

Outputs related to Sport

Showing 1001 to 1100 of 2173


Jensen K, Gallagher IJ, Kaliszewska A, Zhang C, Abejide O, Gallagher MP, Werling D & Glass EJ (2016) Live and inactivated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium stimulate similar but distinct transcriptome profiles in bovine macrophages and dendritic cells. Veterinary Research, 47, Art. No.: 46. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13567-016-0328-y

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Scelles N, Andreff W, Petrovic L, Helleu B, Solntsev I & Kurscheidt M (2016) The economics and management of European professional football and the media [Football & Economy]. International Congress of Sciences and Football “Image, Multimedia & New Technologies”, Valenciennes, France, 01.03.2016-04.03.2016. http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/evenements/sites/www.univ-valenciennes.fr.evenements/files/congress-sciences-football-2016/congress-sciences-football-8-february-2016-full-program.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Scelles N & Dermit-Richard N (2016) A comparative analysis of the evolution of TV rights in English and French men’s football first divisions, 1980-2020. International Congress of Sciences and Football “Image, Multimedia & New Technologies”, Valenciennes, France, 01.03.2016-04.03.2016. http://www.univ-valenciennes.fr/evenements/sites/www.univ-valenciennes.fr.evenements/files/congress-sciences-football-2016/congress-sciences-football-8-february-2016-full-program.pdf


Vitlic A, Lord JM, Taylor AE, Arlt W, Bartlett DB, Rossi A, Arora-Duggal N, Welham A, Heald M, Oliver C, Carroll D & Phillips AC (2016) Neutrophil function in young and old caregivers. British Journal of Health Psychology, 21 (1), pp. 173-189. https://doi.org/10.1111/bjhp.12156

Book Chapter

Bradley J (2016) Who Fears to Speak?. In: Maley W (ed.) Scotland and the Easter Rising: Fresh perspectives on 1916. 1 ed. Edinburgh: Luath Press Ltd, pp. 49-55. https://www.luath.co.uk/history/scotland-and-the-easter-rising-fresh-perspectives-on-1916

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Smith M, Slater M & Coffee P (2015) A mixed method approach to examine the impact of leader prototypicality on group functioning. 2015 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, Leeds, 14.12.2015-15.12.2015. https://www1.bps.org.uk/system/files/user-files/Division%20of%20Sport%20%2526%20Exercise%20Psychology%20Conference/abstract_book.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Sheridan D, Coffee P & Lavallee D (2015) Effects of a Social Support Intervention on Youth Player Intention to Drop Out – The ‘Play to Stay’ Trial. 2015 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, Leeds, 14.12.2015-15.12.2015. https://www1.bps.org.uk/system/files/user-files/Division%20of%20Sport%20%2526%20Exercise%20Psychology%20Conference/abstract_book.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Coffee P & Freeman P (2015) The Team-referent PASS-Q. 2015 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, Leeds, 14.12.2015-15.12.2015. https://www1.bps.org.uk/system/files/user-files/Division%20of%20Sport%20%2526%20Exercise%20Psychology%20Conference/abstract_book.pdf


Webborn N, Williams A, McNamee M, Bouchard C, Pitsiladis Y, Ahmetov I, Ashley E, Byrne N, Camporesi S, Collins MR, Dijkstra P, Eynon N, Fuku N, Garton F & Moran CN (2015) Direct-to-consumer genetic testing for predicting sports performance and talent identification: Consensus statement. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 49 (23), pp. 1486-1491. https://doi.org/10.1136/bjsports-2015-095343


Perez-Schindler J, Hamilton DL, Moore DR, Baar K & Philp A (2015) Nutritional strategies to support concurrent training. European Journal of Sport Science, 15 (1), pp. 41-52. https://doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2014.950345


Viollet B, Scelles N & Ferrand A (2015) Le processus de conception de la politique sportive d’une fédération nationale : Proposition d’un cadre d’analyse. Revue Europeenne de Management du Sport, 47, pp. 39-63. http://www.acteursdusport.fr/PAR_TPL_IDENTIFIANT/24749/TPL_CODE/TPL_REVUE_ART_FICHE/PAG_TITLE/Le+processus+de+conception+de+la+politique+sportive+d%27une+f%E9d%E9ration+nationale+%3A+proposition+d%27un+cadre+d%27analyse+-+Bastien+Viollet%2C+Nicolas+Scelles

Book Chapter

Robinson L & Winand M (2015) Performance Management. In: Byers T (ed.) Contemporary Issues in Sport Management: A Critical Introduction. London: SAGE, pp. 245-255. https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/contemporary-issues-in-sport-management/book242153

Book Chapter

Overbye M & Elbe A (2015) Implications of Anti-Doping Regulations for Athletes’ Wellbeing. In: M?ller V, Waddington I & Hoberman J (eds.) Routledge Handbook of Drugs and Sport. Routledge International Handbooks. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 322-336. https://www.routledge.com/Routledge-Handbook-of-Drugs-and-Sport/Moller-Waddington-Hoberman/p/book/9780415702782


