100 years of radical Adult Education in Scotland: building hope for the future
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November 2019 marks the centenary of the 1919 Report on Adult Education, which led to the formalisation of state-funded adult learning in Britain.
This project will revisit 100 years of radical adult education in Scotland, through a historical reflection looking back at its socialist foundations, as a way to looking forward and planning a radical future in austere times.
We propose to deliver: 1)A day conference for radical adult educators and political activists, discussing three historical themes, informed by scholarly research: ?Union education ?Education and the recovery movement ?Radical literacy education
2)Permanent web-publishing of talks as a) voice recordings b) electronic pamphlet.
Further Information
The above is part of a suite of activity, under the banner of 'Adult Education 100' led by Professor John Holford (Nottingham University) along with The Co-operative CollegeManchester, and various other partners.
There are two main strands for plans to mark the Centenary of the Ministry of Reconstruction’s Commission on Adult Education. The first was to kick-start a Campaign which would raise the profile of adult education as a critical factor in addressing the challenges facing out times - from automation to fragmented communities, deepening inequalities to a sharpening and dangerous demographic deficit. It’s aims are: ? To raise the profile of adult education as part of a national conversation about the need for lifelong learning in a rapidly changing world; ? To explore the nature, purpose, and place of adult education for society's past, present and future; ? To encourage people and communities to value and participate in adult educational activities which develop lasting understandings, opinions and experiences; ? To develop policies and secure resources for transformative adult education. The Campaign will have launch in Manchester on March 11th when a group of adult learners from the WEA and the Co-operative movement will work together to express their views on the value of adult education in community settings. Adult Education 100 Campaign Patrons; Baroness Joan Bakewell, President of Birkbeck University of London ? Dame Mary Beard, Professor of Classics, University of Cambridge ? Lalage Bown, Prof. Emeritus, Adult & Continuing Education, University of Glasgow ? Andy Haldane, Chief Economist, Bank of England ? Sir John Hayes, MP ? Mel Lenehan, Principal and CEO, Fircroft College ? John Sentamu, Archbishop of York ? Michael Sheen, Actor ? Ruby Wax, Mental Health Campaigner
Total award value ?1,068.50