

Systematic review

Outputs (9)


Wibisono S, Minto K, Lizzio-Wilson M, Thomas EF, Crane M, Molenberghs P, Kho M, Amiot CE, Decety J, Breen LJ, Noonan K, Forbat L & Louis W (2022) Attitudes Toward and Experience With Assisted-Death Services and Psychological Implications for Health Practitioners: A Narrative Systematic Review. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. https://doi.org/10.1177/00302228221138997


Cardoso DP, Oliveira D, Antunes B, Saraiva R, Angus K, Gallardo E & Rosário F (2021) Portuguese validated versions of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: a systematic review protocol [Vers?es validadas em Português do Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test: protocolo de revis?o sistemática da literatura]. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 34 (13). https://www.actamedicaportuguesa.com/revista/index.php/amp/article/view/15765


Joseph-Williams N, Abhyankar P, Boland L, Bravo P, Brenner AT, Brodney S, Coulter A, Giguere A, Hoffman A, K?rner M, Langford A, Légaré F, Matlock D, Moumjid N & Munro S (2021) What Works in Implementing Patient Decision Aids in Routine Clinical Settings? A Rapid Realist Review and Update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration. Medical Decision Making, 41 (7), pp. 907-937. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989x20978208


Ussher MH, Faulkner GEJ, Angus K, Hartmann-Boyce J & Taylor AH (2019) Exercise interventions for smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2019 (10), Art. No.: CD002295. https://doi.org/10.1002/14651858.cd002295.pub6


Radley A, Robinson E, Aspinall EJ, Angus K, Tan L & Dillon JF (2019) A systematic review and meta-analysis of community and primary-care-based hepatitis C testing and treatment services that employ direct acting antiviral drug treatments. BMC Health Services Research, 19, Art. No.: 765. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12913-019-4635-7


Farquharson B, Abhyankar P, Smith K, Dombrowski SU, Treweek S, Dougall N, Williams B & Johnston M (2019) Reducing delay in patients with acute coronary syndrome and other time-critical conditions: a systematic review to identify the behaviour change techniques associated with effective interventions. Open Heart, 6 (1), Art. No.: e000975. https://doi.org/10.1136/openhrt-2018-000975