criminal Justice Ethics. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge, pp. 267-281. http://www.routledge.com/9780415708654

Authored Book

Graham H (2016) Rehabilitation Work: Supporting Desistance and Recovery. International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation, 10. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Rehabilitation-Work-Supporting-Desistance-and-Recovery/Graham/p/book/9781138888722

Research Report

McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Electronic Monitoring in Scotland. European Commission. http://28uzqb445tcn4c24864ahmel.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/2016/06/Scotland-report.pdf

Research Report

Hucklesby A, Beyens K, Boone M, Dunkel F, McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Créativité et efficacité dans l'utilisation de la surveillance électronique: une étude de cas portant sur cinq juridictions européennes. European Commission. University of Leeds. http://28uzqb445tcn4c24864ahmel.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/files/2016/06/EMEU-Creativity-effectiveness-EM-Brief_French.pdf

Research Report

McIvor G & Graham H (2016) Electronic Monitoring in Scotland. European Commission. 我要吃瓜 and the European Commission. http://emeu.leeds.ac.uk/

Research Report

Graham H & McIvor G (2015) Scottish and International Review of the Uses of Electronic Monitoring. The Scottish Centre for Crime & Justice Research; Scottish Government - Community Justice Services. SCCJR Report, 8/2015. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research. http://www.sccjr.ac.uk/publications/scottish-and-international-review-of-the-uses-of-electronic-monitoring/

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N, Malloch M, Ashe S, Rutherford AC & Bradford B (2015) Community Impact of Public Processions. Scottish Government. Social Research series: Crime and Justice. Scottish Government Social Research. http://www.gov.scot/Publications/2015/02/3769/downloads

Book Chapter

Hopkins M & Hamilton-Smith N (2014) Football Banning Orders: The Highly Effective Cornerstone of a Preventative Strategy?. In: Hopkins M & Treadwell J (eds.) Football Hooliganism, Fan Behaviour and Crime. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 222-247. http://www.palgrave.com/la/book/9781137347961; https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137347978_11

Book Chapter

Hamilton-Smith N & McArdle D (2013) England's Act, Scotland's Shame and the Limits of the Law. In: Flint J & Kelly J (eds.) Bigotry, Football and Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 130-144. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-bigotry-football-and-scotland.html

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N & Patel S (2010) Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing. Home Office. Research Report, 42. Home Office. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/crime-research/horr42/

Book Chapter

Beaumont P (2000) Introduction. In: Christian Perspectives on Law and Relationism. First ed. Carlisle: Paternoster Press, pp. xiii-xxi. www.paternoster-publishing.com.