

Outputs related to History

Showing 701 to 800 of 1450

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2013) Foreword. In: Yeh A & Chun C (eds.) Expect Great Things, Attempt Great Things: William Carey and Adoniram Judson, Missionary Pioneers. Studies in World Christianity. Eugene, OR, USA: Wipf and Stock, pp. xiii-xiv. http://wipfandstock.com/expect-great-things-attempt-great-things.html

Book Review

Penman MA (2013) The Firth of Forth: An Environmental History. Review of: The Firth of Forth - An Environmental History, by T.C. Smout and M. Stewart (Glasgow: Birlinn, 2012, 240pp, ISBN 9781780270647). Reviews in History, Review number: 1425. http://www.history.ac.uk/reviews/review/1425

Book Chapter

Macleod E (2013) Conservative reaction, c.1792-1820: the case for rejection. In: Macleod E (ed.) British Visions of America, 1775-1820: Republican Realities. The Enlightenment World, 27. London: Pickering and Chatto, pp. 73-99. http://www.tandfebooks.com/action/showBook?doi=10.4324/9781315653365; https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315653365

Edited Book

Kleingartner S, Newfield T, Rossignol S & Wehner D (eds.) (2013) Landscapes and Societies in Ancient and Medieval Europe East of the Elbe: Interactions Between Environmental Settings and Cultural Transformations. Papers in Mediaeval Studies, 23. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. http://www.pims.ca/publications/newtitles.html

Preprint / Working Paper

Nicolson C (2013) Catalogue of the Papers of Francis Bernard. The Bernard Papers. http://www.bernardpapers.com/media/c1d472da1076163ffff86e3ffffe417.pdf

Book Chapter

Nicolson C (2013) The Revolutionary Politics of John Adams, 1760-1775. In: Waldstreicher D (ed.) A Companion to John Adams and John Quincy Adams. Blackwell Companions to American History Series. Malden: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 60-77. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470655585.html

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW & Sutherland M (2013) Introduction. In: Bebbington D & Sutherland M (eds.) Interfaces: Baptists and Others. Studies in Baptist History and Thought, 44. Milton Keynes: Paternoster, pp. xv-xvii. http://www.bwa-baptist-heritage.org/sbht-2.htm#anchor93549

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2013) Foreword. In: Lalleman P, Morden P & Cross A (eds.) Grounded in Grace: Essays to Honour Ian M. Randall. London: Spurgeon's College, pp. xv-xvii. http://spurgeons-college.myshopify.com/products/grounded-in-grace-essays-to-honour-ian-m-randall

Book Chapter

Foster S (2012) Pictish parallels for Gotland’s picture stones?. In: Karnell M (ed.) Gotland's Picture Stones: Bearers of an Enigmatic Legacy. Reports from the Friends of the Historical Museum Association, 84. Visby, Sweden: Fornsalen Publishing, Gotlands Museum, pp. 171-182. http://shop.textalk.se/en/article.php?id=18478&art=14310497

Book Chapter

Oram R (2012) Why Medieval History Matters. In: Cowan E (ed.) Why Scottish History Still Matters. Edinburgh: Saltire Society. http://w.saltiresociety.org.uk/newt2.htm

Book Chapter

Foster S (2012) Piktiska paraller til Gotland’s bildstenar?. In: Karnell M (ed.) Gotlands Bildstenar – J?rn?lderns G?tfulla Budb?rare. Meddelanden fr?n F?reningen Gotlands Fornv?nner, 84. Visby: Fornsalen Publishing, Gotland Museum, pp. 171-182.

Book Chapter

Nehring H (2012) Transnationale soziale Bewegungen [Transnational social movements]. In: Dülffer J & Loth W (eds.) Dimensionen internationaler Geschichte [Dimensions of International History]. Studien zur internationalen Geschichte, 30. Munich: Oldenbourg, pp. 129-150. https://www.degruyter.com/view/product/222498

Book Chapter

Newfield T (2012) Epizootics and the Consumption of Diseased Meat in the Middle Ages. In: Ammannati F (ed.) Religione e istituzioni religiose nell'economia europea. 1000-1800/ Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy, 1000-1800. Atti delle "Settimane di Studi" e altri Convegni, 43. Florence, Italy: Firenze University Press, pp. 619-639. http://www.fupress.com/scheda.asp?IDV=2216

