'Discursive struggles' between criminal justice sanctions and health interventions for people who use drugs: a qualitative exploration of diversion policy and practice in Scotland
Price T, Parkes T & Malloch M (2021) 'Discursive struggles' between criminal justice sanctions and health interventions for people who use drugs: a qualitative exploration of diversion policy and practice in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 28 (2), pp. 118-126.
Problematising separated children: a policy analysis of the UK 'Safeguarding Strategy: Unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children'
Rigby P, Fotopoulou M, Rogers A, Manta A & Dikaiou M (2021) Problematising separated children: a policy analysis of the UK 'Safeguarding Strategy: Unaccompanied asylum seeking and refugee children'. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 47 (3), pp. 501-518.
Lights, camera, provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football
Hamilton-Smith N, McBride M & Atkinson C (2021) Lights, camera, provocation? Exploring experiences of surveillance in the policing of Scottish football. Policing and Society, 31 (2), pp. 179-194.
Writing Sociological Crime Fiction: You Will Have Your Day In Court
Crockett Thomas P (2021) Writing Sociological Crime Fiction: You Will Have Your Day In Court. Art/Research International: A Transdisciplinary Journal, 6 (1), pp. 218-250.
Book Chapter
The State of Sport Photojournalism: Concepts, practice and challenges
Haynes R, Hadland A & Lambert P (2021) The State of Sport Photojournalism: Concepts, practice and challenges. In: Boyle R (ed.) Changing Sports Journalism Practice in the Age of Digital Media. 1 ed. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 144-159.
Book Chapter
Naming ‘Femicide’
Rogers A (2021) Naming ‘Femicide’. In: Gordon F & Newman D (eds.) Leading Works in Law and Social Justice. Analysing Leading Works in Law. London: Routledge, pp. 85-98.
Authored Book
Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens
Punch S (2021) Bridge at the Top: Behind the Screens. Toronto: Master Point Press.
Book Chapter
The News Media Representation of Acts of Mass Violence in Indonesia
Mustafa C (2021) The News Media Representation of Acts of Mass Violence in Indonesia. In: Crews GA, Markey MA & Kerr SEM (eds.) Mitigating Mass Violence and Managing Threats in Contemporary Society. Advances in Psychology, Mental Health, and Behavioral Studies (APMHBS) Book Series. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, pp. 127-140.
Coaching the beautiful game: an actor-network theory study of sport coaching
Maclean J (2021) Coaching the beautiful game: an actor-network theory study of sport coaching. Studies in Continuing Education, 43 (3), pp. 328-342.
Gender differences in time to first hospital admission at age 60 in Denmark, 1995-2014
H?hn A, Oksuzyan A, Lindahl-Jacobsen R, Christensen K & Seaman R (2021) Gender differences in time to first hospital admission at age 60 in Denmark, 1995-2014. European Journal of Ageing, 18 (4), pp. 443-451.
"You know, we can change the services to suit the circumstances of what is happening in the world": a rapid case study of the COVID-19 response across city centre homelessness and health services in Edinburgh, Scotland
Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Falzon D, Dumbrell J, Grant S & Wilson I (2021) "You know, we can change the services to suit the circumstances of what is happening in the world": a rapid case study of the COVID-19 response across city centre homelessness and health services in Edinburgh, Scotland. Harm Reduction Journal, 18, Art. No.: 64.
What treatment and services are effective for people who are homeless and use drugs? A systematic 'review of reviews'
Miler J, Carver H, Masterton W, Parkes T, Maden M, Jones L & Sumnall H (2021) What treatment and services are effective for people who are homeless and use drugs? A systematic 'review of reviews'. PLoS ONE, 16 (7), Art. No.: e0254729.
Book Chapter
Professional Education and Training in Indonesia
Mustafa C, Nurhayati N & Komalasari R (2021) Professional Education and Training in Indonesia. In: Kula? O, Babao?lu C & Akman E (eds.) Public Affairs Education and Training in the 21st Century. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global.
