Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network
Bowes A, Dawson A, Copland F, Gibson G, Hotta S, Ishikawa S, Ito M, Kiuchi D, Koreki A, Lovatt M, McCall V, Palmer L, Quirke M, Phillips J & Rutherford A (2024) Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network. Cogent Gerontology, 3 (1).
Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity
McCall V, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2024) Housing and Papering Over the Cracks of the Welfare State: Exploring the Role and Impact of Technology as Part of Housing Service Provision in an Era of Multi-level Precarity. Social Policy and Society.
Towards an Evaluation Framework for Inclusive Technological Innovation in Social and Health Care Services
Wilson-Nash C, Pavlopoulou I, McCabe L & Gibson G (2024) Towards an Evaluation Framework for Inclusive Technological Innovation in Social and Health Care Services. Journal of Business Research, 179.
Research Report
Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland
McCall V, Wang Y, Pritchard J, Cooper R, Hodges M & Gibson G (2023) Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland. Age Scotland.
What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence
Rolfe S, McCall V, Gibson G, Pusram A & Robertson J (2023) What works in co-producing assistive technology solutions with older people: A scoping review of the evidence. Ageing and Society.
Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.
Serpa R, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the limits of responsibility: co management of technology enabled care in supported housing.. Social Sciences, 12 (4), Art. No.: 248.
Agency and the Limits of Responsibility: Co-Management of Technology-Enabled Care in Supported Housing
Serpa RC, Rolfe S, Gibson G, Lawrence J & McCall V (2023) Agency and the Limits of Responsibility: Co-Management of Technology-Enabled Care in Supported Housing. Social Sciences, 12 (4).
Project Report
Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support
McCall V, Gibson G, Rolfe S, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2022) Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support [INVITE Lay Summary]. Longleigh Foundation. Stirling.
Research Report
Executive Summary: Evaluation of the ‘Connecting Residents in Scotland’s Care Homes’ Programme
Gibson G, McCabe L, Wilson-Nash C & Pavlopoulou I (2022) Executive Summary: Evaluation of the ‘Connecting Residents in Scotland’s Care Homes’ Programme. Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme and the Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Stirling.
Project Report
Evaluation of the 'Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes' Programme
Gibson G, Pavlopoulou I, Wilson-Nash C & McCabe L (2022) Evaluation of the 'Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes' Programme. Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme and Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Stirling.'Connecting,with%20the%20Digital%20Health%20and
'It gives you a reason to be in this world': the interdependency of communities, environments and social justice for quality of life in older people
Robertson J, Gibson G, Greasley-Adams C, McCall V, Gibson J, Mason-Duff J & Pengelly R (2022) 'It gives you a reason to be in this world': the interdependency of communities, environments and social justice for quality of life in older people. Ageing and Society, 42 (3), pp. 539-563.
The role of environmental design in enabling intergenerational support for people with dementia - what lessons can we learn from Japan
Gibson G, Quirke M & Lovatt M (2022) The role of environmental design in enabling intergenerational support for people with dementia - what lessons can we learn from Japan. Working with Older People.
Research Report
An independent evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Final Report
McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Blair N, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Emond R, Gibson G, Goodwin K, Gray I, Hamilton T, Lamont M, Oliver H & Ormston R (2021) An independent evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Final Report. Life Changes Trust. United Kingdom.
Telecare at a crossroads? Finding researchable questions
Woolham J, Freddolino P, Gibson G & Daniels S (2021) Telecare at a crossroads? Finding researchable questions. Journal of Enabling Technologies, 15 (3), pp. 175-188.
Research Report
Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.
Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: 我要吃瓜.
Research Report
Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report
McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Crisp S, Curreri A, Emond R, Gibson G, Hale H, Hamilton T, Kelly C, Lamont M & Oliver H (2021) Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report. The Life Changes Trust.
"It Is Part of Belonging": Walking Groups to Promote Social Health amongst People Living with Dementia
Robertson JM, Gibson G, Pemble C, Harrison R, Strachan K & Thorburn S (2020) "It Is Part of Belonging": Walking Groups to Promote Social Health amongst People Living with Dementia. Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 113-122.
Book Chapter
Life at Home and Technology with Dementia
Gibson G (2019) Life at Home and Technology with Dementia. In: Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (eds.) Using Technology in Dementia Care: A Guide to Technology Solutions for Everyday Living. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 67-87.
Project Report
Housing through the lens of ageing: integration, communication and community: Analysis of the Age Scotland housing project
Robertson J, McCall V, Gibson G & Greasley-Adams C (2019) Housing through the lens of ageing: integration, communication and community: Analysis of the Age Scotland housing project. Age Scotland.
Book Chapter
Working with assistive technologies and people living with dementia
Gibson G, Brittain K & Robinson L (2019) Working with assistive technologies and people living with dementia. In: Neves B & Vetere F (eds.) Ageing and Digital Technology. Singapore: Springer Verlag, pp. 213-227.
Personalisation, customisation and bricolage: how people with dementia and their families make assistive technology work for them
Gibson G, Dickinson C, Brittain K & Robinson L (2019) Personalisation, customisation and bricolage: how people with dementia and their families make assistive technology work for them. Ageing and society, 39 (11), pp. 2502-2519.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Data and data analytics: New accountabilities and ethics for care work with older people
Gibson G & Thompson TL (2018) Data and data analytics: New accountabilities and ethics for care work with older people. 2nd Digital Health & Wellbeing Conference 2018, 01.05.2018-03.05.2018.
Digital Support Platform: a qualitative research study investigating the feasibility of an internet-based, postdiagnostic support platform for families living with dementia
Killin L, Russ TC, Surdhar S, Yoon Y, McKinstry B, Gibson G & MacIntyre D (2018) Digital Support Platform: a qualitative research study investigating the feasibility of an internet-based, postdiagnostic support platform for families living with dementia. BMJ Open, 8 (4), Art. No.: e020281.
