
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Outputs related to Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Showing 5601 to 5700 of 6557

Book Review

Marsh BJ (2007) Facing West, South, and North, as Well As East, from Indian Country. Review of: The Native Ground: Indians and Colonists, Kathleen DuVal, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006, x + 320 pp. ISBN 9780812239188. Reviews in American History, 35 (2), pp. 176-183. https://doi.org/10.1353/rah.2007.0035

Book Chapter

Oram R (2007) Douglas, Margaret. In: Ewan E, Innes S, Reynolds S & Pipes R (eds.) The Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 101-101. http://www.euppublishing.com/book/9780748632930

Book Chapter

Beaumont P (2007) Religious Liberty in the United Kingdom. In: A Religiao no Estado Democratico. 1st ed. Lisbon: Universidade Catolica Editora, pp. 35-66. www.uceditora.ucp.pt.


Johnston C (2007) The Unity of a Tractarian Fact. Synthese, 156 (2), pp. 231-251. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-006-0002-4

Book Review

Mills C (2007) Inventing pollution: Coal, smoke and culture in Britain since 1800. Review of: Inventing Pollution: Coal, Smoke, and Culture in Britain Since 1800 (Series in Ecology & History), Peter Thorsheim, Athens, OH, Ohio University Press, 2006, 360 pp. ISBN 0-8214-1680-4. Social History, 32 (2), pp. 242-242.

Book Review

Law R (2007) Diasporic Africa: A reader. Review of: Diasporic Africa: A Reader, Michael A. Gomez, New York, NYU Press, 2006, 326 pp. ISBN-13 978-0814731659. African Affairs, 106 (423), pp. 330-332.

Book Review

Stachura P (2007) The massacre in Jedwabne, July 10, 1941: Before, during, and after. Review of: The Massacre in Jedwabne, July 10, 1941: Before, During, and After. By Marek Jan Chodakiewicz. New York, Columbia University Press. 2005. vii + 277pp. ISBN-13: 978-0880335546. History, 92 (306), pp. 276-277. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-229X.2007.394_31.x

Book Review

Shaw E (2007) Fightback! Labour's traditional right in the 1970s and 1980s. Review of: Fightback! Labour's Traditional Right in the 1970s and 1980s, D. Hayter. Manchester, MUP, 2005, 211 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0719072710. Parliamentary Affairs, 60 (2), pp. 363-369. https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsm002

Book Review

Shaw E (2007) New Labour's old root: Revisionist thinkers in Labour's history 1931-1997s. Review of: New Labour’s Old Root: Revisionist Thinkers in Labour’s History 1931–1997s, P. Diamond, Exeter, Imprint Academic 2004, 264 pp.. Parliamentary Affairs, 60 (2), pp. 363-369. https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsm002

Book Review

Shaw E (2007) T H Green and the development of ethical socialism,. Review of: T H Green and the Development of Ethical Socialism, M. Carter. Exeter, Imprint Academic 2003, 223 pp. ISBN 0 907845 32 0. Parliamentary Affairs, 60 (2), pp. 363-369. https://doi.org/10.1093/pa/gsm002

Book Review

Murdoch B (2007) The life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A critical edition. Review of: The Life of Adam and Eve in Greek: A Critical Edition. By Johannes Tromp. Leiden and Boston: Brill, 2005. Pp. viii + 206. isbn 9 0041 4317 3.. Journal of Theological Studies, 58 (1), pp. 173-176.

Book Review

Bebbington DW (2007) Faith, duty, and the power of mind: The cloughs and their circle, 1820-1960. Review of: Faith, Duty, and the Power of Mind: The Cloughs and Their Circle, 1820–1960, Gillian Sutherland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011, 278 pp, ISBN 9780521326360. Journal of British Studies, 46 (2), pp. 470-471. https://doi.org/10.1086/514404

Book Review

Jenkinson J (2007) New medical challenges during the Scottish Enlightenment. Review of: New Medical Challenges during the Scottish Enlightenment Günter B. Risse. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 392. ISBN 9042018143.. Social History of Medicine, 20 (1), pp. 171-172. https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkm012

Book Review

Squires C (2007) Aaron Jaffe. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Review of: Aaron Jaffc. Modernism and the Culture of Celebrity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. xii, 248p. ill. ISBN 978-0-521-84301-0.. Sharp News, 16 (2), p. 7. http://scholarworks.umass.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1004&context=sharp_news