Conference Paper (published)
Comparing a Game v. Non-Game approach for plant provenance public education
Docherty C, Rutherford A, Jones G & Maharaj S (2021) Comparing a Game v. Non-Game approach for plant provenance public education. In: Gabron S (ed.) GSGS '21 - International Conference on Gamification and Serious Game Proceeding. Gamification & Serious Game Symposium. GSGS '21 - International Conference on Gamification and Serious Game, Lausanne, Switzerland, 28.06.2021-09.07.2021. Dublin: Digital Kingdom.
Translating research for policy: the importance of equivalence, function, and loyalty
Connelly S, Vanderhoven D, Rutherfoord R, Richardson L & Matthews P (2021) Translating research for policy: the importance of equivalence, function, and loyalty. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 8, Art. No.: 191.
'They already operated like it was a crisis, because it always has been a crisis': a qualitative exploration of the response of one homeless service in Scotland to the COVID-19 pandemic
Parkes T, Carver H, Masterton W, Falzon D, Dumbrell J, Grant S & Wilson I (2021) 'They already operated like it was a crisis, because it always has been a crisis': a qualitative exploration of the response of one homeless service in Scotland to the COVID-19 pandemic. Harm Reduction Journal, 18, Art. No.: 26.
Turning Refugees into Migrants: Transit, Dependency and Technological Disruptions in the Greek Asylum System
Spathopoulou A & Tazzioli M (2021) Turning Refugees into Migrants: Transit, Dependency and Technological Disruptions in the Greek Asylum System. Parallax, 27 (3), pp. 282-299.
Project Report
Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing
Watson C, Husband G, Hill R, Ireland A, Gilbert E, Bathmaker A, Pennacchia J, James D & Gardner S (2021) Processes and practices of governing in colleges of further education in the UK: Uncovering the complexities of governing. ESRC. Stirling: 我要吃瓜.
Authored Book
What Works In Improving Gender Equality: International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy
Rummery K, McAngus C & Edwards A (2021) What Works In Improving Gender Equality: International Best Practice in Childcare and Long-term Care Policy. Bristol: Policy Press.
"PPI? That sounds like Payment Protection Insurance": Reflections and learning from a substance use and homelessness study Experts by Experience group
Foster R, Carver H, Wallace J, Dunedin A, Burridge S, Foley P, Pauly B & Parkes T (2021) "PPI? That sounds like Payment Protection Insurance": Reflections and learning from a substance use and homelessness study Experts by Experience group. Research Involvement and Engagement, 7 (1), Art. No.: 82.
Book Chapter
Understanding the meaning of neighbourhoodS for people living with dementia: the value of a relational lens
Clark A, Campbell S, Keady J, Kullberg A, Manji K, Odzakovic E, Rummery K & Ward R (2021) Understanding the meaning of neighbourhoodS for people living with dementia: the value of a relational lens. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and place: practices, experiences and connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 23- 43.
Book Chapter
Making and maintaining neighbourhood connections when living alone with dementia
Odzakovic E, Kullberg A, Hellstrom I, Clark A, Campbell S, Manji K, Rummery K, Keady J & Ward R (2021) Making and maintaining neighbourhood connections when living alone with dementia. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and place: practices, experiences and connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 67-89.
Book Chapter
Enabling the neighbourhood: the case for rethinking dementia-friendly communities
Ward R, Rummery K, Odzakovic E, Manji K, Kullberg A, Keady J, Clark A & Campbell S (2021) Enabling the neighbourhood: the case for rethinking dementia-friendly communities. In: Ward R, Clark A & Phillipson L (eds.) Dementia and Place: Practices, Experiences and Connections. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 94 -112.
Unequal and gendered: Assessing the impacts of austerity cuts on public service users
Hastings A, Matthews P & Wang Y (2021) Unequal and gendered: Assessing the impacts of austerity cuts on public service users. Social Policy and Society.
Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19. Briefing Paper 3 – Local Authority Surveys
Rigby P, Fotopoulou M, Copland F, Goodwin K & Grant M (2021) Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19. Briefing Paper 3 – Local Authority Surveys. ESRC. Separated in Scotland.
