

Outputs related to Sport

Showing 1101 to 1200 of 2173

Newspaper / Magazine

Scelles N & Winand M (2015) CLUSTERS SPORTIFS MONDIAUX Ces lieux où palpite l'innovation sportiveEtape 1 | Sporting Chance InitiativeScotland's Hub for Business Innovation in Sport [Etape 1: Sporting Chance Initiative, Scotland's Hub for Business Innovation in Sport]. SWI Sport Data. 09.09.2015. http://www.swi-sportdata.com/HOME/Archives-Juillet/Aout-2012


Henson J, Edwardson CL, Morgan B, Horsfield MA, Bodicoat DH, Biddle SJH, Gorely T, Nimmo MA, Mccann GP, Khunti K, Davies MJ & Yates T (2015) Associations of sedentary time with fat distribution in a high-risk population. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 47 (8), pp. 1727-1734. https://doi.org/10.1249/MSS.0000000000000572

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Scelles N, Szymanski S, Dermit-Richard N & Morrow S (2015) Consequences of insolvency [Consequences of actual and anticipated insolvencies in French football]. 7th European Sport Economic Association Conference on Sports Economics, Zurich, Switzerland, 27.08.2015-28.08.2015. http://www.crsa.uzh.ch/research/201508/cprogram/conference_program_final.pdf


Edwardson CL, Harrington DM, Yates T, Bodicoat DH, Khunti K, Gorely T, Sherar LB, Edwards RT, Wright C, Harrington K & Davies MJ (2015) A cluster randomised controlled trial to investigate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of the 'Girls Active' intervention: A study protocol. BMC Public Health, 15 (1), Art. No.: 526. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-015-1886-z

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Morrow S & Howieson B (2015) The increasing importance of ‘learning’ by aspirant managers in elite professional football in The United Kingdom: a Bourdieusian perspective. 15th Annual EURAM Conference, Warsaw, Poland, 17.06.2015-20.06.2015. http://2015.euramfullpaper.org/program/show-event.asp?pid=%7B45F544BA-E11B-4BC6-B203-851D6832A4F8%7D


Bibbey A, Carroll D, Ginty AT & Phillips AC (2015) Cardiovascular and Cortisol Reactions to Acute Psychological Stress Under Conditions of High Versus Low Social Evaluative Threat: Associations With the Type D Personality Construct. Psychosomatic Medicine, 77 (5), pp. 599-608. https://doi.org/10.1097/psy.0000000000000194

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Szymoszowskyj A, Winand M, Kolyperas D & Sparks L (2015) Retail Merchandise Strategies of Professional Football Clubs in Scotland. EURAM '15: 15th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, Warsaw, Poland, 16.06.2015-20.06.2015. http://2015.euramfullpaper.org/program/search.asp?qs=STIRLING%20UNIVERSITY

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Cabaud B, Scelles N & Francois A (2015) Incertitude du résultat dans le cyclisme professionnel : Une approche par l’intensité compétitive pour l’optimisation du tracé des courses à étapes? [Uncertainty of the result in professional cycling: A competitive intensity approach for the optimisation of stage races?]. Journées internationales de management du sport, du tourisme sportif et des loisirs actifs, Dijon, France, 12.05.2015-13.05.2015. http://spms.u-bourgogne.fr/toute-lactualite/actualites-internes/14-actualites-internes/203-journees-internationales-de-mangement-du-sport-du-tourisme-sportif-et-des-loisirs-actifs.html

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Helleu B & Scelles N (2015) La digitalisation des méga-événements sportifs : Conception, animation et retombées d’une stratégie digitale : Le cas des Jeux Equestres Mondiaux FEI Alltech 2014 en Normandie. Journées internationales de management du sport, du tourisme sportif et des loisirs actifs, Dijon, France, 12.05.2015-13.05.2015. http://spms.u-bourgogne.fr/images/stories/Ressources/Affiche/Journes%20Sport.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Viollet B, Scelles N & Ferrand A (2015) Le processus de co-construction d’une politique sportive fédérale : Proposition d’un cadre d’analyse dynamique et application au sein de la Fédération Fran?aise de Rugby [The process of co-construction of a federal sports policy: Proposal for a dynamic analysis framework and application within the French Rugby Federation]. Journées internationales de management du sport, du tourisme sportif et des loisirs actifs, Dijon, France, 12.05.2015-13.05.2015. http://spms.u-bourgogne.fr/images/stories/Ressources/Affiche/Journes%20Sport.pdf

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Morrow S (2015) UEFA Financial Fair Play: Problematization in professional football. European Accounting Association 2015, Symposium 6 - Accounting and popular culture, The Hydro, Glasgow, 29.04.2015-29.04.2015. http://eaa2015.eaacongress.org/r/Symposia_Programme