Kolyperas D, Morrow S & Sparks L (2015) Developing CSR in professional football clubs: drivers and phases. Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society, 15 (2), pp. 177-195. http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/CG-05-2014-0062; https://doi.org/10.1108/CG-05-2014-0062

Authored Book

Berger B, Weinberg R & Eklund R (2015) Foundations of Exercise Psychology, 3rd edn. Morgantown, WV: Fitness Information Technology. http://www.fitinfotech.com/FoundationsExercisePsychology3rdEd.html

Edited Book

Tenenbaum G & Eklund R (eds.) (2015) Sport Psychology. Critical Concepts in Sports Studies. London: Routledge. http://www.psypress.com/books/details/9780415823647/

Book Chapter

Arthur CA & Tomsett P (2015) Transformational leadership behaviour in sport. In: Mellalieu S & Hanton S (eds.) Contemporary Advances in Sport Psychology: A Review. London: Routledge, pp. 175-201. https://www.routledge.com/Contemporary-Advances-in-Sport-Psychology-A-Review/Mellalieu-Hanton/p/book/9780415744379


Gustafsson T, Lundberg T & Vollaard N (2015) Intensiva intervaller en hit f?r konditionen. Svensk Idrottsforskning, 24 (4), pp. 8-11. http://centrumforidrottsforskning.se/paper/svensk-idrottsforskning-4-2015/


Hong HJ, Coffee P & Lavallee D (2015) Towards a psycho-educational curriculum for sport career transition practitioners. 2015 British Psychological Society Division of Sport & Exercise Psychology Conference, Leeds, 14.12.2015-15.12.2015. https://www1.bps.org.uk/system/files/user-files/Division%20of%20Sport%20%2526%20Exercise%20Psychology%20Conference/abstract_book.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Cronin L & Allen J (2015) Development and validation of the life skills scale for sport. British Psychological Society – Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology Conference 2015, Leeds, UK, 07.12.2015-08.12.2015.


Jeromson S, Gallagher IJ, Galloway SD & Hamilton DL (2015) Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Skeletal Muscle Health. Marine Drugs, 13 (11), pp. 6977-7004. https://doi.org/10.3390/md13116977


Mansfield L, Anokye N, Fox-Rushby J & Kay T (2015) The Health and Sport Engagement (HASE) intervention and evaluation project: Protocol for the design, outcome, process and economic evaluation of a complex community sport intervention to increase levels of physical activity. BMJ Open, 5 (10), Art. No.: e009276. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2015-009276


Apro W, Moberg M, Hamilton DL, Ekblom B, Rooyackers O, Holmberg H & Blomstrand E (2015) Leucine does not affect mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 assembly but is required for maximal ribosomal protein s6 kinase 1 activity in human skeletal muscle following resistance exercis. The FASEB Journal, 29 (10), pp. 4358-4373. https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.15-273474

Newspaper / Magazine

Scelles N (2015) Ce qu'implique l'explosion des droits TV du foot anglais. La Tribune. 15.10.2015. http://www.latribune.fr/opinions/tribunes/ce-qu-implique-l-explosion-des-droits-tv-du-foot-anglais-513008.html

Newspaper / Magazine

Scelles N (2015) Comment la Premier League anglaise a fait exploser ses droits TV. Le Huffington Post. 15.10.2015. http://www.huffingtonpost.fr/nicolas-scelles/droits-tv-premier-league-angleterre-football_b_8294398.html?utm_hp_ref=france

Presentation / Talk

Kirkland A (2015) The map of performance excellence. 8th Oxford Colloquium on Medical Education, Pembroke College, Oxford, 30.09.2015-01.10.2015. http://www.oumef.org/media/ocme-2015-programme.pdf


Sood S, Gallagher IJ, Lunnon K, Rullman E, Keohane A, Crossland H, Phillips BE, Cederholm T, Jensen T, van Loon LJC, Lannfelt L, Kraus WE, Atherton PJ, Howard R, Gustafsson T, Hodges A & Timmons JA (2015) A novel multi-tissue RNA diagnostic of healthy ageing relates to cognitive health status. Genome Biology, 16 (1), Art. No.: 185. https://doi.org/10.1186/s13059-015-0750-x

Book Chapter

Cabaud B, Scelles N, Francois A & Morrow S (2015) Modeling Performances and Competitive Balance in Professional Road Cycling. In: Van Reeth D & Larsen D (eds.) The Economics of Professional Road Cycling. Sports Economics, Management and Policy, 11. Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, pp. 257-283. http://www.springer.com/us/book/9783319223117

Book Chapter

Durand C, Scelles N & Terrien M (2015) L’ouverture de la Ligue Nationale de Rugby : ? Le french flair ? d’une instance récente. In: Chaix P (ed.) Le nouveau visage du rugby professionnel fran?ais : Argent, succès et dérives. La Librairie des Humanites. Paris: L’Harmattan, pp. 55-74. http://www.editions-harmattan.fr/index.asp?navig=catalogue&obj=livre&no=48157

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Scelles N, Szymanski S, Dermit-Richard N & Morrow S (2015) Insolvencies and Financial Difficulties in French Football, 1970-2012. 23rd Conference of European Association for Sport Management, Dublin, 09.09.2015-12.09.2015. http://www.easm.net/2015-2/