
Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Outputs related to Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology

Showing 901 to 1000 of 1061


Rummery K & Greener I (2012) Introduction: UK Devolution. Social Policy and Administration, 46 (2), pp. 139-141. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9515.2011.00827.x

Book Review

Punch S (2012) Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador's Urban Spaces. Review of: Kate Swanson, Begging as a Path to Progress: Indigenous Women and Children and the Struggle for Ecuador’s Urban Spaces, (Athens, GA, and London: University of Georgia Press, 2010), pp. xiv + 146, ISBN 978-0-8203-3180-5. Journal of Latin American Studies, 44 (1), pp. 201-202. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0022216X11001337

Book Review

Punch S (2012) The Right to be Properly Researched: How to do Rights-based, Scientific Research with Children. Review of: Judith Ennew, with Tatek Abebe, Rattana Bangyai, Parichart Karapituck, Anne Trine Kj?rholt, Thanakorn Noonsup, with additional material from Harriot Beazley, Sharon Bessell, Patima Daengchart-Kushanoglu and Roxana Waterson (2010)
Bangkok: Knowing Children. (Boxed set of 10 paperback manuals) ISBN 9786167333007.. Childhood, 19 (1), pp. 145-147. https://doi.org/10.1177/0907568211426055

Research Report

Murray S & Gayle V (2012) Youth Transitions. Survey Question Bank: Topic Overview, 8. University of Essex, National Centre for Social Research. http://surveynet.ac.uk/sqb/topics/commentaries.asp


Machado H, Silva S, Costa S & Miranda D (2012) Bio-genetics and gender in the construction of the paternity intentionality: DNA testing in the judicial investigations of paternity [Biogenética e género na constru??o da intencionalidade da paternidade: o teste de DNA nas investiga??es judiciais de paternidade]. Estudos Feministas, 19 (3), pp. 823-848. https://doi.org/10.1590/S0104-026X2011000300009

Book Chapter

Graham H (2011) A Marriage of (In)Convenience? Navigating the Research Relationship between Ethical Regulators and Criminologists Researching 'Vulnerable Populations'. In: Bartels L & Richards K (eds.) Qualitative Criminology: Stories from the Field. Canberra, Australia: Hawkins Press. https://www.federationpress.com.au/bookstore/book.asp?isbn=9781876067243


McDonnell D (2011) Co-operative Study and E-Learning: Lessons from Nova Scotia. Journal of Co-operative Studies, 44 (3), pp. 97-103. http://www.thenews.coop/89035/news/general/journal-of-co-operative-studies-443-no-133-december-2011/

Book Chapter

Malloch M & McIvor G (2011) Women, drugs and community interventions. In: Sheehan R, McIvor G & Trotter C (eds.) Working with Women Offenders in the Community. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 190-215. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9781843928874/

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N, Bradford B, Hopkins M, Kurland J, Lightowler C, McArdle D & Tilley N (2011) An Evaluation of Football Banning Orders in Scotland. Scottish Government. Scottish Government. www.scotland.gov.uk/socialresearch.

Book Chapter

McIntosh I, Dorrer N, Punch S & Emond R (2011) 'I know we can't be a family, but as close as you can get': Displaying Families within an Institutional Context. In: Dermott E E & Seymour J (eds.) Displaying Families: A New Concept for the Sociology of Family Life. Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Family and Intimate Life. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 175-194. http://www.palgrave.com/products/title.aspx?pid=395900

Book Chapter

Wright S (2011) Divisions and Difference. In: Alcock P, May M & Wright S (eds.) The Student's Companion to Social Policy. 4th ed. Oxford: John Wiley and Sons, pp. 173-179. http://eu.wiley.com/WileyCDA/WileyTitle/productCd-0470655658.html

Book Review

Cayli B (2011) Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories [Mafyan?n Hareketi: Organize Su? ?rgütleri Yeni B?lgeleri Nas?l Fethediyor?]. Review of: Varese, Federico, Mafias on the Move: How Organized Crime Conquers New Territories. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2011, pp.288, ISBN 9780691128559. Birikim. http://www.birikimdergisi.com/birikim/makale.aspx?mid=786


Malloch M & McIvor G (2011) Women and community sentences. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 11 (4), pp. 325-344. https://doi.org/10.1177/1748895811408839


Wilinska M & Henning C (2011) Old age identity in social welfare practice. Qualitative Social Work, 10 (3), pp. 346-363. https://doi.org/10.1177/1473325011409477

Research Report

Brook O (2011) International comparisons of public participation in culture and sport. Brook (Editor) & O (Editor) Economic and Social Research Council. Economic and Social Research Council Department of Culture, Media and Sport. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/77843/Int_comparisons_public_participation_in_culture_and_sport-Aug2011.pdf


Yates R (2011) Therapeutic Communities: Can-Do Attitudes for Must-Have Recovery. Journal of Groups in Addiction and Recovery, 6 (1-2), pp. 101-116. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1556035X.2011.570557; https://doi.org/10.1080/1556035X.2011.570557

Project Report

Machado H, Cunha MI, Miranda D & Santos F (2011) Stained Bodies - Prisoners’ perceptions of the DNA database for criminal investigation purposes and their perspectives of social reintegration. Report presented to the Portuguese Prison Services. Universidade do Minho. http://dnadatabase.ces.uc.pt/list_documents.php (Study of the prisoners perspective.pdf).

