
Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Outputs related to Faculty of Arts and Humanities

Showing 5901 to 6000 of 6557

Book Review

Macleod E (2005) Pitt the younger: A life. Review of: Pitt the Younger: A Life, by Michael J Turner, London: Hambledon, 2003, 358pp. ISBN 9781852853778. English Historical Review, 120 (485), pp. 245-246. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cei094

Book Review

Haynes R (2005) Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities and Beckham. Review of: Media Sport Stars: Masculinities and Moralities. Garry Whannel, London: Routledge, 2002. 288 pp. ISBN: 978-0415170383 Beckham. Ellis Cashmore, Cambridge: Polity, 2004. 224 pp. ISBN: 9780745633671. Media, Culture and Society, 27 (1), pp. 147-149. https://doi.org/10.1177/016344370502700112

Research Report

Cressey M & Oram R (2005) Prestongrange and Morison’s Haven: Potential for Community History Projects [Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project: Desk-based Assessment]. Anderson S (Editor) East Lothian Council; CFA Archaeology Ltd. Prestongrange Community Archaeology Project, 937. CFA Archaeology LTD. http://www.prestongrange.org/pcap/media/documents/Year1DSR.pdf

Book Review

Penman MA (2005) The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424-1488, by R. Tanner. Review of: The Late Medieval Scottish Parliament: Politics and the Three Estates, 1424-1488, by Roland Tanner; Tuckwell Press, East Linton, 2001; ISBN 1862321744; Pb., 316p. History Scotland, 5 (1). http://www.historyscotland.com/backissuelist.html?yid=5&o=0

Book Chapter

Davies A (2005) The Male Body and the Female Gaze in Carmen Films. In: Powrie P, Davies A & Babington B (eds.) The Trouble with Men: Masculinities in European and Hollywood Cinema. London: Wallflower Press, pp. 187-195. http://cup.columbia.edu/book/978-1-904764-09-0/the-trouble-with-men

Book Review

Dinan W (2005) New Activism and the Corporate Response. Review of:
edited by Steve John and Stuart Thomson, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2003, 336pp. ISBN 978-1403903112. Political Studies Review, 3 (1), pp. 152-153. http://www.stuartthomson.co.uk/books/new/studies/

Book Chapter

Bell LM (2004) The First Day of Christmas. In: Thornton V & Whyte H (eds.) Milking the Haggis. New Writing Scotland, 21. Glasgow: Association for Scottish Literary Studies. http://asls.arts.gla.ac.uk/NWS21.html

Book Chapter

Olmos Giupponi MB & Díaz Barrado CM (2004) El marco jurídico-constitucional del espacio de libertad, seguridad y justicia. In: Garrido MV & Alvarez CE (eds.) Comentarios a la Constitución Europea, Vol. 3: Políticas comunitarias, las finanzas de la Unión. Valencia, Spain: Tirant Lo Blanch, pp. 1031-1062. http://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/libro?codigo=9577#volumen23070

Book Chapter

Maley W & Neely S (2004) "Almost afraid to know itself": Macbeth and Cinematic Scotland. In: Bell E & Miller G (eds.) Scotland in Theory: Reflections on Culture and Literature. SCROLL: Scottish Cultural Review of Language and Literature, 1. Amsterdam and New York: Rodopi, pp. 97-106. http://www.rodopi.nl/ntalpha.asp?BookId=SCROLL+1&type=textbook&letter=S

Book Chapter

Richards D (2004) The poetry of Christopher Okigbo. In: Danson BR & Gupta S (eds.) Aestheticism and Modernism: Debating Twentieth Century Literature 1900- 1960. Twentieth-Century Literature: Texts and Debates. London: Routledge. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415351683/

Conference Paper (published)

de Pedro Ricoy R (2004) Ma?ana en la batalla piensa en mi: Un producto cultural híbrido?. In: de la CJ (ed.) Actas del XIV Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas: Volume 3: Literatura espa?ola, siglos XVIII y XX. XIV Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas : New York, 16-21 de Julio de 2001, New York, 16.07.2001-21.07.2001. Newark, DE, USA: Juan de la Cuesta-Hispanic Monographs, pp. 165-170. https://cvc.cervantes.es/literatura/aih/pdf/14/aih_14_3_020.pdf

Book Chapter

Dedenbach-Salazar S (2004) Re-creando un discurso andino en la época colonial: El manuscrito de Huarochirí. In: Schechter J & Delgado G G (eds.) Quechua Verbal Artistry: The Inscription of Andean Voices:. Bonner Amerikanistische Studien / Estudios Americanistas de Bonn / Bonn Americanist Studies, 38. Bonn and Aachen: BAS and Shaker, pp. 3-34.

Book Chapter

Dedenbach-Salazar S (2004) "Que el patrón nomás, quitándose los zapatos, pastee los animales." Limitaciones y posibilidades de la historia oral para la comprensión de la resistencia indígena (Puno, Perú, comienzos del siglo XX). In: Cipolletti M (ed.) Los mundos de abajo y los mundos de arriba: Individuo y sociedad en las tierras bajas, en los Andes y más allá. Quito: Abya-Yala, pp. 489-528.

