
Dr Grant Gibson

Senior Lecturer

Dementia and Ageing 4T11 RG Bomont Building, 我要吃瓜, Stirling, FK9 4LA

Dr Grant Gibson

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Grant is a?Senior Lecturer in Dementia Studies and Head of Division of Dementia and Ageing in the Faculty of Social Sciences.??

Grant has?been an academic?researcher in the fields of dementia care and chronic illnesses in old age for 20 years.? Over this time Grant has worked on projects evaluating satisfaction with memory services among people with dementia and their carers, the design and implementation?of assistive technology for people with dementia, and provision of health and social care services for people with dementia and their carers in primary care.? Grant also has experience?of carrying out research?with people with Parkinson's disease, having worked on a large multi site study exploring prevalence of mood disorders in people with PD.?More recently, Grant's research has focused on the use of participatory research methodologies with older people and people with dementia, and provision of services to older people and people living with dementia in care homes. This work has included the delivery of physical activities and provision of technologies to support residents within care homes.

Grant holds a PhD from the University of Liverpool exploring men's experiences of living with PD.? Grant has experience of a range of social theoretical approaches, and of qualitative and quantitative research methods. ?

Other Academic Activities

Book review editor. Journal of Enabling Technologies
Book review editor for Journal of Enabling Technologies

Committee Member British Society of Gerontology Technology and Ageing Special Interest Group
British Society of Gerontology

Research (10)

Grant's research interests in the area of dementia and dementia care include

Critical approaches to the use of technology within dementia care. Health and social care service delivery for people with dementia Provision of psychosocial interventions for older people living care homes. Participatory and co production methodologies in social care and with people living with dementia.

Grant is a member of CEDAR (Centre for Environment, Dementia and Ageing Research) at Stirling University and the British Society of Gerontology Technology and Ageing Special Interest Group. Grant is also Book Reviews Editor for the Journal of Enabling Technologies


Designing homes for healthy cognitive ageing: co-production for impact and scale (DesHCA)
PI: Professor Alison Bowes
Funded by: Economic and Social Research Council

Stonewater - inclusive and assisted living in retirement living schemes
PI: Professor Vikki McCall
Funded by: Longleigh Foundation

Older People’s Experience of Adaptations in Scotland
PI: Professor Vikki McCall
Funded by: Age Scotland

Sit Less Move More – Creating a culture of activity and movement in a care home setting
PI: Dr Grant Gibson
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Creating better lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust
PI: Professor Louise McCabe
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Peer Support for People with a Lived Experience of Dementia
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

COVID-19 Rapid Response. Sustaining the resilience and wellbeing of frontline community based care and support workers to vulnerable older people during a time of crisis
PI: Dr Grant Gibson
Funded by: Chief Scientist Office

Evaluation of dementia friendly walking activities in care homes
PI: Dr Grant Gibson
Funded by: Paths for All

BoB Bettergen innovation voucher
PI: Dr Grant Gibson
Funded by: Scottish Funding Council

Quality of Life in Later Years Research Project - Voices of Older People in Scotland
Funded by: Life Changes Trust

Outputs (43)



Bowes A, Dawson A, Copland F, Gibson G, Hotta S, Ishikawa S, Ito M, Kiuchi D, Koreki A, Lovatt M, McCall V, Palmer L, Quirke M, Phillips J & Rutherford A (2024) Learning about design for dementia: lessons from a Japan–UK network. Cogent Gerontology, 3 (1). https://doi.org/10.1080/28324897.2024.2397951

Research Report

McCall V, Wang Y, Pritchard J, Cooper R, Hodges M & Gibson G (2023) Making Adaptations Work For Older People In Scotland. Age Scotland. https://www.ageuk.org.uk/scotland/our-impact/policy-research-influencing/reports-research/making-adaptations-work/. https://www.ageuk.org.uk/scotland/our-impact/policy-research-influencing/reports-research/making-adaptations-work/

Project Report

McCall V, Gibson G, Rolfe S, Serpa R & Lawrence J (2022) Promoting Inclusive living via Technology- Enabled support [INVITE Lay Summary]. Longleigh Foundation. Stirling. https://www.stonewater.org/about-us/thought-leadership/invite-project/

