

Impact of Net Cleaning and Sea Lice treatment upon Gill Health in Salmon

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Collaboration with Industrial and Laboratory Foundation (ILAB), PHARMAQ and University of Bergen.

Poor health is one of the main problems in marine salmon farming in southern Norway. The reasons are very complex, but a number of pathogens are associated with diseases of salmon in the sea including viruses, bacteria and parasites.

The knowledge about the importance of each pathogen for salmon's gill health is limited, but it is clear that a number of external factors (temperature, plankton bloom, stress caused by bleeding, AGD treatment, cleaning of nuts, sorting etc.) is of importance.

Total award value ?466,267.27

People (2)

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor Simon MacKenzie

Professor & Head of Inst of Aquaculture, Aquaculture

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor Amaya Albalat

Professor, Institute of Aquaculture

Outputs (2)

Research centres/groups