Collective Endeavours: Finding Community, Love and Hope
Malloch M (2021) Collective Endeavours: Finding Community, Love and Hope. Critical and Radical Social Work, 9 (3), pp. 421-436.
Greenspace programmes for mental health: A survey study to test what works, for whom, and in what circumstances
Masterton W, Park K, Carver H & Parkes T (2021) Greenspace programmes for mental health: A survey study to test what works, for whom, and in what circumstances. Health and Place, 72, Art. No.: 102669.
Peer Support and Overdose Prevention Responses: A Systematic 'State-of-the-Art' Review
Mercer F, Miler JA, Pauly B, Carver H, Hnízdilová K, Foster R & Parkes T (2021) Peer Support and Overdose Prevention Responses: A Systematic 'State-of-the-Art' Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (22), Art. No.: 12073.
A social ecological model (SEM) to exploring barriers of and facilitators to the implementation of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) programmes in prisons
Komalasari R, Wilson S & Haw S (2021) A social ecological model (SEM) to exploring barriers of and facilitators to the implementation of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) programmes in prisons. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 17 (4), pp. 477-496.
Through the Utopian Lens of Opportunity: Using fiction and theatre to reimagine the post-COVID-19 future
French J, Lovatt M & Wright V (2021) Through the Utopian Lens of Opportunity: Using fiction and theatre to reimagine the post-COVID-19 future. Sociological Review Magazine.
Biases in low-information environments: Understanding for-profit and non-profit salary differentials in Haiti
DeMattee AJ & Rutherford AC (2021) Biases in low-information environments: Understanding for-profit and non-profit salary differentials in Haiti. Journal of International Development, 33 (7), pp. 1141-1165.
The Multiple Regulator Model: A Case of Too Many Cooks?
Perai NAA (2021) The Multiple Regulator Model: A Case of Too Many Cooks?. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 12 (3), pp. 443-464.
A new era of social policy integration? Looking at the case of health, social care and housing
McCall V, Hoyle L, Gunasinghe S & O’Connor S (2021) A new era of social policy integration? Looking at the case of health, social care and housing. Journal of Social Policy, 50 (4), pp. 809-827.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Expecting the Future: Emerging Narratives on Automated Facial and Emotion Recognition Technologies
Miranda D & Urquhart L (2021) Expecting the Future: Emerging Narratives on Automated Facial and Emotion Recognition Technologies. Society for Social Studies of Science: Annual Meeting 2021, Toronto [4S online], 06.10.2021-09.10.2021.
Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19 Briefing Paper 1 – The Beginnings
Rigby P, Copland F, Fotopoulou M, Goodwin K & Grant M (2021) Supporting Separated Migrant Children to Thrive During Covid-19 Briefing Paper 1 – The Beginnings. ESRC. Separated in Scotland.
(Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community
Punch S, Russell Z & Cairns B (2021) (Per)forming identity in the mind-sport bridge: Self, partnership and community. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 56 (6), pp. 804-822.
Playing Your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge
Punch S & Snellgrove M (2021) Playing Your Life: Developing Strategies and Managing Impressions in the Game of Bridge. Sociological Research Online, 26 (3), pp. 601-619.
Outsourcing Hotspot Governance within the EU: Cultural Mediators as Humanitarian–Border Workers in Greece
Spathopoulou A, Pauliina Kallio K & Hakli J (2021) Outsourcing Hotspot Governance within the EU: Cultural Mediators as Humanitarian–Border Workers in Greece. International Political Sociology, 15 (3), pp. 359-377.
Project Report
Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Clients [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Clients]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.
Project Report
Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Pauly B, McCulloch P, Browne T, Masterton W & Booth H (2021) Managed alcohol programmes: Scoping the potential of a novel intervention to help prevent infection (COVID-19) for people experiencing alcohol dependency and homelessness - Staff [COVID-19 MAPs Study Briefing - Staff]. Chief Scientist Office. 我要吃瓜.