Book Review

Jenkinson J (2007) New Medical Challenges during the Scottish Enlightenment. Review of:
Günter B. Risse. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2005. Pp. 392. ISBN 9042018143.. Social History of Medicine, 20 (1), pp. 171-172. https://doi.org/10.1093/shm/hkm012

Book Chapter

Hames S (2007) Don Paterson and Poetic Autonomy. In: Schoene B (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 245-254. http://www.eupjournals.com/book/9780748623969

Book Chapter

Gibson G & Neely S (2007) Scottish Television Drama and Parochial Representation. In: Schoene B (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to Contemporary Scottish Literature. Edinburgh Companions to Scottish Literature. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 106-114. http://www.euppublishing.com/book/9780748623952

Book Chapter

Blair K (2007) Keble and The Christian Year. In: Hass A, Jasper D & Jay E (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 607-623. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199271979.do


Marshall B (2007) New Orleans, Nodal Point of the French Atlantic. International Journal of Francophone Studies, 10 (1&2), pp. 35-50. http://www.intellectbooks.co.uk/journals/view-Article,id=6536/; https://doi.org/10.1386/ijfs.10.1and2.35_1

Book Review

Penman MA (2007) The Kingship of the Scots, 842-1292: Succession and Independence, by A.A.M. Duncan and Robert the Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland by G.W.S. Barrow. Review of: A.A.M. Duncan, The Kingship of the Scots, 842-1292: Succession and Independence, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2002, 398 pages, ISBN 978-0748616268; G.W.S. Barrow, Robert the Bruce and the Community of the Realm of Scotland, first published in 1965, new editions in 1976, 1988 and Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, 2005, 560 pages, ISBN 978-0748620227. History Scotland, 7 (2), pp. 56-57. http://www.historyscotland.com/backissuelist.html?yid=7&o=0


Rolinson D (2007) Hell Drivers. [Essay as DVD booklet] 03.2007.

Book Chapter

Hass AW (2007) The Future Of English Literature And Theology. In: Hass A, Jasper D & Jay E (eds.) Oxford Handbook of English Literature and Theology. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 841-858. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199271979.do; http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199544486.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199544486

Edited Book

Hass AW, Jasper D & Jay E (eds.) (2007) Oxford Handbook of English Literature & Theology. Oxford Handbooks in Religion and Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780199271979.do; http://www.oxfordhandbooks.com/view/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199544486.001.0001/oxfordhb-9780199544486

Book Chapter

Davies A (2007) Spanish Neo-noir. In: Spicer A (ed.) European Film Noir. Manchester: Manchester University Press, pp. 210-235. http://www.manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/cgi-bin/indexer?product=9780719067914

Book Review

Benwell B (2007) The Sociolinguistics of Narrative. Review of: Discourse and Identity. Bethan Benwell and Elizabeth Stokoe. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press. 2006. 314 pp. ISBN 0-748-61750-7. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 11 (1), pp. 116-121. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9841.2007.00312_7.x

Book Review

Fleming D (2007) Shohini Chaudhuri, Contemporary World Cinema: Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia. Review of: Contemporary World Cinema: Europe, the Middle East, East Asia and South Asia, Shohini Chaudhuri, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005. vii + 199 pp. ISBN 0–748–61798–1/61799–X. Forum for Modern Language Studies, 43 (1), pp. 95-95. https://doi.org/10.1093/fmls/cql126


Millar A (2007) What the disjunctivist is right about. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 74 (1), pp. 176-198. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1933-1592.2007.00008.x


Bebbington DW (2007) Evangelicals and public worship, 1965-2005. Evangelical Quarterly, 79 (1), pp. 3-22. http://www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/pdf/eq/2007-1_003.pdf

Book Review

Stachura P (2007) Institutions and the fate of democracy: Germany and Poland in the twentieth century. Review of: Institutions And The Fate Of Democracy: Germany And Poland In The Twentieth Century, Michael Bernhard, Pittsburgh, PA, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2005, 328 pp. ISBN-13: 978-0822958703. Slavonic and East European Review, 85 (1), pp. 173-174.