Book Chapter

Oram R (2012) Breaking new ground: the monastic orders and economic development along the Northern European periphery c.1070 to c.1300. In: Ammannati & F (eds.) Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy 1000-1800 Religione E Istituzioni Religiose Nell'Economia Europea 1000-1800. Serie II - Atti delle 'Settimane di Studi' e altri Convegni, 43. Florence, Italy: Firenze University Press, pp. 331-343. http://digital.casalini.it/9788866551263

Authored Book

Oram R (2012) Alexander II, King of Scots 1214-1249. Edinburgh: Birlinn Ltd. http://www.birlinn.co.uk/Alexander-II-King-of-Scots-1214-1249-9781904607922.html

Book Chapter

Bebbington DW (2012) Conscience and Politics. In: Husselbee L & Ballard P (eds.) Free Churches and Society: The Nonconformist Contribution to Social Welfare, 1800-2010. London: Continuum, pp. 45-64. http://www.bloomsbury.com/uk/free-churches-and-society-9781441156136/

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D (2012) Gases y culatazos: la profesionalización policial en el primer Salazarismo. In: Martins F (ed.) A Forma??o e a Consolida??o Política do Salazarismo e do Franquismo: As Décadas de 1930 e 1940. Lisboa: Edicioes Colibri. http://www.edi-colibri.pt/Detalhes.aspx?ItemID=1624

Book Chapter

Palacios Cerezales D (2012) Repressive Legacies and the Democratisation of Iberian Police Systems. In: Morlino L & Pinto A (eds.) Dealing with the legacy of authoritarianism. South European Society and Politics. London: Routledge, pp. 89-108. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415587082/

Book Chapter

Peden G (2012) A new Scotland? The economy. In: Devine TM T & Wormald J (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern Scottish History. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 652-670. https://doi.org/10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199563692.013.0036


Thacker M (2012) Towards an on-site mortar archaeology of the Isle of Lewis. Journal of the Building Limes Forum, 19, pp. 38-44. https://www.buildinglimesforum.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Contents2012BLFJournalVol19.pdf


Morgan J (2012) The multi-sensory museum. Glasnik Etnografskog instituta SANU, 60 (1), pp. 65-77. https://doi.org/10.2298/GEI1201065M

Book Chapter

Bonacchi C (2012) Introduction. In: Bonacchi C (ed.) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications p. xix.

Book Chapter

Bonacchi C (2012) La mostra: idea e struttura. In: Vannini G & Nucciotti M (eds.) La Transgiordania nei secoli XII-XIII e le 'frontiere' del Mediterraneo medievale. BAR International Series, 2386. Oxford: Archaeopress, pp. 36-43.

Book Chapter

Nicolson C (2012) The Papers of Francis Bernard, Governor of Colonial Massachusetts, 1760-69: Volume 2 (1764-65) (Introduction). In: Nicolson C (ed.) The Papers of Francis Bernard, Governor of Colonial Massachusetts, 1760-69: Volume 2 (1764-65). Publications of the Colonial Society of Massachusetts. Charlottesville, VA: University of Virginia Press / Colonial Society of Massachusetts, pp. 1-13. http://bernardpapers.com/2173.html

Conference Paper (published)

Penman MA (2012) The Economics of Faith: Approaches to Monastic Saints' Cults in Medieval Scotland. In: Ammannati F (ed.) Religione e istituzioni religiose nell'economia europea. 1000-1800 - Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy. 1000-1800. Atti della "Quarantatreesima Settimana di Studi" 8-12 maggio 2011. Pubblicazioni., Serie II,, Atti delle "settimane di studio" e altri convegni., 42. Religione e istituzioni religiose nell'economia europea. 1000-1800 - Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy. 1000-1800, 08.05.2011-11.05.2011. Firenze, Italy: Firenze University Press, pp. 765-777. http://www.fupress.com/eng/scheda.asp?IDV=2216


Jenkinson J (2012) A "crutch to assist in gaining an honest living": Dispensary shopkeeping by Scottish general practitioners and the responses of the British medical elite, ca. 1852-1911. Bulletin of the History of Medicine, 86 (1), pp. 1-36. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?partnerID=yv4JPVwI&eid=2-s2.0-84859968117&md5=ba1a43a483699d6eb06e765780699ccc; https://doi.org/10.1353/bhm.2012.0008

Book Chapter

Slavin P (2012) Church and Food Provisioning in Late-Medieval England, 1250-1450: Production Costs, Markets and the Decline of Direct Demesne Management. In: Ammannati F (ed.) Religione e istituzioni religiose nell’economia europea, 1000 - 1800 / Religion and Religious Institutions in the European Economy, 1000 - 1800. Firenze University Press, pp. 597-618.