How might the 'Icelandic model' for preventing substance use among young people be developed and adapted for use in Scotland? Utilising the consolidated framework for implementation research in a qualitative exploratory study
Carver H, McCulloch P & Parkes T (2021) How might the 'Icelandic model' for preventing substance use among young people be developed and adapted for use in Scotland? Utilising the consolidated framework for implementation research in a qualitative exploratory study. BMC Public Health, 21, Art. No.: 1742.
The view of Judicial Activism and Public Legitimacy
Mustafa C (2021) The view of Judicial Activism and Public Legitimacy. Crime, Law and Social Change, 76 (1), pp. 23-34.
Spaces of well-being: Social crofting in rural Scotland
Russell Z, Beattie L & Heaney D (2021) Spaces of well-being: Social crofting in rural Scotland. Journal of Rural Studies, 86, pp. 145-154.
Is 'dementia-friendly design' cost effective? The results of a preliminary literature review
Koreki A, Sado M, Katayama N, Rutherford A & Bowes A (2021) Is 'dementia-friendly design' cost effective? The results of a preliminary literature review. Psychogeriatrics, 21 (4), pp. 691-692.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Finding Dignity
Judge K (2021) Finding Dignity. 2nd International Online Working Class Academics Conference, Online, 13.07.2021-14.07.2021.
'It's like a safety haven': Considerations for the implementation of Managed Alcohol Programs in Scotland
Parkes T, Carver H, Matheson C, Browne T & Pauly B (2021) 'It's like a safety haven': Considerations for the implementation of Managed Alcohol Programs in Scotland. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy.
Correction to: Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime (Trends in Organized Crime, (2020), 10.1007/s12117-020-09393-9)
Clark A, Fraser A & Hamilton-Smith N (2021) Correction to: Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime (Trends in Organized Crime, (2020), 10.1007/s12117-020-09393-9). Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (2), pp. 263-264.
Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime
Clark A, Fraser A & Hamilton-Smith N (2021) Networked territorialism: the routes and roots of organised crime. Trends in Organized Crime, 24 (2), pp. 246-262.
The post 16 gap: how do young people conceptualise PE? An exploration of the barriers to participation in physical education, physical activity and sport in senior school pupils
Cowley JG, McIntosh I, Kiely J & Collins DJ (2021) The post 16 gap: how do young people conceptualise PE? An exploration of the barriers to participation in physical education, physical activity and sport in senior school pupils. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health.
Website Content
The Tories' brand of tough justice won't make Scotland a fairer or safer place
Graham H (2021) The Tories' brand of tough justice won't make Scotland a fairer or safer place. Holyrood [Blog post] 28.06.2021.,comment-the-tories-brand-of-tough-justice-wont-make-scotland-a-fairer-or-safer-place
Research Report
Getting it right for families affected by imprisonment: lessons from ten years of research
Barkas B, Deacon K, Foster R, Jardine C, Primrose K & Troy V (2021) Getting it right for families affected by imprisonment: lessons from ten years of research. Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research. Glasgow.
Website Content
Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice
Punch S, Ballinger C & Rees T (2021) Bridging Academia, Policy and Practice. 我要吃瓜 Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 11.06.2021.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Play, Power, and the Pandemic: Recovering from the Practicalities of Conducting Remote Research
Judge K (2021) Play, Power, and the Pandemic: Recovering from the Practicalities of Conducting Remote Research. FOSS Doctoral Conference 2021 - Progressing through the PhD: Reflections and Experiences of the Research Process from Proposal to Viva, 我要吃瓜, 10.06.2021-11.06.2021.
Website Content
Social Value Toolkit
Robson E (2021) Social Value Toolkit. [Website] 09.06.2021.
How can SNP and the Greens end the housing crisis in Scotland?
Serpa R (2021) How can SNP and the Greens end the housing crisis in Scotland?. Scottish Left Review, (May 2021).
The Big Bird Gets the Worm? How Size Influences Social Networking by Charitable Organizations
Wallace T & Rutherford AC (2021) The Big Bird Gets the Worm? How Size Influences Social Networking by Charitable Organizations. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 50 (3), pp. 626-646.