Book Chapter

Lloyd-Jones S & Palacios Cerezales D (2007) Guardians of the Republic? Portugal's Guarda Nacional Republicana and the Politicians during the 'New' Old Republic of 1919-1926. In: Blaney G (ed.) Policing Interwar Europe: Continuity, Change and Crisis, 1918-40. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 90-110. http://us.macmillan.com/policinginterwareurope/GeraldBlaneyJr


Olmos Giupponi MB (2007) Educación para el desarrollo. El canje de deuda externa por educación: hacia un nuevo modelo de cooperación en el ámbito iberoamericano [Education and development: Condonation of External Debt and education, a new model of cooperation in Ibero-America]. Revista Iberoamericana de Educacion, 41 (3). http://www.rieoei.org/deloslectores/1780Olmos.pdf

Book Chapter

Mann A (2006) The Scottish Parliaments: the role of ritual and procession in the pre-1707 parliament and the new parliament of 1999. In: Crewe E & Muller M (eds.) Rituals in Parliaments: Political, Anthropological and Historical Perspectives on Europe and the United States. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, pp. 135-158. https://www.peterlang.com/view/product/56030?tab=toc&format=PBK

Book Chapter

Ezra E (2006) Becoming Women: Cinema, Gender and Technology. In: Holmes D & Tarr C (eds.) A 'Belle Epoque'? Women in French Society and Culture 1890-1914. Polygons: Cultural Diversities and Intersections. New York and London: Berghahn, pp. 125-136. http://www.berghahnbooks.com/title/HolmesBelle

Book Chapter

Ezra E & Rowden T (2006) General Introduction: What is Transnational Cinema?. In: Ezra E & Rowden T (eds.) Transnational Cinema: The Film Reader. In Focus: Routledge Film Readers. London and New York: Routledge, p. 12. https://www.routledge.com/Transnational-Cinema-The-Film-Reader/Ezra-Rowden/p/book/9780415371582

Book Chapter

Robinson G (2006) Martin Carter. In: Palmer C (ed.) The Encyclopedia of African-American Culture and History: The Black Experience in the Americas. 2nd ed. London: Palgrave Macmillan, p. 87. http://www.cengage.com/search/productOverview.do;jsessionid=1751AA07F4AA687B2251E3C4A1EA2B2A?N=197+4294904997&Ntk=P_EPI&Ntt=1203298146202531365810476957131853372&Ntx=mode%2Bmatchallpartial

Book Chapter

Little T (2006) Contract. In: McFadzean D (ed.) Introduction to Law and Legal Obligations. First ed. University of Dundee, Dundee DD1 4HN: Dundee University Press, pp. 87-116.

Book Chapter

Velez-Serna MA (2006) Historia de Divulgación Cultural en la sede Bogotá [History of the Cultural Redifussion Department in the Bogota campus]. In: Políticas de Divulgación Cultural de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia: Procesos Inaugurales. Bogotá: Dirección Nacional de Divulgación Cultural - Universidad Nacional de Colombia.

Book Chapter

Jones S (2006) Making place, resisting displacement: conflicting national and local identities in Scotland. In: Smith L (ed.) Cultural heritage: critical concepts in media and cultural studies, Volume 4. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 150-173. https://www.routledge.com/Cultural-Heritage-Critical-Concepts-in-Media-and-Cultural-Studies/Smith/p/book/9780415352420

Book Chapter

Kilborn R (2006) Adapt to Survive: The BBC in a new broadcasting age. In: Kamm J (ed.) Medialised Britain: Essays on Media, Culture and Society. Passauer Arbeiten zur Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft, 4. Passau, Germany: Verlag Karl Stutz, pp. 46-58. http://www.stutz-verlag.de/index.php?action=detail&id=96&rubrik_id=21

Book Chapter

Foster S (2006) Kisimul Castle: recent work by Historic Scotland. In: Kruse A & Ross A (eds.) Barra and Skye: Two Hebridean Perspectives. Edinburgh: Scottish Society for Northern Studies, pp. 47-65. http://www.ssns.org.uk/publications/books.html

Book Chapter

Nehring H (2006) Britain as the Cradle of German extra-parliamentary protests?. In: Bauerkamper A & Eisenberg C (eds.) Britain as a model of modern society? German views. Arbeitskreis Deutsche England-Forschung, 56. Augsburg: Wissner, pp. 111-132.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Palacios Cerezales D (2006) The commencement of control and anti-fiscal riots of 1862 in Portugal [El principio de autoridad y los motines antifiscales de 1862 en Portugal]. The Ortega and Gasset Foundation Seminar on Contemporary History 2006 / Seminario de Historia Contemporánea de la Fundación Ortega y Gasset, 2006, Madrid. http://eprints.ucm.es/8542/