Research Report
Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report (II)
Robertson J, Gibson G & Pemble C (2018) Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report (II). Paths for All.
Research Report
A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project
Greasley-Adams C, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2017) A Good Life in Later Years: A Co-Produced Research Project. Life Changes Trust. Life Changes Trust.
What can the treatment of Parkinson's disease learn from dementia care; applying a bio-psycho-social approach to Parkinson's disease
Gibson G (2017) What can the treatment of Parkinson's disease learn from dementia care; applying a bio-psycho-social approach to Parkinson's disease. International Journal of Older People Nursing, 12 (4), Art. No.: e12159.
Cognitive stimulation therapy in dementia care: exploring the views and experiences of service providers on the barriers and facilitators to implementation in practice using Normalization Process Theory
Dickinson C, Gibson G, Gotts Z, Stobbart L & Robinson L (2017) Cognitive stimulation therapy in dementia care: exploring the views and experiences of service providers on the barriers and facilitators to implementation in practice using Normalization Process Theory. International Psychogeriatrics, 29 (11), pp. 1869-1878.
Research Report
Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report
Gibson G, Robertson J & Pemble C (2017) Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report. Paths for All. Paths For All.
Ageing, masculinity and Parkinson's disease: Embodied perspectives
Gibson G & Kierans C (2017) Ageing, masculinity and Parkinson's disease: Embodied perspectives. Sociology of Health and Illness, 39 (4), pp. 532-546.
When walking becomes wandering: representing the fear of the fourth age
Brittain K, Degnen C, Gibson G, Dickinson C & Robinson L (2017) When walking becomes wandering: representing the fear of the fourth age. Sociology of Health and Illness, 39 (2), pp. 270-284.
Psychosocial intervention for carers of people with dementia: What components are most effective and when? A systematic review of systematic reviews
Dickinson C, Dow J, Gibson G, Hayes L, Robalino S & Robinson L (2017) Psychosocial intervention for carers of people with dementia: What components are most effective and when? A systematic review of systematic reviews. International Psychogeriatrics, 29 (1), pp. 31-43.
Spotlight on Scotland: Assets and opportunities for aging research in a shifting sociopolitical landscape
Robertson J, Bowes A, Gibson G, McCabe L, Reynish E, Rutherford AC & Wilinska M (2016) Spotlight on Scotland: Assets and opportunities for aging research in a shifting sociopolitical landscape. Gerontologist, 56 (6), pp. 979-989.
The provision of assistive technology products and services for people with dementia in the United Kingdom
Gibson G, Newton L, Pritchard G, Finch T, Brittain K & Robinson L (2016) The provision of assistive technology products and services for people with dementia in the United Kingdom. Dementia, 15 (4), pp. 681-701.
Exploring the views of GPs, people with dementia and their carers on assistive technology: a qualitative study
Newton L, Dickinson C, Gibson G, Brittain K & Robinson L (2016) Exploring the views of GPs, people with dementia and their carers on assistive technology: a qualitative study. BMJ Open, 6, Art. No.: e011132.
‘Signposts on the journey’; medication adherence and the lived body in men with Parkinson's disease
Gibson G (2016) ‘Signposts on the journey’; medication adherence and the lived body in men with Parkinson's disease. Social Science and Medicine, 152, pp. 27-34.
The everyday use of assistive technology by people with dementia and their family carers: a qualitative study
Gibson G, Dickinson C, Brittain K & Robinson L (2015) The everyday use of assistive technology by people with dementia and their family carers: a qualitative study. BMC Geriatrics, 15, Art. No.: 89.
Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old: a review of current practice and future directions
Robinson L, Gibson G, Kingston A, Newton L, Pritchard G, Finch T & Brittain K (2013) Assistive technologies in caring for the oldest old: a review of current practice and future directions. Aging Health, 9 (4), pp. 365-375.
Frequency, prevalence, incidence and risk factors associated with visual hallucinations in a sample of patients with Parkinson's Disease: a longitudinal 4-year study
Gibson G, Mottram P, Burn D, Hindle J, Landau S, Mike S, Hurt C, Brown R & Wilson K (2013) Frequency, prevalence, incidence and risk factors associated with visual hallucinations in a sample of patients with Parkinson's Disease: a longitudinal 4-year study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28 (6), pp. 626-631.
Depression and Anxiety Related Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease
Brown R, Landau S, Hindle J, Playfer J, Mike S, Wilson K, Hurt C, Anderson R, Carnell J, Dickinson L, Gibson G, Van Schaick R, Sellwood K, Thomas B & Burn D (2011) Depression and Anxiety Related Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 (7), pp. 803-809.
Designing technology to improve quality of life for people with dementia: user led approaches
Orpwood R, Chadd J, Howcroft D, Sixsmith A, Torrington J, Gibson G & Chalfont G (2010) Designing technology to improve quality of life for people with dementia: user led approaches. Universal Access in the Information Society, 9 (3), pp. 249-259.
Housing and connection to nature for people with dementia: findings from the INDEPENDENT project
Gibson G, Chalfont G, Clarke P, Torrington J & Sixsmith A (2007) Housing and connection to nature for people with dementia: findings from the INDEPENDENT project. Journal of Housing for the Elderly, 21 (1-2), pp. 55-72.
The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers: a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service.
Gibson G, Timlin A, Curran S & Wattis J (2007) The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers: a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service.. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (2), pp. 267-277.
Music and the wellbeing of people with dementia
Sixsmith A & Gibson G (2007) Music and the wellbeing of people with dementia. Ageing and Society, 27 (1), pp. 127-145.