Research Report
Make A Change: An evaluation of the implementation of an early response intervention for those who have used abusive behaviours in their intimate relationships.
Callaghan J, Morran D, Alexander J, Bellussi L, Beetham T & Hooper J (2020) Make A Change: An evaluation of the implementation of an early response intervention for those who have used abusive behaviours in their intimate relationships.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Research Report
Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.
Callaghan J, Bellussi L & Alexander J (2020) Make a Change: A report on a consultation on adapting Make a Change for older adults.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Research Report
Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.
Callaghan J & Bellussi L (2020) Make A Change: A report on a consultation with LGBTQ+ groups in Brighton and Hove on the development of an early response for LGBTQ+ people who behave abusively in intimate relationships.. Respect UK. Stirling.
Child's Play? Children and young people's resistances to domestic violence and abuse
Fellin LC, Callaghan JEM, Alexander JH, Mavrou S & Harrison-Breed C (2019) Child's Play? Children and young people's resistances to domestic violence and abuse. Children and Society, 33 (2), pp. 126-141.
Research Report
Submission of Evidence to Scottish Government Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation on Online & Gender Based Hate
Barker K & Jurasz O (2017) Submission of Evidence to Scottish Government Independent Review of Hate Crime Legislation on Online & Gender Based Hate [Bracadale Review Evidence on Online and Gender Based Hate]. 我要吃瓜.