Incentivizing Regulatory Participation: Effectiveness of a Fundraising Levy
Rutherford A, McDonnell D & Hogg E (2021) Incentivizing Regulatory Participation: Effectiveness of a Fundraising Levy. Public Administration Review, 81 (3), pp. 532-542.
Key Finding: Result of a Qualitative Study of Judicial Perspectives on the Sentencing of Minor Drug Offenders in Indonesia: Structural Inequality
Mustafa C (2021) Key Finding: Result of a Qualitative Study of Judicial Perspectives on the Sentencing of Minor Drug Offenders in Indonesia: Structural Inequality. Qualitative Report, 26 (5), pp. 1678-1692.
Multiple burdens of stigma for prisoners participating in Opioid Antagonist Treatment (OAT) programmes in Indonesian prisons: A qualitative study
Komalasari R, Wilson S, Nasir S & Haw S (2021) Multiple burdens of stigma for prisoners participating in Opioid Antagonist Treatment (OAT) programmes in Indonesian prisons: A qualitative study. International Journal of Prisoner Health, 17 (2), pp. 156-170.
Book Review
Living against austerity; a feminist investigation of doing activism and being an activist: Bristol Press by Emma Craddock, Bristol University Press, 2020, ?21.59 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1529205756
Brown T (2021) Living against austerity; a feminist investigation of doing activism and being an activist: Bristol Press by Emma Craddock, Bristol University Press, 2020, ?21.59 (hardback), ISBN: 978-1529205756. Social Movement Studies, pp. 1-2.
Research Report
Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.
Rolfe S, Pusram A, Robertson J, Gibson G & McCall V (2021) Ageing Well With Assistive Technology: Co-producing technology solutions with older people. A scoping review of the evidence.. Longleigh Foundation/Stonewater Housing Association. Stirling: 我要吃瓜.
Website Content
Preventing substance use among young people in Dundee: Lessons from the ‘Youth in Iceland Model’
Masterton W, Carver H & Parkes T (2021) Preventing substance use among young people in Dundee: Lessons from the ‘Youth in Iceland Model’. 我要吃瓜 Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 30.04.2021.
Website Content
Building new foundations for the wobbly pillar of the welfare state
Rolfe S (2021) Building new foundations for the wobbly pillar of the welfare state. 我要吃瓜 Public Policy Blog [Blog post] 29.04.2021.
Preprint / Working Paper
Separated migrant children and connectivity during Covid 19 Working Paper 1
Fotopoulou M, Copland F, Goodwin K, Grant M & Rigby P (2021) Separated migrant children and connectivity during Covid 19 Working Paper 1. Separated in Scotland.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
The Cost of Bare Bones Bridge: Understanding Leisure and its Responses During the Pandemic
Judge K (2021) The Cost of Bare Bones Bridge: Understanding Leisure and its Responses During the Pandemic. BSA 70th Anniversary Conference 2021: Remaking the Future, Online Virtual Conference, 13.04.2021-15.04.2021.
Conference Paper (unpublished)
Policing and Facial Recognition
Miranda D (2021) Policing and Facial Recognition. The Centre for Crime and Policing conference series, Northumbria University - Newcastle upon Tyne [online], 05.04.2021-05.04.2021.
Liability Incorporate between Transnational Corruption Cases Indonesia and the United States of America
Suhariyanto B, Mustafa C & Santoso T (2021) Liability Incorporate between Transnational Corruption Cases Indonesia and the United States of America. Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, 24 (3).
Cognitive impairment negatively impacts allied health service uptake: Investigating the association between health and service use
MacLeod CA, Bu F, Rutherford AC, Phillips J & Woods R (2021) Cognitive impairment negatively impacts allied health service uptake: Investigating the association between health and service use. SSM - Population Health, 13, Art. No.: 100720.
The Concept of Fairness in Relation to Women Transport Users
Hail Y & McQuaid R (2021) The Concept of Fairness in Relation to Women Transport Users. Sustainability, 13 (5), Art. No.: 2919.