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Fleming, Thomas, second earl of Wigtown (d. in or after 1382). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 20. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 64-65. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198614111.do; https://doi.org/10.1093/ref%3Aodnb/54185

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Patrick, fifth earl of Atholl (c.1222–1242). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198614111.do; https://doi.org/10.1093/ref%3Aodnb/50014

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Thomas [Thomas of Galloway], earl of Atholl (d. 1231). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 272-273. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198614111.do; https://doi.org/10.1093/ref%3Aodnb/49364

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Alan, lord of Galloway (b. before 1199, d. 1234). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198614111.do; https://doi.org/10.1093/ref%3Aodnb/49362

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Roland, lord of Galloway (d. 1200). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://ukcatalogue.oup.com/product/9780198614111.do; https://doi.org/10.1093/ref%3Aodnb/49361

Edited Book

Li S (ed.) (2004) TOFEL Vocabulary (Dictionary). Dalian, China: Dalian Technology University Publishing.


Blair K (2004) The Heart in Victorian Poetry. Literature Compass, 1 (1). https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1741-4113.2004.00009.x

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D & Paloma Gonzalez FM (2004) Régimen, la orden público y movilización. Espa?a y Portugal en el primer tercio del siglo xx. In: Bai?a M (ed.) Elites e Poder: A crise do Sistema Liberal em Portugal e Espanha (1918-1931). Colec??o Biblioteca Estudos & colóquios, 6. Evora, Portugal: Edi??es Colibri, pp. 449-479. http://www.edi-colibri.pt/Detalhes.aspx?ItemID=192

Book Chapter

Ezra E (2004) The Cinemising Process: Filmgoing in the Silent Era. In: Temple M & Witt M (eds.) The French Cinema Book. London: British Film Institute (Palgrave Macmillan), pp. 74-81. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?PID=307912

Book Chapter

Hames S (2004) Fightin' Dominies and Form: Politics and Narrative in Some Modern Scottish Novels of Education. In: Alexander N, Murphy S & Oakman A (eds.) To the Other Shore: Cross-currents in Irish and Scottish Studies. Belfast Studies in Language, Culture and Politics. Belfast: Cló Ollscoil na Banríona (Queen's University Belfast Press), pp. 56-68. http://www.qub.ac.uk/sites/COB/Publications/BelfastStudiesinLanguageCultureandPolitics/

Book Chapter

Penman MA (2004) Parliament Lost - Parliament Regained? The Three Estates in the Reign of David II, 1329-1371. In: Brown KM, Mann AJ, MacDonald AR & Tanner RJ (eds.) The History of the Scottish Parliament: Parliament and Politics in Scotland, 1235-1560. The Edinburgh History of the Scottish Parliament, Volume 1, 1. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 74-101. https://edinburghuniversitypress.com/book-the-history-of-the-scottish-parliament-hb-766.html

Book Chapter

Mann A (2004) 'Some Property is Theft': copyright law and illegal activity in early modern Scotland. In: Myers R, Harris M & Mandelbrote G (eds.) Against the Law: Crime, Sharp Practice and the Control of Print. Publishing Pathways. New Castle: Oak Knoll Press and the British Library, pp. 31-60. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Against-Law-Practice-Publishing-Pathways/dp/0712348964


McKay JM (2004) Invisible Journalists. Media Education Journal, 36, pp. 13-15. http://www.mediaedscotland.org.uk/journals.html

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Fergus, lord of Galloway (d.1161). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 19: Fane-Flatman. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 19. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 339-40. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343227755&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Community of the Realm: the Middle Ages. In: Glendinning M (ed.) The Architecture of Scottish Government: From Kingship to Democracy. Illustrated ed. Dundee: Dundee University Press Ltd, pp. 15-81. http://www.buyat.dundee.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=1&catid=11&prodid=31

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Stewart, John, twelfth earl of Lennox (d.1526). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 52: Spruce-Strakosch. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 52. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 707-8. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343227755&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Seton, George, fourth Lord Seton (c.1508-1549). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 49: Sartorius-Sharman. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 49. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 805-6. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343227755&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Gordon, Alexander, third earl of Huntley (d.1524). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 22: Gibbes-Gospatric. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 22. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 845-6. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343227755&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Dunbar, Gavin (c.1490-1547). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 17: Drysdale-Ekins. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 17. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 205-7. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343224709&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Fleming, Malcolm, first earl of Wigtown (d. in or before 1363). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 20: Flattisbury-Freston. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 20. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 64-65. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343224709&sr=8-1

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Quincy, Saer de, earl of Winchester (d.1219). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume 45: Pote-Randles. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 45. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 708-11. http://www.oxforddnb.com/

Book Chapter

Oram R (2004) Quincy, Roger de, earl of Winchester (c.1195-1264). In: Matthew H & Harrison B (eds.) Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Volume. 45: Pote-Randles. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, 45. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 707-8. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Oxford-Dictionary-National-Biography-Association/dp/019861411X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1343224709&sr=8-1

Authored Book

Oram R (2004) David I: the King Who Made Scotland. Revealing History. Stroud: Tempus. http://www.thehistorypress.co.uk/products/David-I.aspx

Authored Book

Fawcett R & Oram R (2004) Melrose Abbey. Historic Scotland. Stroud: Tempus.