Book Chapter

Punch S (2010) Moving for a Better Life: To stay or to go?. In: Kassem D, Murphy L & Taylor E (eds.) Key Issues in Childhood and Youth Studies. London: Routledge, pp. 202-215. http://www.routledge.com/books/details/9780415468893/

Book Chapter

Shapira M (2010) Understanding the Impact of Immigration on the Labour Market Outcomes of British Workers. In: Stillwell J & van Ham M (eds.) Ethnicity and Integration: Understanding Population Trends and Processes: volume 3. Understanding Population Trends and Processes, 3. Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 153-178. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-90-481-9103-1_8

Book Chapter

Shapira M (2010) Immigrant impact on employment and occupational opportunities of population in Britain. In: Salzmann T, Edmonston B & Raymer J (eds.) Demographic Aspects of Migration. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, pp. 227-262. http://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-531-92563-9_9#; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-531-92563-9_9


Zijdeman R & Lambert P (2010) Measuring social structure in the past: A comparison of historical class schemes and occupational stratification scales on Dutch 19th and early 20th century data. Journal of Belgian History/ Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Nieuwste Geschiedenis/ Revue Belge de Histoire Contemporaine, 40 (1-2), pp. 111-141. http://www.journalbelgianhistory.be/nl/journal/belgisch-tijdschrift-voor-nieuwste-geschiedenis-2010-1-2/measuring-social-structure-past

Book Chapter

Brook O, Boyle P & Flowerdew R (2010) Geographic analysis of cultural consumption. In: Stillwell J, Norman P, Thomas C & Surridge P (eds.) Spatial and Social Disparities: Understanding Population Trends and Processes - Volume 2. Understanding Population Trends and Processes. Dordrecht: Springer, pp. 67-82. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-90-481-8750-8_5; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-90-481-8750-8_5

Book Chapter

Malloch M (2010) Time Out for Women in Scotland. In: Herzog-Evans M (ed.) Transnational Criminology Manual. Netherlands: Wold Legal Publishers. http://www.wolfpublishers.com/book.php?id=604

Edited Book

Yates R & Malloch M (eds.) (2010) Tackling Addiction: Pathways to Recovery. London: Kingsley Publishers. http://www.jkp.com/uk/tackling-addiction.html

Research Report

Eadie D, MacAskill S, Brooks O, Heim D, Forsyth A & Punch S (2010) Pre-teens Learning about Alcohol: Drinking and Family Contexts. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. Joseph Rowntree Foundation. http://www.jrf.org.uk/sites/files/jrf/pre-teens-and-alcohol-full.pdf


Burgess C, Rossvoll F, Wallace B & Daniel B (2010) 'It's just like another home, just another family, so it's nae different' Children's voices in kinship care: a research study about the experience of children in kinship care in Scotland. Child and Family Social Work, 15 (3), pp. 297-306. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2206.2009.00671.x


McIntosh I, Emond R & Punch S (2010) Discussant piece: food and schools. Children's Geographies, 8 (3), pp. 289-290. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733285.2010.494868

Research Report

Hamilton-Smith N & Patel S (2010) Determining Identity and Nationality in Local Policing. Home Office. Research Report, 42. Home Office. http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/crime-research/horr42/

Book Review

Munro W (2010) Imaginary Penalties. Review of:
Pat Carlen (ed.), Cullompton, Willan Publishing, 2008, 368 pp, ISBN 978–1–84392–375–6. Probation Journal, 57 (1), pp. 91-92. https://doi.org/10.1177/02645505100570010102

Edited Book

Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) (2009) Sociology: Making Sense of Society, 4th ed. London: Pearson. http://catalogue.pearsoned.co.uk/educator/product/Sociology-Making-Sense-of-Society/1405873574.page

Book Chapter

Birchall J & Simmons R (2009) The public service consumer as member. In: Simmons R, Powell M & Greener I (eds.) The Consumer in Public Services: Choice, Values and Difference. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 235-254. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781847421807

Book Chapter

Punch S (2009) Researching Childhoods in Rural Bolivia. In: Tisdall K, Davis J & Gallagher M (eds.) Researching with Children and Young People: Research Design, Methods and Analysis. London: SAGE, pp. 89-96. http://www.uk.sagepub.com/books/Book229420

Book Chapter

Punch S (2009) Global Divisions. In: Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. 4th ed. Harlow, UK: Pearson Longman, pp. 357-404. http://catalogue.pearsoned.co.uk/educator/product/Sociology-Making-Sense-of-Society/1405873574.page

Book Chapter

Punch S (2009) 'Families and Households'. In: Marsh I, Keating M, Punch S & Harden J (eds.) Sociology: Making Sense of Society. Harlow UK: Pearson Longman, pp. 445-484. http://www.transatlanticpub.com/cat/social/soci3574.html

Book Chapter

Simmons R (2009) Understanding The 'Differentiated Consumer' in Public Services. In: Simmons R, Powell M & Greener I (eds.) The consumer in public services: Choice, values and difference. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 57-76. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781847421807

Edited Book

Simmons R, Powell M & Greener I (eds.) (2009) The Consumer in Public Services. Bristol: The Policy Press. http://www.policypress.co.uk/display.asp?k=9781847421807