Chidley JB, MacGregor AL, Martin C, Arthur CA & Macdonald J (2015) Characteristics explaining performance in downhill mountain biking. International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance, 10 (2), pp. 183-190. https://doi.org/10.1123/ijspp.2014-0135

Conference Abstract

Connelly J, Kirk A, Masthoff J & MacRury S (2015) Using the internet to effectively promote physical activity in people living with type 2 diabetes in the Highlands: DAVE (Diabetes And Virtual Exercise). Diabetes UK Professional Conference, London, 11/03/2015 - 13/03/2015. Diabetic Medicine, 32 (Supplement S1), p. 146. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/dme.12668_1/full; https://doi.org/10.1111/dme.12668_1

Conference Paper (published)

Scelles N, Andreff W & Mishra GP (2015) Sporting, economic and financial performance in men's football. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Congress of the International Society of Sports Sciences in the Arab World. 1st International Congress of the International Society of Sports Sciences in the Arab World, Oran, Algeria, 02.03.2015-05.03.2015. Oran, Algeria: International Society for Sports Sciences in the Arab World, pp. 26-27. http://issuu.com/i3saw/docs/i3saw_congress_2015_book_of_proceed/1


Apro W, Moberg M, Hamilton DL, Ekblom B, van Hall G, Holmberg H & Blomstrand E (2015) Resistance exercise-induced S6K1 kinase activity is not inhibited in human skeletal muscle despite prior activation of AMPK by high-intensity interval cycling. American Journal of Physiology - Endocrinology and Metabolism, 308 (6), pp. E470-E481. https://doi.org/10.1152/ajpendo.00486.2014

Policy Document

Morrow S (2015) Supporter Involvement in football clubs. Morrow (Editor) & S (Editor) Scottish Government. The Scottish Government. http://www.gov.scot/Resource/0046/00469245.pdf

Authored Book

Collins M & Kay T (2014) Sport and social exclusion. 2nd ed. London: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Sport-and-Social-Exclusion-Second-edition-2nd-Edition/Collins-Patmore-Kay/p/book/9780415568814

Book Chapter

Morrow S (2014) Football finances. In: Goddard J & Sloane P (eds.) Handbook on the Economics of Professional Football. Elgar Original Reference. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 80-99. http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/bookentry_main.lasso?currency=US&id=14821

Conference Paper (published)

Rioult F, Metivier J, Helleu B, Scelles N & Durand C (2014) Mining Tracks of Competitive Video Games. In: volume 8. 2014 AASRI Conference on Sports Engineering and Computer Science (SECS 2014), London, 21.06.2014-22.06.2014. Elsevier, pp. 82-87. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aasri.2014.08.014


Sheridan D, Coffee P & Lavallee D (2014) A systematic review of social support in youth sport. International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7 (1), pp. 198-228. https://doi.org/10.1080/1750984X.2014.931999

Book Chapter

Podlog L & Eklund R (2014) Injury, Return to Competition Following. In: Eklund R & Tenenbaum G (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Los Angeles: SAGE, pp. 383-386. http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book237359?subject=K00&rows=50&fs=1

Book Chapter

Jackson S & Eklund R (2014) Flow. In: Eklund R & Tenenbaum G (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sport and Exercise Psychology. Los Angeles, CA, USA: SAGE, pp. 294-297. http://www.sagepub.com/books/Book237359?subject=K00&rows=50&fs=1


Moller V & Dimeo P (2014) Anti-doping - the end of sport. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 6 (2), pp. 259-272. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2013.798740

Book Chapter

Zahilas L & Winand M (2014) The main European tools. In: Gouju J & Zintz T (eds.) Sport: linking education, training and employment in Europe - An EOSE network perspective. Louvain, Belgium: Presses universitaires de Louvain, pp. 37-52. http://pul.uclouvain.be/en/livre/?GCOI=29303100903980


Overbye M & Elbe A (2014) Urine doping controls: the athletes' perspective. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 6 (2), pp. 227-240. https://doi.org/10.1080/19406940.2013.801361

Conference Paper (unpublished)

Webb V & Kirkland A (2014) The dichotomy between applied sport science and coaching practice. 2nd World Congress of Cycling Science 2014, Leeds, 02.07.2014-03.07.2014. https://www.kent.ac.uk/wcss2014/symposium/Delegate%20booklet.pdf

Research Report

Persson HTR, Overbye M & Wagner U (2014) Regional merger sport clubs as facilitators for business creation and social networking– insight from a pilot case study: Resultatrapport fra en pilot-unders?gelse af FC Vestsj?llands Sponsor- og Erhvervsnetv?rk. Institut for Ledelse og Virksomhedsstrategi, Syddansk Universitet. http://findresearcher.sdu.dk/portal/files/98264578/Rapport_FCV_Juni_2014.pdf