Edited Book

Botting F & Townshend D (eds.) (2004) Gothic: Critical Concepts in Literary and Cultural Studies. London and New York: Routledge. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Gothic-Critical-Concepts-Literary-Cultural/dp/0415251125/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1338378455&sr=1-1

Book Review

Steyn P (2004) African Environmental History. Review of: Social History and African Environments, William Beinart and JoAnn McGregor (eds) (Oxford, James Currey, 2003), xii275 pp., ISBN 0 85255 950 X.. Journal of Southern African Studies, 30 (4), pp. 904-906. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0305707042000313086

Book Chapter

Penn S (2004) Latin Verse. In: Murdoch B (ed.) German Literature of the Early Middle Ages. The Camden House History of German Literature, 2. London: Camden House, pp. 87-118. https://www.boydellandbrewer.com/store/viewItem.asp?idProduct=7558

Authored Book

Boyle R & Haynes R (2004) Football in the New Media Age. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Football-in-the-New-Media-Age/Boyle-Haynes/p/book/9780415317917

Book Review

Cook RT & Ebert P (2004) The limits of abstraction. Review of: The Limits of Abstraction, Kit Fine, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2002, pp.216. ISBN 9780191567261. British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 55 (4), pp. 791-800. https://doi.org/10.1093/bjps/55.4.791

Book Chapter

Benwell B & Stokoe E (2004) University students resisting academic identity. In: Richards K & Seedhouse P (eds.) Applying Conversation Analysis. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 124-140. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=269707

Edited Book

Ezra E (ed.) (2004) European Cinema. Oxford: Oxford University Press. http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/FilmMediaPerformingArts/FilmStudies/?view=usa&ci=9780199255719


Little G (2004) Scotland and Parliamentary Sovereignty. Legal Studies, 24 (4), pp. 540-567. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1748-121X.2004.tb00262.x

Conference Paper (published)

Sutherland EE (2004) Lessons from Orkney: Child Protection in Scotland. In: D'Abate D & Rowe W (eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on the Child, Montreal (Quebec), Canada, October 13-14-15, 1999, Children and Violence: Our Individual, Family and Collective Responsibilities. 4th International Conference on the Child, Organization for the Protection of Children’s Rights, Children and Violence: Our Individual, Family and Collective Responsibilities, Montreal, Canada, 13.10.1999-15.10.1999. Montreal: Theo Done and Associates Ltd. pp. 257-271. http://www.osde.ca/pdf/actes_4_congres.pdf

Edited Book

Blair K (ed.) (2004) John Keble in Context. London: Anthem Press. http://www.anthempress.com/john-keble-in-context-pb

Research Report

Goodall K (2004) The Policing of Racist Incidents in Strathclyde. Strathclyde Police. University of Glasgow. http://dspace.gla.ac.uk:8080/bitstream/1905/610/1/POLICING+OF+RACIST+INCIDENTS+IN+STRATHCLYDE.pdf

Book Chapter

Squires C (2004) Novelistic Production and the Publishing Industry in Britain and Ireland. In: Shaffer B (ed.) A Companion to the British and Irish Novel 1945-2000. Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture, 28. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 177-193. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-1405113758.html

Book Chapter

Hass A (2004) Seeing Through a Glass Face to Face. In: Jasper D & Newlands G (eds.) Believing in the Text. Religions and Discourse, 18. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 57-74. https://www.peterlang.com/document/1096808


Wheeler M (2004) Is language the ultimate artefact?. Language Sciences, 26 (6), pp. 693-715. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.langsci.2004.09.011

Book Review

Foster S (2004) Leslie Alcock, Kings and Warriors, Craftsmen and Priests in Northern Britain AD 550-850. Review of: Kings and Warriors, Craftsmen and Priests in Northern Britain AD 550-850, Leslie Alcock, Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2003, 460pp, ISBN 0 903903 24 5. The Innes Review, 55 (2), pp. 224-5. https://doi.org/10.3366/inr.2004.55.2.224


Lin Y (2004) Introduction: FLOSS at Large. First Monday, 9 (11). http://journals.uic.edu/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/1184/1104; https://doi.org/10.5210/fm.v9i11.1184

Book Review

Ross A (2004) Lewis and Pringle, Spynie Palace and the Bishops of Moray. Review of: Spynie Palace and the Bishops of Moray, John Lewis and Denys Pringle, Edinburgh, Society of Antiquaries. 2002, Pp. xvii + 205. ISBN 0903903210.. Scottish Historical Review, 83 (2), pp. 233-235. http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/abs/10.3366/shr.2004.83.2.233; https://doi.org/10.3366/shr.2004.83.2.233