Project Report

Gibson G, Pavlopoulou I, Wilson-Nash C & McCabe L (2022) Evaluation of the 'Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes' Programme. Scottish Government Technology Enabled Care programme and Digital Health and Care Innovation Centre (DHI). Stirling. https://tec.scot/programme-areas/digital-social-care/current-activities/connecting-residents-scotlands-care-homes-evaluation#:~:text=The%20evaluation%20of%20the%20'Connecting,with%20the%20Digital%20Health%20and

Research Report

McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Blair N, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Emond R, Gibson G, Goodwin K, Gray I, Hamilton T, Lamont M, Oliver H & Ormston R (2021) An independent evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Final Report. Life Changes Trust. United Kingdom. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.29438.56649

Research Report

Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: 我要吃瓜. https://www.housinglin.org.uk/_assets/Resources/Housing/OtherOrganisation/Scoping-review-final-published-version.pdf

Research Report

McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Crisp S, Curreri A, Emond R, Gibson G, Hale H, Hamilton T, Kelly C, Lamont M & Oliver H (2021) Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report. The Life Changes Trust. https://doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.2.16016.79367

Book Chapter

Gibson G (2019) Life at Home and Technology with Dementia. In: Astell A, Smith SK & Joddrell P (eds.) Using Technology in Dementia Care: A Guide to Technology Solutions for Everyday Living. London: Jessica Kingsley, pp. 67-87. https://uk.jkp.com/products/using-technology-in-dementia-care

Book Chapter

Gibson G, Brittain K & Robinson L (2019) Working with assistive technologies and people living with dementia. In: Neves B & Vetere F (eds.) Ageing and Digital Technology. Singapore: Springer Verlag, pp. 213-227. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-13-3693-5_13


Killin L, Russ TC, Surdhar S, Yoon Y, McKinstry B, Gibson G & MacIntyre D (2018) Digital Support Platform: a qualitative research study investigating the feasibility of an internet-based, postdiagnostic support platform for families living with dementia. BMJ Open, 8 (4), Art. No.: e020281. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-020281


Dickinson C, Gibson G, Gotts Z, Stobbart L & Robinson L (2017) Cognitive stimulation therapy in dementia care: exploring the views and experiences of service providers on the barriers and facilitators to implementation in practice using Normalization Process Theory. International Psychogeriatrics, 29 (11), pp. 1869-1878. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610217001272

Research Report

Gibson G, Robertson J & Pemble C (2017) Dementia Friendly Walking Project: Evaluation Report. Paths for All. Paths For All. http://www.pathsforall.org.uk/pfa/news/new-research-by-the-university-of-stirling-on-our-dementia-friendly-walking-project.html


Gibson G, Mottram P, Burn D, Hindle J, Landau S, Mike S, Hurt C, Brown R & Wilson K (2013) Frequency, prevalence, incidence and risk factors associated with visual hallucinations in a sample of patients with Parkinson's Disease: a longitudinal 4-year study. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 28 (6), pp. 626-631. https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.3869


Brown R, Landau S, Hindle J, Playfer J, Mike S, Wilson K, Hurt C, Anderson R, Carnell J, Dickinson L, Gibson G, Van Schaick R, Sellwood K, Thomas B & Burn D (2011) Depression and Anxiety Related Subtypes in Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry, 82 (7), pp. 803-809. https://doi.org/10.1136/jnnp.2010.213652


Gibson G, Timlin A, Curran S & Wattis J (2007) The impact of location on satisfaction with dementia services amongst people with dementia and their informal carers: a comparative evaluation of a community-based and a clinic-based memory service.. International Psychogeriatrics, 19 (2), pp. 267-277. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1041610206004261


Grant is a Senior lecturer on the Dementia Studies MSc at Stirling University. Grant's teaching focuses on Reserarch Methods in Dementia, and Dementia and the Environment. Grant also regularly teaches on the undergraduate module 'Improving Dementia Care'. Grant is currently Chief Examiner and Admissions Officer for the MSc in Dementia Studies.

Grant is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.