Lecturer in Mathematics, Computing Science
Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Senior Animal Technician
Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Lecturer in A.I/Data Science, Computing Science
Senior Lecturer, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Professor Matt-Mouley Bouamrane
Professor in Health/Social Informatics, Computing Science
Guest Lecturer, Psychology
Senior Lecturer, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Psychology
UKRI Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow (NERC), Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
Research Fellow in Digital Water, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Tutor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Aquaculture Nutrition, Institute of Aquaculture
Lecturer, Computing Science
Lecturer in Health Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Honorary Lecturer, Psychology
Lecturer in Computing Science, Computing Science
Aquatic Invertebrate Zoologist, Institute of Aquaculture
Tutor, Computing Science
Research Assistant, Psychology
Honorary Research Fellow, Psychology
Lecturer in Ecology, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Psychology
Senior Lecturer, Psychology
Emeritus Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
Technical Manager
Honorary Senior Research Fellow, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Honorary Professor, Computing Science
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Assistant, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Emeritus Professor, Institute of Aquaculture
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Lecturer in Remote Sensing, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer, Psychology
Lecturer in Psychology, Psychology
Field Technician(Ecological Restoration), Biological and Environmental Sciences
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Aquaculture Production Scien, Institute of Aquaculture
Senior Lecturer, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Honorary Professor, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Emeritus Professor, Computing Science
Emeritus Professor, Mathematics
Lecturer in Global Change Biology, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer in Environmental Geography, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Lecturer, Computing Science
Post Doctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Aquaculture
Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Assistant, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Postdoctoral Reseacher, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Learning and Teaching Coordinator
Senior Lecturer, Psychology
Lead Technical Specialist
PhD Researcher, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Tutor, Computing Science and Mathematics - Division
Teaching Fellow, Mathematics
Senior Technical Specialist IT
Associate Professor, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Research Fellow, Computing Science
Lecturer in Soil, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Senior Research Fellow, Biological and Environmental Sciences
Dean of Natural Sciences, NS Management and Support
Lect in Aquatic Environmental Science, Institute of Aquaculture
PhD Researcher, Institute of Aquaculture
Learning and Teaching Coordinator
PhD Researcher, Psychology