Gender equality and the governance of long-term care policy: new comparative models and paradigms
Rummery K (2021) Gender equality and the governance of long-term care policy: new comparative models and paradigms. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 37 (1), pp. 16-33.
Healthcare professionals' beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behavior around vaping in pregnancy and postpartum: A qualitative study
Hunter A, Yargawa J, Notley C, Ussher M, Bobak A, Murray R, Nath S & Cooper S (2021) Healthcare professionals' beliefs, attitudes, knowledge, and behavior around vaping in pregnancy and postpartum: A qualitative study. Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 23 (3), pp. 471-478.
'It's our pleasure, we count cars here': an exploration of the 'neighbourhood-based connections' for people living alone with dementia
Odzakovic E, Kullberg A, Hellstr?m I, Clark A, Campbell S, Manji K, Rummery K, Keady J & Ward R (2021) 'It's our pleasure, we count cars here': an exploration of the 'neighbourhood-based connections' for people living alone with dementia. Ageing and Society, 41 (3), pp. 645-670.
Research Report
Evidence Review Of Drug Treatment Services For People Who Are Homeless And Use Drugs
Miler J, Carver H, Masterton W, Parkes T, Jones L, Maden M & Sumnall H (2021) Evidence Review Of Drug Treatment Services For People Who Are Homeless And Use Drugs. Health Research Board. HRB Drug and Alcohol Evidence Review, 7. Dublin.
Beyond the shrinking world: dementia, localisation and neighbourhood
Ward R, Rummer K, Odzakovic E, Manji K, Kullberg A, Keady J & Campbell S (2021) Beyond the shrinking world: dementia, localisation and neighbourhood. Ageing and Society.
Reclaiming Leisure as a Public Good
Judge K (2021) Reclaiming Leisure as a Public Good. BSA Leisure and Recreation Roundtable, [online] Solent University, Southampton, England, 19.03.2021-19.03.2021.
Research Report
Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report
McCabe L, Ashworth R, Bellussi L, Brown T, Callaghan J, Cheung M, Crisp S, Curreri A, Emond R, Gibson G, Hale H, Hamilton T, Kelly C, Lamont M & Oliver H (2021) Creating Better Lives? An Evaluation of the Life Changes Trust. Interim Report. The Life Changes Trust.
Palliative and end-of-life care in care homes: protocol for codesigning and implementing an appropriate scalable model of Needs Rounds in the UK
Macgregor A, Rutherford A, McCormack B, Hockley J, Ogden M, Soulsby I, McKenzie M, Spilsbury K, Hanratty B & Forbat L (2021) Palliative and end-of-life care in care homes: protocol for codesigning and implementing an appropriate scalable model of Needs Rounds in the UK. BMJ Open, 11 (2), Art. No.: e049486.
Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programs for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland
Carver H, Parkes T, Browne T, Matheson C & Pauly B (2021) Investigating the need for alcohol harm reduction and Managed Alcohol Programs for people experiencing homelessness and alcohol use disorders in Scotland. Drug and Alcohol Review, 40 (2), pp. 220-230.
Website Content
The Role of PRS Landlords in Making a Rented House a Home
Rolfe S & McKee K (2021) The Role of PRS Landlords in Making a Rented House a Home . Housing Studies Association [blog] 04.02.2021.
A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of the Implementation of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Programmes in Prisons
Komalasari R, Wilson S & Haw S (2021) A Systematic Review of Qualitative Evidence on Barriers to and Facilitators of the Implementation of Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) Programmes in Prisons. International Journal of Drug Policy, 87, Art. No.: 102978.
Qualitative Method Used in Researching the Judiciary: Quality Assurance Steps to Enhance the Validity and Reliability of the Findings
Mustafa C (2021) Qualitative Method Used in Researching the Judiciary: Quality Assurance Steps to Enhance the Validity and Reliability of the Findings. Qualitative Report, 26 (1), pp. 176-185.