Book Chapter

Davies A (2006) Resurrecting Carmen: Sexual and Ethnic Identity in the Cinema. In: Wintle M (ed.) Image into Identity: Constructing and Assigning Identity in a Culture of Modernity. Studia Imagologica, 11. Amsterdam: Rodopi, pp. 211-222. http://www.rodopi.nl/functions/search.asp?BookId=IMAGOL+11

Authored Book

Olmos Giupponi MB (2006) Derechos Humanos e Integración en América Latina y el Caribe [Human rights and economic integration in Latin America and the Caribbean]. Derechos Humanos, 6. Valencia, Spain: Tirant Lo Blanch. http://www.tirant.com/mex/libro/derechos-humanos-e-integracion-en-america-latina-y-el-caribe-9788484564997

Book Chapter

Dedenbach-Salazar S (2006) Pacha – Space and time in the Huarochirí manuscript. In: Dransart P (ed.) Kay Pacha: Cultivating Earth and Water in the Andes. British Archaeological Reports International Series, 1478. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 19-28. http://www.archaeopress.com/ArchaeopressShop/Public/defaultAll.asp?QuickSearch=Dransart

Edited Book

Cangelosi A, Smith ADM & Smith K (eds.) (2006) The Evolution of Language [Evolang 6]. Singapore: World Scientific. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Evolution-Language-Proceedings-International-Conference/dp/9812566562/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338379059&sr=1-1

Book Chapter

Smith K, Smith ADM, Blythe R & Vogt P (2006) Cross-situational learning: A mathematical approach. In: Vogt P, Sugita Y, Tuci E & Nehaniv (eds.) Symbol Grounding and Beyond: Third International Workshop on the Emergence and Evolution of Linguistic Communication, EELC 2006, Rome, Italy, September 30 – October 1, 2006. Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 4211. Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 31-44. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/11880172_3#; https://doi.org/10.1007/11880172_3

Book Chapter

Haynes R & Boyle R (2006) The Football Industry and Public Relations. In: L’Etang J & Pieczka M (eds.) Public Relations: Critical Debates and Contemporary Practice. New Jersey: Lawrence Erlbaum, pp. 221-41. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Public-Relations-Critical-Contemporary-Practice/dp/0805846182

Book Chapter

Penn S (2006) Wyclif and the Sacraments. In: Levy I (ed.) A Companion to John Wyclif: Late Medieval Theologian. Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition, 4. Leiden: Brill, pp. 241-291. http://www.brill.com/companion-john-wyclif

Book Chapter

Oram R (2006) The Lordship of the Isles, c.1300 to c.1545. In: Omand D (ed.) The Argyll Book. Edinburgh: Birlinn. http://www.birlinn.co.uk/book/details/Argyll-Book--The-9781841582535/

Book Chapter

Baumeister A (2006) Gender equality and cultural justice: How thin is Nussbaum's universalism?. In: Haddock B, Roberts P & Sutch P (eds.) Principles and Political Order: The Challenge of Diversity. Routledge Innovations in Political Theory. London: Routledge, pp. 147-159. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415384629/

Edited Book

Hunter A (ed.) (2006) Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. Broadview Editions. Ontario: Broadview Press. https://www.broadviewpress.com/product.php?productid=794&cat=0&page=1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2006) Dervorgilla of Galloway (Dervorgilla Balliol). In: Ewen E, Innes S & Reynolds S (eds.) Biographical Dictionary of Scottish Women. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 130-131. http://www.euppublishing.com/book/9780748617135

Conference Paper (published)

Oram R (2006) Castles and colonists in twelfth- and thirteenth-century Scotland: the case of Moray. In: Ettel P, Hericher AF & McNeill T (eds.) Actes du colloque international de Voiron, Isere, France, 28 aout-4 septembre 2004: chateau et peuplement. Chateau Gaillard: etudes de castellologie medievale, 22. Chateau Gaillard 22 Chateau et Peuplement, Voiron, Isere, France, 28.08.2004-04.09.2004. Caen: Publications du CRAHM, University of Caen, pp. 289-98. http://www.unicaen.fr/crahm/publications/spip.php?article122