Presentation / Talk

Palacios Cerezales D (2012) Gendarmeria, fiscalidade e cultura cívica no Portugal do século XIX [Gendarmería, fiscalidad y cultura cívica en el Portugal del siglo XIX]. XXXII Encontro da Associa??o Portuguesa de História Económica e Social: A constru??o da fortuna e do malogro: perspectivas históricas, Lisboa, Portugal, 16.11.2012-17.11.2012. http://aphes32.cehc.iscte-iul.pt/programa.htm

Book Review

Nehring H (2012) The Price of Freedom. Review of: Der Preis Der Freihiet: Geschichte Europas in unserer Zeit by Andreas Wirsching, Munich: Beck, 2012, 487 pp. ISBN 9783406632525. TLS: The Times Literary Supplement, (5720), pp. 35-35. https://www.the-tls.co.uk/articles/private/history-22/


Nehring H (2012) What was the Cold War?. English Historical Review, 127 (527), pp. 920-949. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/ces176

Book Review

Penman MA (2012) The Cult of Saints and the Virgin Mary in Medieval Scotland. Review of:
edited by Steve Boardman and Eila Williamson, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2010, pp. 226. ISBN:9781843835622. English Historical Review, CXXVII (526), pp. 685-687. http://ehr.oxfordjournals.org/content/CXXVII/526.toc; https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/ces101

Book Chapter

Pett D & Bonacchi C (2012) Conclusions. In: Bonacchi C (ed.) Archaeology and Digital Communication. Towards Strategies of Public Engagement. London: Archetype Publications, pp. 126-130. https://archetype.co.uk/our-titles/archaeology-and-digital-communication/?id=155

Book Review

Penman MA (2012) Liberties and Identities in the Medieval British Isles. Review of:
edited by Michael Prestwich, Suffolk: Boydell & Brewer Ltd, 2008, pp. 236. ISBN: 9781843833741. Scottish Historical Review, 91, pp. 167-168. http://www.euppublishing.com/loi/shr; https://doi.org/10.3366/shr.2012.0081


Bebbington DW (2012) Gladstone's Preaching and Gladstone's Reading. Nineteenth-Century Prose, 39 (1/2), pp. 113-136. http://nineteenthcenturyprose.org/articlesabstracts/#Volume 39, Numbers 1/2, Spring/Fall 2012.

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Palacios Cerezales D (2012) Oliveira Martins i el cesarismo. Jornades sobre dos contemporanis enfrontats: Valentí Almirall (1841-1904) i Joaquín Costa (1846-1911), Barcelona, 22.03.2012-23.03.2012. http://www.upf.edu/iuhjvv/actualitat/arxiu/TRIPTIC-ALMIRALL-COSTA.pdf

Website Content

Nicolson C (2012) The Bernard Papers. 29.02.2012. http://www.bernardpapers.com/2101.html

Book Review

Macleod E (2012) Radicalism, Reform and National Identity in Scotland, 1820-1833. Review of: Radicalism, Reform and National Identity in Scotland, 1820–1833, by Gordon Pentland (Woodbridge: Boydell P., for the Royal Historical Soc., 2008; pp.234. ISBN-10: 0861932994; ISBN-13: 978-0861932993. English Historical Review, 127 (524), pp. 195-196. https://doi.org/10.1093/ehr/cer371

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Palacios Cerezales D (2012) Facing the State: Popular Protest and State in 19th Century Portugal [Frente al Estado: Protesta popular y Estado en el siglo XIX portugués]. Imperial Iberian configurations: Administrations and bureaucracies (15th-20th centuries) / Configura??es imperiais ibéricas: Administra??es e burocracias (sécs. XV-XX), Lisboa, Portugal, 27.02.2012-29.02.2012. http://www.casadevelazquez.org/recherche-scientifique/programmes/les-communautes-dinteret-politique/globiber/activites-passees/news/configuracoes-imperiais-ibericas/


Nehring H, Engerman DC, Rupprecht T, Moro R, Fulbrook M, Gestwa K & Beige B (2012) La Guerra fredda e la storia del secolo XX [The Cold War and XX century history]. Contemporanea, 15 (1), pp. 119-176. https://doi.org/10.1409/36300