A brief history of British drug policy: 1850-1950
Yates R (2020) A brief history of British drug policy: 1850-1950. Therapeutic Communities, 41 (2), pp. 57-66.
Inclusive Social Lettings Practice: Opportunities to Enhance Independent Living for Disabled People
Anderson I, Theakstone D & Lawrence J (2020) Inclusive Social Lettings Practice: Opportunities to Enhance Independent Living for Disabled People. Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 54-65.
Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?"
McCall V, Ziegler F, Robertson J, Lovatt M, Phillips J, Porteus J, Mcintyre Z, Rutherford A, Sixsmith J, Woolrych R, Eadie J, Wallman J, Epinosa M, Harrison E & Wallace T (2020) Housing and Ageing: Let's Get Serious-"How Do You Plan for the Future while Addressing Immediate Chaos?". Social Inclusion, 8 (3), pp. 28-42.
Book Chapter
Representation: Public Servants in Public
Matthews P (2020) Representation: Public Servants in Public. In: Sullivan H, Dickinson H & Henderson H (eds.) Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant. Cham, Switzerlnd: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 1-10.
Debate: LGBTQ rights in public services-a battle won?
Matthews P (2020) Debate: LGBTQ rights in public services-a battle won?. Public Money and Management, 40 (6), pp. 423-425.
Achieving equality in progressive contexts: queer(y)ing public administration
Matthews P & Poyner C (2020) Achieving equality in progressive contexts: queer(y)ing public administration. Public Administration Quarterly, 44 (4), pp. 545-577.
What constitutes effective problematic substance use treatment from the perspective of people who are homeless? A systematic review and meta-ethnography
Carver H, Ring N, Miler J & Parkes T (2020) What constitutes effective problematic substance use treatment from the perspective of people who are homeless? A systematic review and meta-ethnography. Harm Reduction Journal, 17, Art. No.: 10.
Book Chapter
Rethinking Punitive Paternalism: Abolitionism, the personal and political
Malloch M (2020) Rethinking Punitive Paternalism: Abolitionism, the personal and political. In: Coyle MJ & Scott D (eds.) The Routledge International Handbook of Penal Abolition. London: Routledge.
Book Chapter
The Social Determinants of Life Expectancy and Inequality in Lifespan
van Raalte AA & Seaman R (2020) The Social Determinants of Life Expectancy and Inequality in Lifespan. In: Rattan SIS (ed.) Encyclopedia of Biomedical Gerontology. London: Academic Press, pp. 239-246.
How can lifelong habits such as physical activity be promoted more effectively? Analysing the post 16 gap via a qualitative analysis
Cowley J & I'Anson J (2020) How can lifelong habits such as physical activity be promoted more effectively? Analysing the post 16 gap via a qualitative analysis. Journal of Qualitative Research in Sports Studies, 14 (1), pp. 187-208.
Provision of peer support at the intersection of homelessness and problem substance use services: a systematic 'state of the art' review
Miler J, Carver H, Foster R & Parkes T (2020) Provision of peer support at the intersection of homelessness and problem substance use services: a systematic 'state of the art' review. BMC Public Health, 20, Art. No.: 641.
Homelessness Workers Negotiating the Relationship between Identity and Practice: How Gender, Age and Background Influence Worker-Service User Relationship
Galbraith J (2020) Homelessness Workers Negotiating the Relationship between Identity and Practice: How Gender, Age and Background Influence Worker-Service User Relationship. Housing, Theory and Society, 37 (2), pp. 198-213.
'It's just so much better than school': the redemptive qualities of further education and youth work for working-class young people in Edinburgh, Scotland
McPherson C (2020) 'It's just so much better than school': the redemptive qualities of further education and youth work for working-class young people in Edinburgh, Scotland. Journal of Youth Studies, 23 (3), pp. 307-322.
Why have generational orderings been marginalised in the social sciences including childhood studies?
Punch S (2020) Why have generational orderings been marginalised in the social sciences including childhood studies?. Childrens Geographies, 18 (2), pp. 128-140.